Friday, June 25, 2010

DSV (Wenatchee) Women's Resource Center Prejudice

I got that confirmed.

I was told yesterday, after asking for an Assessment form to their shelter to be faxed to me (which I found out existed but they had refused to give me even almost a month ago when I first requested one), that they DO have one, but refused to give just ME one.

This was about the same time that they were trying to refuse services to me at ALL, in the very beginning, until I got something in writing.

So I filled out forms for services in writing and then they retracted their refusals, knowing they would be susceptible to discrimination claims.

But then, when I asked for the same thing about the women's shelter in writing, an "Assessment Form", they refused to give me one and lied to me saying there was nothing in writing but everything was verbal.

After they reversedtheir position on giving services, they set me up with a few appointments but didn't do anything for me. I brought in records for getting help filling out a restraining order again, or renewing it, and they just wanted to talk and we didn't get anything done (although at first I forgot to bring in the name). Then I had a couple of counseling sessions but only 2 and very short because I was getting a strange vibe off of the whole thing--like it was only being used as an excuse to try to create more false dirt about me. So I quit going to the counseling.

The woman who said she was Catholic and that her kids were, told me she recently went to the Nazarene church but she asked SO many questions about Catholic stuff I really wondered why she wanted me to go to her and what her interest in me was. She also had things from state offices, which were set out to freak me out there, in HER office, so that didn't instill more confidence in me, about what her alliances were. That woman had conflicts of interest from the start and I do not believe she is "Nazarene" or non-Catholic at all. All she wanted to talk about was what was happening with my case with the church in Oregon and how I felt about the church now.

They said they had to meet with CPS before they were going to agree to counsel me at all.

Why does a center that has a mission to assist abused women need to "confer" with my legal adversary, CPS, FIRST? If the DSV thinks they need to get PERMISSION from the state or CPS, to even provide counseling services to me, which I qualified for, there is something wrong.

I didn't pass judgement instantly, which is why I went to 2 out of 4 couseling appointments. The first one I made and I had strong reservations about motive after. So I cancelled the next one. Then I decided I would try it once more, and after the 2nd one, I knew I wasn't going to go back. And I didn't.

It was after this, that this "therapist" is now lying, as of yesterday, and claiming she was a "witness" to MY "behavior" or yelling at the housing director, Tami.

This is a blatant lie.

I was just told, yesterday, after being asked to go to their offices to fill out this Assessment form for the shelter, that I was refused any and all services effective immediately. I asked them to send me a letter in writing with their reasons for termination.

I talked to "Tami" for less than 5 minutes. I didn't even have a meeting with her, and talked to her while she was at the desk. I literally spoke to her for maybe 5 minutes or less and there was no yelling. There was also no one else around when I talked to her. I said yesteray that I would like a copy of the video or surveillance, if they had any for that room, because this was a blatant lie.

Also, if it was true, then why did I still receive "services" and not one complaint made at all until they began to realize they had no grounds for refusing me a place to stay at the women's shelter?

Their motive has been to refuse housing, regardless of whether I qualify or not, to keep me out of a place to live, to benefit CPS and their claims that I have no stable place to live, or to force me out of town completely.

I also tried to make reports through one of the women, on criminal matters and she said she had to "check on statutes" first. She did absolutely nothing.

These women didn't ever want to help or assist me. They tried to block me from any kind of services from the very beginning, and from housing as well.

Then I got my qualifications in writing, and there was then evidence in writing of how I qualified. I tried to get help filing things and all they wanted to do was get info from me and pass it onto others and not do a thing to help me. I knew something was wrong with the counselor, which is why I quit going to her. She KNOWs that I figured it out and then suddenly is lying to support the idea that I was disruptive in their office when I never was.

I had a meeting with maybe 3 other women 2 weeks after this supposed "behavior", which is a word that Sharon Evans used which was first used by Abbey lawyers against me, as if I were a child. They were trying out this shit a LONG time ago. I don't think it's a coincidence that Ms. Evans is repeating the same language and had such an interest in my feelings about what has happened in the past. We didn't even talk about my case with my son at all. She only wanted to know about my litigation with the church and then had all this stuff all over her offices that matched the weird stuff they were doing in my visitation offices.

So anyway, they provided "services" until they decided they needed a really good reason to defame me and excuse themselves from allowing me to be in the shelter, even when they knew I qualified and that they were actively discriminating against me in particular.

Of ALL things, I couldn't believe they made something up about Tami, who is someone I only talked to for a few minutes and wasn't angry with either, but I suppose this is what works best for them if they want to find an excuse for refusing housing. Tami is the housing director.

Sharon tried to say something about an "incidence" and I was baffled. "incidence"? and this is all over the phone yesterday, I guess after a hearing. I said, "What incidence?" There was NEVER any "incidence" at their offices, of any kind. I was always polite. I thought she was trying to refer to my giving them a page from a magazine about the definitions of domestic abuse and thought how could that be when I was polite the whole time, even if distressed?

I don't know, maybe there was one too many women there, and one was a decent woman who wouldn't lie, to make that situation into an "incidence" so they tried to pick something else out where there were ZERO witnesses.

And again, nothing against Catholics in general, but it must be that she is just one who is connected to others who still have motives to try to smear me and keep my son away. It could very well be a combination of old things or connections, as well as the fact that they are coordinating what they do with their friends and relatives at CPS. And possibly, trying to protect others who I am trying to make complaints about. All they wanted was for me to talk to them and divulge everything so they could pass it along and then decide what to do with the discovery.

With that counselor, Sharon Evans, in my last visit with her, she had two rag dolls laid out in the middle of her floor wearing yellow and white outfits and then to my next visit with my son, I got there early, as SHE told me to do and this woman came in after me, the only one there, and wearing all yellow and white, in almost the same kind of dress that this doll was dressed in.

She was also connected to the University of Washington and colleges that others are connected to here, who I was going to be suing. She is newly here from Seattle. She arrived a year ago. Jennifer Higgins, the first one I talked to, is also from Seattle and just wanted me to tell her everything about any criminal or FBI matters. The other thing Sharon Evans was very interested in discovering, was she wanted to know why I had moved to Wenatchee from Oregon. This was a big thing to her and I wondered why. It was like she wanted to hear what I would say my motive was and I wondered who she knew in Oregon as well.

To me, I had my instincts proven right about how I shouldn't go to her, which is why I quit. She was pleasant and I am sure she's good with kids. But she had her own motives and they all seemed to be far more interested in working for CPS than for their clients. If she was willing to turn around and LIE about me, and put herself in some kind of false position of being a "witness" to "behavior" that never even happened, when it was convenient for them to say this, then there is something wrong with her.

What I learned, was that my first instincts were right, after the very first visit, but I wanted to give the benefit of a doubt so I tried it once more, and this just confirmed I was right. I guess I need to trust my instincts even more from now on and head these things off before I know they are trying to set things up against me.

Their motive is to force me out of town and keep me from getting my son, along with lying about "behavior" and doing favors for people who I was trying to make reports on.

They're corrupt. I think there is one or two good women there and I swear, one of them was at that last meeting I had, because someone knew they couldn't try to make my last meeting with them into an "incident" because they probably knew there was at least one woman there who had too much integrity to lie.
At any rate, this discrimination is pretty easy to line up, point by point, in order of occurance, as to what is going on and how they were trying to set me up to be out of housing and to screw me over.

Both the Community Action housing and then this DSV women's place, never had any incident with me and I never did anything wrong. They both lied and claimed it was MY fault and that I was the one to do something wrong when they got worried I might actually access HOUSING, of all things.

And by keeping me out of housing, they know they do favors for others, make me look unstable, and keep my custody case and other things in a place of upset.

Both organizations tried to back up and claim that they had some kind of past problem with me, AFTER I started pushing to have my rights to services honored.

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