Thursday, June 24, 2010

Perspective...Hmmm & WEIRD THINGS!

Well, well, well...

I have a lot to catch up on it seems, that might bring further perspective as to some of the sources of my trials. We'll see.

I got this ad pop-up today:
a finders' keepers loser's weepers thing.

"Remember the game Gold Miner? It was a great game that kind of disappeared. Well, Finders Keepers is basically the unofficial sequel and our FREE GAME of the DAY! You and your kids will LOVE it!"

My son is NOT loving what is going on in our lives. I will tell you that much.

Today, I went to an arcade shop though, thinking, "Oh, maybe they'll have a large old pacman machine and instead I walked right into a sex shop." I opened the door, stopped, stared and said, "Oh! I thought there were video games here." and then I peeked around the corner and this man is standing by the magazines looking very sheepish. I think I broke his concentration.
Oh MY GOSH. Life never ceases to amaze me. I have no clue. This day and yesterday, were like days from Hell but then there were these couple of weird very cool things that happened. And birds.

Something about the birds are loving me. Allow me to explain.

Finally I got my hands on a fax and was able to do a little bit of work, so this was good. Then I discovered MORE horrendous corruption, so this was bad. But then, I left and I still felt generally okay, an then a cool thing happened because I went to the store for a beer, one very small one and I don't usually want beer and I'm getting a little bit fat, but I had a small one and the sun did begin to shine even brighter, so this was interesting. But after this, I went onto a bus and met another leftie but I guessed bc he stuttered and most stutterers are lefties. So it wasn't psychic.

Then, OH, first, before that, I was walking by and had the idea about going to the pet sote to find someone who knew of a way to get that horse or pony ride for my son. So this is what I did. I went solely to pet store, feeling bad I can't get him a hamster or anything yet, but went there feeling I might find someone, after these 2 months of asking around, that would know of a place, or of someone.

So 3 women are sitting around the fish tanks and I said, "You guys all work here?" and they said yes and I said, "Good, bc I might need all of you." Then this one said she was off though and leaving and I put my hands on her shoulders for some reason and said "Wait! Please, it's not about work and you might know." So she said okay and I said, "Does anyone know of someone who could give my son a horse ride?" and the one who was going to leave, whom I asked to stop, said, and she was shaking, "I have it right here on my cellphone. Horseback riding." and she gave me the number and said they had ponies. She was the one! Somehow I knew she coldn't leave! So i finally got a number, with a real place where rides can actually be scheduled and everything and she thinks they have ponies.

So the other weird thing was that yesterday I was thinking to the birds, "Fly to me!" and I wanted them to land on the ground next to me and they didn't, but at that moment a group of them did take off and fly torwards me and right overhead.

Then today I walked past a fence post and was very close to a crow. Or raven, I don't know the difference. It looked like it was going to fly off, and it started a tiny bit but I said to it in my mind, not to go. And I walked by and it did not move. I was close too! and then I heard it caw and then I looked back and others were approaching and they didn't even get quite as near and the blackbird flew away, towards me and over my head.

THEN, I think this is the most strange thing..Well, I admit, I don't blog about ALL of the strange things that happen, but I was on the bus and guessing stuff about people and doing some pretty good guessing. A couple of misses but mainly right-on and then "druid" came to mind. I said to the driver and this other guy "what is a DRUID?" and they said they didn't know and I was thinking it was a robot or something and he thought technology and I said, "like Star Wars?" and THEN, I just so happened, after we were done talking about this and on to talking about tupac, I so happened to get off at JC Penny's and walk around the back of the building and this solo bird came flying out, and circling and really pretty, but like a little wren. I am sure it was a wren but I thought "Sparrow" and the song came to my mind "His Eye Is On The Sparrow (and I know he watches over me)."

I didn't think very much about it until I was on my computer looking up "druid" and it refers to WRENS.

That tiny bird DID stand out because it came out of nowhere as I went around the corner and kept circling close to me and it wasn't just plain, there was something different about it. And then I read druids have to do with celtic stuff, and it means "seer" or other stuff,and has to do with oak trees and wrens. I saw the wren maybe 5 minutes after finishing up talking to this guy about what it was.

It may be that druid has to do with other things too, but it was an interesting thing. What else? There's more but I can't think of it all. On druids:

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