Friday, May 21, 2010

This Town Would Drive Roadkill Nuts (& on "fire")

Nothing is normal about where I live. I really need to find a good typewriter and safe place for my papers and get my book going.

It is unbelievable in this state. This town yes, but it's really not everyone! it's not, it's just this weird prominent majority.

Whenever it starts to get to me, I start to pray. Lately, I pray, "God, give me something about that person" or "those people". It's not the best prayer or use of my gifts but I don't pray for anything bad, just something. Anything. Other times I pray for something, not because I'm pissed, but because I want them to believe in me or know I am legitimate and not making things up and I'm a sincere person, not crazy.

Today, in the visit with my son, he started talking about "fire" in houses and we did our thing of putting them out, but then I felt that fire literally and knew it was psychic and my bag was far from me. So unless the monitor or someone in the offices had a device, it was psychic. I went to the restroom and prayed against it and sent it back and it totally went away.

I felt that if it was psychic, that was fairly powerful, and I realized God is also fairly powerful and listens to my prayers because when I identified it and prayed against it, it left and I felt it did "return to sender". Someone got that heat thrown back at them. This I know. I also prayed, then, for some bad things to happen to my enemies today. I don't know what, and I didn't specify, and I don't even know who all these people might be, but I prayed this nonetheless.

Today, this Friday, is for some reason, I have picked up, a day of some kind of importance somehow. Some people who have badmouthed me, who came into town from out of the area, are leaving today, or leaving their jobs today. So I wonder why.

This Friday something big must be going on, some deadline somewhere in the world. Something reigned in and accomplished, and won against me, or some others coming in to maybe help.

Yesterday, even people who have sometimes been rude to me, actually had tears. Were crying. I saw this emotion in some who must know a lot more about what is going on or who are in some way repentent of ill-will torwards me, or knew of a bad situation, or felt sympathy for some reason.

I got a lot more done today. I saw the CASA guy drive by and he just looked at me like he was triumphant and hated me. Jubilant in a sardonic way. I didn't even care. I didn't care where he saw me going or what he saw me doing, because I am a normal innocent person whose child should have NEVER been taken to begin with, and I have realized it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever, what kind of "impression" I make upon him. He had his mind made up long ago. Many did. I pulled that mouse card and thought "rat". Not in the sense of rat like I've done anything wrong, but betrayors and theives.

The people in charge of this case already KNOW I am innocent or they wouldn't keep me or try to keep me from normal representation and documentation of evidence. So at first I thought, "They don't really know me!" and I made excuses for them. I have been 10x purer and kind and full of grace torwards them than they ever were of me. I finally realized, it makes no difference at all what I do, my good parenting and innocence matters not. The only thing that matters to these people, is sex, money, and power.

I also know some who might have helped me intentionally screwed me over because they just wanted to trash me in the eyes of some others they didn't want me to be connected with. They didn't want me to get ahead. And others wanted to punish me.
It's been great.
So I wrote a note to the Dept. of Ed. to helpdesk, about some loan matters and got no name in the response. And not only that, they sent everything over to a different organization without getting my prior consent or authorization. A group I wouldn't send it to.

I feel my son was doing okay until my family left town. Then it was like someone came back in to mess with my son. He is okay in some ways, but not all.
At the least, I know I was able to send a message to some in being able to block and quit what was attempted.

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