Monday, May 17, 2010

tarot for anne mcintosh

A lot of world mixed with religious influence. Her feelings torwards me are that of temperance where her own goals might also be acheived in some way. Temperance was the first card, where she might appear to be moderating and fair but also judgmental torwards those whom she does not believe are proper or conservative in the same way she may be. The second card is of the ace of wands, which indicate fire. In this figure there is a tree, a burning brand, with fire at the top and yet attempts for new growth with green clover leaves, a boy in the center resting on a nest and holding a dragon snake with his hands which doesn't harm him but has caused jealousy and fear in some that he could become a mighty warrior and precocious child. At the bottom,evil men trying to cut him down, and bring him down altogether. Cutting down with a saw and hammer, saw to cut, maybe hammer for the idea of crucifixion. Anne seems to be nonchalant, with this inbetween Temperance and Nine oF Cups, which depicts a stone, not living angel, blowing a trumpet, attempting to sound alarm and with cups of love and trust possible, but no real intervention. The angels know, but next is Ten of Cups with a kingdom and resolution and joy or celebration with the status quo, as Anne feels her life and my son's life should match this scene of perfection and resents any confrontation or challenge to what she wishes to depict as a more ideal situation for my son. However, there are some reservations and Temperance still nudges her and yet it is someone else she answers to or who is partially controlling and influencing the outcome, The Emperor, with number 4. She will do what he wants, regardless of what is in the best interest of a child. He, here, is representing the Judge Hotchkiss, as he sits on a throne with his feet resting upon the four elements of air,earth, fire, and water. He is the balance on which all is being weighed and she believes what they decide will coordinate with his desires in a harmonious and mutually beneficial way. The last card is the Seven of Cups, where she feels her success brings her youth and vigor and in older age, recalls the same behavior of meriment, and some substance abuse which was done discreetly. She is not an unhappy woman but she is basing her decisions on the ways of the world and not on the best interests of the child, ignoring him for her own gain, but is not alone in this motivation.

It also seems some motivation is religious, of her faith or old punishment of me for insults to members of her church. In Temperance, the woman is pouring from one jug to another and christ is being baptised by john on the side. she may feel the only temperance lacking in my parenting, is that I have offended adults, some who are religious and some who are not, and that I am not sufficiently humble and quieted.

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