Saturday, June 19, 2010

BP Oil Spill: Accidents Happen

I have not read any of the news, all the way through, about the oil spill.

However, I know that when I worked for BP and when I did research on the company, they had one of the best safety records of all oil refineries, especially at the location I was at, but also in general.

I'm suprised at all the punishment over BP executives, over an accident, when what happened on Wall Street and with bankers all throughout the U.S. contributed to the greatest economic losses in our recent history.

Where is the compensation for the jobless and those affected by "the economy"? Every American who was a taxpayer should have been paid and compensated for their losses accrued NOT by "accident" but by the INTENTIONAL greed, fraud, and then then negligence in money management.

I think the BP thing is out of proportion when the economy is still jagged by what the rich have done to this country. They are the ones who should still be held accountable and more than the Recovery Act should be implemented--Americans should get a cash pay-out for the disaster this has caused.

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