Friday, June 25, 2010

Refusal of Change of Venue for Prejudice & Subsequent Prejudice

I asked for Change of Venue in the beginning and it was because I knew I wouldn't get a fair trial or fair and objective public defender here. My motion was refused and someone said it wasn't in the file but it's on the record because it was addressed in an audio recording where the Judge refuses to allow it. I DID file it even after my own lawyer, Paul Cassel, best friends to the Judge and former law buddy, refused to do it.

I thought about John Kaempf today. I thought about him because I was thinking about this motion and how it has supposedly "disappeared" from the record, and I don't know for sure yet if this is true. But to his credit, I remember one hearing in Oregon, where the Judge was saying it was "gone" and no one could find it and I had some important motion missing from the record.

To his credit, John Kaempf and everyone else (unless it was a ploy to look innocent about other things I had happening, I don't know)...everyone looked shocked and Kaempf I think, or maybe it was Merseau but I think it was Kaempf, pulled out the motion from their own file and gave a copy to the Judge.

For some reason, my own coy had disappeared. And then what was weird was that the original one, which I'd filed, THAT one had disappeared from the official court record. Kaempf could have hidden it but he actually looked shocked and then pulled out his copy and then we proceeded on that.

But this is NOT the first time entire MOTIONS have "disappeared" from a court file. Which is strange.

I can't say Kaempf is innocent because who knows with all the other things...I know my landlord situations were disturbed sometimes, and I was slandered and kept having my mailboxes broken into and things stolen. My house was entered and robbed a few times too. But still, he could have hidden it away and pretended he never got a copy either and to his credit, he didn't do that. If it wasn't Kaempf, maybe it was one of the other guys...I don't know but I thought it was. I can't remember--it may have even been Whittemore. I think Kaempf though.

It was a short 3 page Motion I made in a very patriotic tone, quoting some saying on the front of a federal or court office about how justice cannot be acheived without sometimes troubling the waters.

On one hand they were trying to win, and most hated me and were trying to screw me over, but I like to think there was at least one person who wasn't part of it and knew there were some really weird things going on.

So I thought about this today, and how I need to find out if it is true my motion for Change of Venue has totally disappeared from the record.

Because this is very important.

If I was asking for Change of Venue because of prejudice and then it so happens I AM able to show repeated prejudice and inability to get a decent and unbiased lawyer, it is grounds for consideration on this point--that I never had a chance for a fair hearing or a fair trial, either with a fair Judge or unbiased public defender.

I am still trying to get public defense, now from out of county, but the hearing is for Tuesday and I am not prepared and need help.

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