Friday, May 21, 2010

Images (a few minor disclosures)

I guess, I wasn't going to write it down at all, but I don't have to reveal the ID of the woman and it's been long enough past not to matter I think. I don't think anyone will guess, is what I mean, so for the sake of protecting innocence, I waited until now to post this other image I had.

I saw a lawyer, a female one, and I've seen many, so cannot say who, but I had this image flash to my mind of playboy bunny. First, I didn't see playboy bunny. I asked God for something to come to mind to ask her about but when I got fishnet stockings, in black, I sat there. Fishnet stockings.

So I know the fishnet was right but I didn't know why. It could have been my imagination about the playboy bunny thing following bc Bridget Jones in her get-up came to mind, so I believe it was a normal associative thought. However, I know I got fishnet.

Did I ask her about it? Hell no.

After I wondered whether it had to do with her intimate life or a Halloween costume, I had the playboy bunny come to mind but more just association and wondering bc I didn't know what the fishnet was about. So it ran through my mind, right?

Well, the strange thing was that after this, later that day I saw a number of playboy bunny symbols and maybe just bc I noticed all of a sudden, but when I saw one today I remembered this image I had of her.

She was very nice and I didn't want to embarrass her so I am not revealing anything.

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