Friday, June 25, 2010

Music Today (Yodeling) & My Son About Stuck in a Toilet

I am doing legal emailing for a lawyer/public defender and listening to yodeling (will be) to practice to my son.

My first song was "Lonely Goat Herd" and I just looked up the lyrics. I didn't know them so I was making it up to my son singing only the part about "there is a goat in a lonely goatherd, ladee...and then he was alone in his lonely goatherd... and then had hiim meeting a second goat who sang to be his friend. Then I did it as a sheep, same lyrics and then my son said to do it as a horse, and I said for that one, "there was a horse in a lonely horseherd, ladee..."i like the grass in the pasture" and something about the first one saying he liked pasture and the second one saying "i prefer the barn and the grain." and that was it. I couldn't remember the whole thing but it's cute and then today I called my cousin and I said I hoped someone would play with Oliver hands on as I do in our visits bc I think he's lonely and if he's not playing directly with an adult, he needs to play with other kids. And she said she agreed and realized she had her sister to play with and Oliver didn't have anyone. But I play with him! and take him to play and supervise and he just needs to be back with me.

It was so cute how he looked at me when I started to sing this song, because he just turned his head with a smile and quizzical look and said, "WHAT's THat?!" and I said, "Yodeling!" he said, "Oh! do it again!"
We also talked about some other things and he said something about toilets and looked at me with a question, because I told him I had been stuck and he looked at me the same way he looked at me when I once said I'd had a headache and he looked suprised and said so had HE. Then, he had been saying he was "stuck" and when I told him I had been stuck too, he said "In a toilet?"

I wondered why my son would think I had been stuck in a toilet and it made me wonder if someone had done soemthing to him. This was the same day he said spontaneously to his toy, "I won't sue you."

And then I read n the papers that 90 contractors had walked off of Central Washington Hospital's worksite because of dirty toilets.

I am really wondering what's going on.

My son would NOT say anything like "I'm not going to SUE YOU" unless he overheard a conversation where someone was being threatened or felt pressured to promise they were not going to sue. And then he had that same look on his face, of empathy and suprise when he thought that I had been stuck in a toilet...

Which leads me to believe some of this hazing and abuse of my son is being done by gangsters who are really just working for serious corporate assholes.

Could it be someone was pissed that 90 contractors walked off-site and stalled on working on the hospital and someone got pissed and went out to punish my SON over it?

My son would never bring up "was you stuck in a toilet?" and look at me like that unless it had been done to him. And he would never bring up promising not to SUE.

Someone maybe thought some of the out-of-area and out-of-state contract workers were doing something as a favor to my son or to punish the hospital and then someone went out to retaliate against my son and made a point of it by harming him.

The only way this would happen wouldn't be because my uncle or aunt are telling my SON this, why would they? Someone would be abusing my son and using violent force and probably weapons and a larger group to enforce what they want done, on behalf of others, and there is law enforcement complicit in this or they wouldn't be covering it up.

This would also explain why my son was acting out.

And why he has some good weeks and other times where he has obviously been abused and is acting out.

People are trying to force me out of town and out of state, so I cannot get guardianship of my own son. They know I WILL sue on behalf of my own son's damages, which are real.
I found this clip. First one I got for Lonely Goat Herd...cute, with the muppets. My son has to see this:

I was finding different yodel clips and kids yodeling and this one came up about Veggie Tales, which my songs likes and it has nothing about yodeling but talks about being "special" and I just cracked up laughing at this title: "The Gourds Must Be Crazy". It's a funny ad all on it's own. From "God Made You Special":

Then I did find a yodeling veternarian of the alps clip, from veggie tales:

I just found this one next, but it's not yodeling, it's veggie tales again: The Elf Song/My Baby Elf from Lord of the Beans.

These are actually very cute. Might have to watch more veggie tales.

Oh this one made me laugh very hard at the part where the guy interrupts with the camera and says "i think the dwarves have confused your mother with someone else." (I could not stop laughing)

Then I saw one about a guy who realizes he doesn't have a belly button. Need to find more yodeling songs in a minute. I remember a rubber ducky one though, that I saw years ago and liked. Will find it.

I found the intro ad for King George and the Ducky but have to find the ducky song:

Oh I can't find it. I found "endangered love" with King George and the Manatee where she doesn't know french and he can't dance, but there is a ducky song too, and I don't see it yet.

I sang the Sesame Street rubber ducky song to my son and he really liked that one a lot. I will have to find both of them.

I cannot find the real version anywhere. It's very cute, the actual video. I couldn't find it anywhere except this video, but it's a facebook commentary running at the same time. Didn't read whatever is printed, but this is the song:

At the end, I think it's a little boy singing about his duckie. I can't remember...been awhile since I saw this...I saw it in 1998 or around the time it first came out, whenever that was.

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