Saturday, June 19, 2010

Check On My Son & parents using their kids for harassment

Someone needs to check on my son.

I've had too many weird parents go by, having their kids say things or do things to harass me. One very sick sight, was seeing a kid say somethng deliberately about "it popped" and all these people have been going by in green and then a popeye shirt and then these kids about things "popping" and right after this one girl said this to the other, as they were approaching me, the father actually put his hand on his wife's shoulder like he was PROUD of his WIFE for teaching her children to be public assholes and harass others, knowing or not. These two were white trash types, dressed middle class, but just white trash. She was wearing a cowboy hat and passed after I'd written about the cowboy hat thing. Another group came by and I was friendly to them but the boy had been set up with a specific toy that said "clean" on the side and he was irish-scottish I guess and I never should have given the woman my email address because if someone is avoiding the idea of IDing or of a playdate, they are not a friend. They are just someone who wants your email address for their personal lottery win. Then the same cute boy went by with a blue stick and then this other girl with a pink lolipop.

I am praying God avenges today. I am tired of any and all forms of harassment and abuse and misuse of my son and I would probably keep an eye on your own kids that you USE to do bad things for your own selfish and childlike interests. If you can't say what you need to say, to me directly, and have to use your KIDS, you're cowards and the lowest kind.

I feel concerned about my son, and I know the Avilas are intimidated at different times or told to do certain things, like having my son in a daycare or with other people unsupervised, or are instructed to teach him things on their own.

I want someone over there.
Even old school Italian mafia do not use children. Maybe it's because the old school had balls whereas you don't.

You do NOT use kids, your OWN children, or anyone else's children, to spread your messages or to harass others with or brainwash to be the same shady and cowardly assholes you are.

It is only cowards that use kids. Cowards, the immature and developmentally delayed, and sadistic. May God directly condemn every one of you who use your kids to do these things, and who train up a generation of derelicts and criminals to be as morally bankrupt as you are.
The rest of what I was going to write about what was going on East Coast, will come

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