Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cats Come A-Calling (Dogs Take Week Off)

Cats are all over me again. One week it's all the dogs in town, communicating telepathically with eachother.

"She gave you Saltines? Were they good?"

"Yeah Dog, delicious. Just wag your tail and look happy. Get close to the fence."

"Does she like all dogs or just a cuople kinds of dogs?"

"Um, I think she likes all dogs, just not all of their owners and if their owners look like the dogs, she'll attack the dog just to get to the owner. Don't worry, she'll tell you--'it's not you, it's me' and believe her, because she's just going to you to get to the owner."

So this was a cats week. Um..yeah. Like, all the cats in the world heard that I gave them play time with Madonna's video "express yourself" and complimented the black cat and they were just all over that.

On Wednesday, I left the visit with my son and went searching for a manual typewriter. This tabby orange cat was in the window. I saw the cat but the cat didn't see me. But I guess it heard me. It was asleep, in the window, and as soon as I was clacking away at the typewriters, it came over to me and purred and meowed and was all over me. I still have cat hair all over my clothes. Like I was best friends. The owner picked up the cat and started talking nice and it turned on him, clawing and scratching and he said "No!" and the cat came back to me, purring and then got on top of my shoulders and hung around my neck.

I thought, "What the hell." There was this orange tabby that used to do that with my Dad and would just sit on his shoulders, like a wrap, while he worked.

THEN, I left and it was like the cat wanted to follow. Other cats out of the woodwork too all week, approaching me.

Then last night, I went to this one house and a cat came over to me on the porch. Like it had been waiting for me. "There you are!" It was just there, waiting. So I said hello to the kitty and then I was in the house and right at the very moment I began talking about how friendly the cat outside had been, 1 MINUTE later, this other cat, popped it's head around the corner. Peeking. Then it walked over to me meowing. I said, "Is the cat from outside or a different cat?" because the second cat acted like, "Hey! Heard you talking about my buddy." I said to the cat, "You must have heard 'cat' and knew someone was talking about you, huh!"

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