Friday, May 21, 2010

Visit With My Son

My son was affecitonate and didn't want to leave but in good spirits. I could see someone has obviously hypnotized him more than once before an d I'd like to know what the hell is going on because my aunt and uncle sure as hell wouldn't do this, or even know HOW to do this. So when and where it's occuring, I don't know, but he displayed obvious signs of this today. However, he also seemed happy and affectionate and I noticed a couple residual things but in most ways, much better and he looked really good. Last week better even but still, something is going on. Last week and the times before, much better. This time it was like he was sort of programmed to find or do things a little again. Like someone gave him a lot of love but also there were other things going on.

I had only a few bucks on me which I wanted to get him a new toy with, but I just thought, it's so little and I couldn't get what I really wanted so thought I would go ahead and wait. I also figured the point is not to bring a big toy every single time, but sometimes to use imagination and try for the best quality time as possible, even if there is no new toy. So I put my all into entertaining him and getting him to interact and play with me. I didn't even have a Red Bull first. Or any small bit of Valium either. I had Earl Grey tea this morning and for some reason I tolerated it even though usually I can take tea in the morning and only in the afternoon or evenings.

So first he did his hide and seek thing and he got excited talking about his big truck and how he played with it in the sand and also the other toy with Holly, putting tires on and off he said. He said he didn't play as much with the horse and woody figure and much more with the trucks, cars, and things.

Then he wanted the caterpillar out and to pretend it was eating everything up, after looking at this orange penguin with a string to pull for music. I saw his eyes goign back and forth and he asked what it was but acted mesmerized, and even moreso, this thing with horses kissing him, like it was used not for helping him sleep but hypnotizing him at one point, because he will go into almost a trance. So the song was Rockabye Baby with the orange penguin and instead of singing, "and down will come baby, cradle and all" I kept changing it to sing "and baby is safely in my arms, afterall" or "and Oliver is safe in Mama's arms afterall." and that sort of thing and told him it was a very old nursery rhyme but I prefered to change the ending.

Then he opened up the bag of popcorn I brought and ate 3/4 on his own. Really liked the popcorn and we pretended to give it to the animals too.

Then we read books and then he laid down and I had animals singing songs to him which I made up off the top of my head, about their adventures, and including him of course. First they were going to the beach and then they were play-fighting over Oliver and who loved him most. He had this grin on his face and then I said, "We all love you!" (it was the horses) and they fought (mini-opera or broadway style) over who saw him doing what and when and how they looked out for him even though he couldn't see. He really cracks up at the parts that are funny. Like more dry humor.

Then the caterpillar was telling him he was a spy and he was very very good, and no one could ever hear him (as I crinkled his very loud crinkly body) and he is talking and talking about what a good spy and I had him crinkling all over the place. And then peeking around a corner and Oliver thought this was hilarious. The first serious cracking up laughs I got were when I made this caterpillar into a spy. He would then peek back like he caught the crinkly caterpillar and I had this very overconfident, fun, caterpillar pretending or telling Oliver he was a very, very, serious spy. Oliver kept "catching" him and loved it. No one could see him, or hear him, or anything,a, and Oliver was just laughing and laughing. I said, wit hthe caterpillar's voice, "No one can hear me!" and crinkle crinkle, and "No one can see me, because I am very very sneaky, sneaky around the corners when I'm..." and at that, Oliver pounced and and laughed and said, "I see you!" and I wondered if he does some of his own sneaking around because he was so amused.

Then I had a stuffed cow talking to him in "moo language", which I was thinking probably sounded really weird to the monitor. The only word I would use was "Moo" but I used it with inflection, so, with the idea of saying, "Time to wake up!" I would moo, with that inflection, "Moo moo moo moo!" , first having him talk about how he went over the moon to come over and say hello and then I had him moo-ing everything. The first time I got a response or nod from him, like he understood, was when I moo-ed, "Hello Oliver, do you want to be my friend?" and he smiled and nodded. I thought the words "Will you be my friend?" and used the inflection but I only mooed. Then he was responding to all kinds of things, and he would say yes or no, but I did it for a short time because I thought, "I don't want him to try MOO language with other kids and have him think they get it." But it was fun in the sense that he was able to figure out what I was saying even though I didn't use english and only used the right amount of syllables and inflection.

Then, I asked if he wanted to go on a ride in his car. He said, "I don't have a car!" but he knew it was the table thing right next to him, and I said, "Yes you do! You have a CONVERTIBLE!" and said, look how it converts from a table into a car.

We read Beatrix Potter, Winnie the Pooh and Clifford, at his choice.

Then he said he wanted to go on the rocks and I loaded it up with all of the stuffed animals and then instead of rocks I did, "Okay soldier, Hut, hut, hut, hut," and then, "Hup 2 3 4, hup 2 3 4..." I jerked it forward bit by bit with hup 2 3 4, hup 2 3 4, forwards and backwards. He laughed and then 3 stuffed animals fell out: the purple bunny holding an egg, the white bear holding a red rose, and the cow. So I set them up on the table to watch and then he got the idea that they were hurt and needed a doctor and then he pretended to fall out and wanted a doctor.

So I had a nurse and doctor team over the first animal. Then he said he was hurt and laid down and I asked where and I had the doctor as the crocodile who metamorphed from maggie into a man somehow. I ended up making him a man but still with a southern accent. And the orange penguin was the nurse. So the doctor checked everything, as a woman doctor first, and kept losing her glasses, and when they weren't on, she was seeing things in his ears like guinea pigs and giraffes and then with her glasses on, was fine. So then the doctor was a man and asked for a band-aid and the nurse wanted to give a kiss to make it better. The doctor said,"What are you DOING?! We don't give kisses in the hospital...have you ever seen a doctor giving a KISS?!" and my son cracked up with a laugh. So I had the doctor and the nurse play-fighting about what a patient really needs. The nurse kept wanting to give it a kiss to make it better and the doctor wanted her to fetch the band-aids. Then, for a tummy situation on one of the animals, my son sat up close and said he wanted to "watch" like we were doing a whole operation or something. I asked him if he thought the tummy needed medicine or surgery and he said medicine so then I had the nurse hopping into this car and mumbling about how she wasn't just a nurse, she was an errand girl, and a phramacist, and this and that...and she's driving to the store because they're out of medicine. So she comes back with the medicine and the doctor says thanks and they put on the band-aid. With my son, lots of disobedience from the nurse, kissing his owies against doctor's orders. Then at one point she asked, "What do YOU want? hugs or medicine?" and my son said lots of hugs so I had her giving him hugs. Then when they were working on an area by his side, near his armpit, she told the doctor what she thought he really needed was a tickling. So Oliver was just laughing.

Then, this cow was in pain, with bad tummy and eyes and ears, said my son and he was watching this closely and I had the nurse chatting him up as he was weaking saying..."MOOOoooooo" and trailing off, futilely as she was talking about how he looked familiar and had he ever been to brazil or cancun or ireland or something? The Croc Doc got upset with this and said to get on with the work.

So, a lot of operations and band-aids and things and play-fighting between the doctor and nurse about what a patient really needs.

Then he said the purple bunny holding the egg was hurt so i asked where and he said it was the egg and I looked and said it looked like it was cracked but could be fixed. I said maybe we could fix her eggs with medicine. So then he asked about the cow again and I brought in a different bear that had been next to the bunny, a white bear with the rose and I said, since the other docs were fixing the bunny, this bear was the doctor for the cow now. So the Dr. introduced himself saying, "Hello, I'm the new doctor. Marvin. Dr. Marvin." and then I added, "They make jokes and call me Marvin Gay, but I go by Dr. Marvin."

Then I asked my son to assist and told him I thought he could be a good doctor. So I asked him to take care of it and he did it very quickly and I said good work and had the bears all talking about what good work and then when my son was pretending to be ill I said, with the bears discussing things, there were a few options and which did he prefer? medicine? or to wait it out? and my son said, "I want to take the medicine."

Then my son said there were some fires to put out so we put out some fires with one of the bears and a monkey and then his own house fire.

All of the animals were involved and then it was about time to go. Anyway, that is the short version of what we did.

At the end I made his calendar and he wanted to stay and tried to stall. He gave me a hug and kiss and said he loved me. I tried to have him interacting but some of the time he just wanted me to make stuff up and enjoyed it so I made things up that involved him.

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