Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pressured & Forced To Move

Tonight I was trying to make reports and this couple I stayed with for a few days (3) after the last situation,...I knew something was wrong last night. I walked in, and they were acting differently and it was the day before my visit with my son.

Someone had set out "5" of things everywhere, including toilet paper and then someone had left, on a plate in the kitchen, an "arrangement" of hot dogs (without the buns). Someone had put 3 into a little pyramid on one side and the 3 into another pyramid on the other side. Just these little weiner pyramids on a plate. Then they had a full bottle of Monarch vodka and Captain Morgan's.

There were new people there, a couple of guys from Skippers. I had such a strange feeling, like the others had either tried to influence the original couple in a negative way or something. I know I hadn't done anything differently at all and I'd been told I could stay until I talked to my lawyer about housing (when he was back from vacation).

But it was sort of like they were celebrating something that night and I sensed something was off. One guy there looked like Rolf from Sound of Music, and I am not sure what religion or group he was with. The other guy was Jewish and he looked the most uncomfortable. Then there was another guy whom I'd seen before who seemed level one way or the other. And then there was a woman there. The mother wouldn't even look at me. Neither wanted to look at me and I thought it was sort of strange, along with their wiener display, which no one touched or ate off of. They just left it there.

So today I got back early and I could tell something was up by the way people were driving by, and I had a feeling about this hearing today and how people would try to screw with things. I had people trying to say "bye!" and "goodbye" as if I were leaving. So I thought something was strange and after the visit with my son, I was concerned bc he was acting out and had been saying the names of the people I had been staying with. So I wanted to know what was going on. Well, the door was locked.

That was another thing. The night before last, I woke up and there was this magenta or light fushia mark on my arm which I didn't put there. It was like a stamp or tatoo that had been put there while I was sleeping and I wasn't around anything that color at all.

So last night, I saw there was a lock and just in case I sleep too soundly, I locked it from my side.

I got back today and they had it locked so their aunt or whatever told the girls to unlock it for me. I thought they were all alone. I figured their mom was at work and dad was out so they locked the door and their aunt was upstairs. So she told them to open it and then they didn't and someone had left my window open, which it wasn't before, so finally I went through, since the aunt had said it was fine and I just figured it was kids.

I walked in, and there was the dad, standing right there, which I thought was so weird and he looked guilty. I thought, "Ohmigosh, how bizarre." He was hiding out and I thought, after how my son acted, why would he do this unless he knew about something and didn't want me around wondering? or, was it something to do with the other guys too?

Yesterday I went to the AGs office to ask about the hearing stuff and took photos of the bathroom which I had to use, bc they had it set up with some weird stuff. Basically, had magazines pulled out strategically--the top predominant one having a large 5 on it and then my son always saying something about "5". It was just weird. Everything in their little Attorney's Generals offies was even staged a certain way and just creepy. In one stall, they had a cherokee bag out and this spray of cleaner which no one around here uses or buys and it was called "Misty", which was the name of the dog this guy, Steve May, had. No one even SELLS a brand named "Misty" around here and it looks like it's from the 1960s.

When I asked Jill, the office manager, about the case, she was very nice to my face and so pleasant. It was great, because I then went to the doors to leave and they were glass and I could see her reflection, watching me after I had turned my back and she totally CHANGED her expression. She went from being very open and innocent and pleasant-faced, to smirking and rolling her eyes and really weird, and obvious dislike.

I turned around and went back and she opened her window and I asked if I could have their names in case I needed to reference them. She gave hers but was very nervous and didn't want to give out the other woman's name, even though the other woman looked like she was about to speak for herself. I left and saw this expression AGAIN, so walked back and said, "I just want you to know, for future reference, that the reason I asked for your name was because even if I don't have eyes in the back of my head, anyone can see your reflection in the mirror and you were one way to my face and another way behind my back." She knew it.
Then, this other thing happened so I couldn't wait until after I talked to my lawyer, and was forced, basically, to inquire about the woman's shelter again.

The one officer who came out again, this time with West, said, when West asked about vouchers for hotel rooms for domestic violence, for at least a night, the other guy said, "I think we have BUS vouchers, but not for hotels."

Like, bus vouchers for domestic stuff? I said, "I am not leaving or moving out of this town without my son."

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