Thursday, June 24, 2010

Corrupt Police & My 4 yr. old Son Says He "Won't Sue"

I have tried, on several occasions, to make reports to local police about some matters, and not only have they refused to take my reports, they are trying to refuse one of them, simply to keep me out of housing and to intentionally run me out of town knowing I have no place to stay.

I have a lawyer looking into housing discrimination, but everyone knows there is no way I can possibly keep track of my case stuff and go through this kind of discrimination and obstruction of justice at the same time.

These officers have not just refused taking serious complaints, they tried to twist my words tonight, to PREVENT me from getting into housing. If I was abused in a domestic situation, I have a right to go to a women's shelter and they know this and the same guy who went out the first time I tried to report, came out again and said, I guess for the benefit of his buddy, that I had told him I was just making it up so I could get into housing. I told him I never would have said such a thing and he knew it and then they both took off, without making any reports on at least 3-4 serious things I reported.

Because of what the police here have done, and housing discrimination, and other abuse and illegal lock-outs (mykal holt), I have had to go without a place to even SLEEP, several times, NOT because it was my fault, but because people here have tried to keep me from normal housing and discriminated and tried to run me out of town altogether. The law enforcement officials only want me to sleep with their guys. They don't care about me or my son at all. They care about their own personal interests. I have suffered immensely, and unnecessarily, because of these deliberate efforts to cause me suffering and affect my son too.

I also have people abusing my son and getting access to him and then at the same time, trying to keep me from reporting, and also trying to frame me still. I had someone tell me a Judge in town gets rip-roaring drunk and has all the taxi drivers act as his personal chauffeur, which perhaps someone would think I would be really excited to write about.

I don't think so IDIOTS.

I do not DEFAME people. Defamation is when you spread rumors about someone which you haven't verified or don't know personally, and are just spreading as hearsay. Accusing a judge of being a total drunk, is a major liabiltiy if I don't know this myself and haven't seen the evidence. So no, I was not going to screw myself over, or ruin my integrity, to eagerly write about something that would make someone look bad, for which I have zero proof and zero firsthand knowledge.

Maybe he does. It might be true. But I am not going to put my stamp on it when I don't know and haven't heard about it from a source I know and trust well or haven't seen firsthand.
I had more intimidation and saw more weird set up stuff, and references to all this royalty and triangle crap again, last night. Then I go to my visit with my son, and sure enough, my son is not okay and is mentioning THEIR names and acting out and saying, "I won't sue you."


A 4 yr old doesn't say this unless he overheard it from someone, because they were being threatened, or they told him to say this, brainwashing him. To me, it sounds like he overheard someone being threatened and intimidated.
I also told one guy, at one end of town, where I was going to eat this evening, and whether or not I have surveillance or a bug in my bag I don't know but I wouldn't doubt it. I showed up and 3 East Wenatchee police cards were there and had arrived just ahead of me. Nice.

The Chelan County and Wenatchee police have stalked me in the past, refused to take reports of serious vandalism and harm, destroyed evidence of mine deliberately (which was in their custody) and their detectives threatened and tried to intimidate me when they knew my son was at risk and had things happening to him. They're part of this because they were partly responsible, and had motive, to tell Canada I was mentally ill and then claim, still, that I am. It works to their benefit.

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