Monday, May 17, 2010

tarot for Judge Hotchkiss

I first pulled the card of Death. It's of a skeleton and standing over, joyously, a lot of body parts floating in the waters. I don't feel it's that he's going to die, or someone near, but that he has a skeleton in his closet. Next to this is The Moon, which is night, and while the lunar system is maternal and could refer to me, there is an emperor wanting to exact justice a certain way, and rain falls from his sceptor. At the bottomis a howling wolf and a crab with pinchers poised. Next to this is 7 of swords which indicates mental acuity and the man is holding a scroll in his one hand and with the other, is pushing a cork into a bottle which contains a rainbow. Seven swords surround this, and may reflect the punishment I was given for not following through on what next card appears, that of The Lovers, which both stand on an edge as the ground is opening and shake hands in agreement. There is no kiss, it is a handshake. The card after this is 9 of coins and on all the coins is death or the devil or goat, lining a path which leads first from a ring at the start, to a man quieted by a garden and a woman separated from him up further and higher still, a black figure carrying a black umbrella in anticipation of rain and storm which is at the end. The ring was left behind and Judge Hotchkiss is not benefiting monterarily and neither are others who could have benefited or been happy or rewarded us for our union. Instead, I was made an outcast. And the last card is the 7 of wands, which is the fire sign, and also of the spiritual and in this card, there is a red haired man or woman holding fingers up in the "peace" sign when they are barricaded and blocked by the wands, from unity with the others who, some stare in shock, some mock, some hang their hands in sandess and despair and poverty, and some turn from One woman holds a tennis racket and stares up at this person who looks mad, and another is an aristocrat or upper class with a smug look on her face, then thre is a man with a very small bag of coins who stares at a plant on the ground with no flower and only a small note. There are some green clover leaves by the redhaired person, but the idea is of contempt and alienation, despite the attempts, which seem pathetic to some, of this person, to play fair and have peace.

To me this indicates Judge Hotchkiss, as well as other state workers and others besides, wish to punish if they couldn't get things the way they wanted, to drag me down in any other way and someone got paid for it, maybe even a traitor who sold me for 30 coins. Hotchkiss would like to see me as that mad and ostrasized person who is alienated because of his fears which originate back to, possibly, a skeleton in the closet to begin with.

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