Monday, May 17, 2010

Tarot for Ivan

I trust my instincts and images more than anything. I kept getting something about wires with him.

But I decided to try tarot and asked: "what did he do in the military?" but everything seems obvious.

First there is 4 of swords, but a man in the wilderness, the desert, more spiritual than he has said he is--maybe was more then in the beginning. Or feeling isolated and outcast for not having any particular faith. Perhaps like the fool in new situations or branded a fool to reveal some personal things of secret nature, and surprising others to rise above, and still something about his mother. Maybe mom didn't like the idea. Then, five of wands where perhaps did well in a contest of hand to hand combat and then was promoted and got a raise. six of coins, There is a spear which suggests artilery but I know I read this somewhere, but something about being able to secure a location and command. six of wands, more combat and fire but less organization, harder to manage...Possibly his crew was more minority than average or location entatiled this or wanted to do their own thing. a lot of diversity. Then, success and victory in a particular battle, but very intense and draining eventually. knight of swords, and clarity with intellect which furthered desire for continued academics and knowledge. Possible leg injury though I saw no evidence of limping or any odd gait when I saw him briefly.

From the scapini deck.

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