Thursday, June 17, 2010

Car Accident (I didn't do it)--music

There was another car accident. Which must have happened about 5 minutes before we were passing by on bus.

I had just been in a store, sitting on a couch drinking coffee and staring at a washing machine and I said to this guy "I really need to do some laundry but my clothes are all over the United States."

I was talkig to this guy in the rent-a-center. Sat there, facing this row of washing machines for about 20 minutes. I had to go to the bus station next and then to an appointment to see a lawyer. I got on the bus and right there was this big accident. It wasn't a small fender-bender. This one guy on the bus freaked out and got off. I almost wanted to get off and find out what was going on but I didn't. So when the one guy got off this other guy got on, and sttarted talking about it and said that he had been right there and some woman was turning to go to the laundromat to wash some clothes and a man plowed into her.

I was just sitting there, chatting at the rent-a-center. I asked about the World Cup and soccer rules and things. I asked who the big basketball players were these days. I said I remembered the Michael Jordan era. Then I said something about magic and he said some team, the Magics and I said "Huh? No, Magic Johnson." and this guy said, "Magic Johnson is OLD SCHOOL." I said, "Really? I guess that was my era." and he said, "That was the 80s." My eyebrows raise. "The 80s? Oh wow. Maybe I AM a reincarnation afterall." He laughed and looked at me like "how old ARE you?" and I was thinking Magic Johnson was from the 90s or eve early 2000s maybe.

I'm stuck in the 80s and I can't get OUT.


So anyway, I was ttalking about washing clothes and laundry right before I left. Then this guy gets on the bus and says some lady was turning to go wash her clothes and got plowed. They were taken away on stretchers and fire trucks were there and everything. The guy said to me, "She was trying to force her turn so it was her fault."

Was that...hmm, what's that supposed to mean?

I hope nothing. But I want to know who they were. No kids from what I hear. Then I thought, for all I know, they just wanted to have a crash that day. Maybe someone called up the other person and said, "Okay, time to go, you get hurt a little, I'll get hurt a little, and we'll freak EVERYONE out, and we both have insurance so we're covered. It's hard times and we could use a little money. Let's DO it! GOOO JOrdie!"

"Do you have clothes, like, for washing, in your car already?"

"Well, you know how my car is. It's trashed. I keep a spare for everything in here. I could just throw stuff together into a big pile in the backseat."

"You got your handler on this right?"

"You GOT it."

So then these people were talking about how it was the woman's fault for trying to take her turn and forcing it, or forcing her turn. I was like...? But it was sort of strange. I have no idea.

Yesterday I played "forever young" by jay z over and over and then I found a version of "tide is high" that I'd never seen and now I've been looking for it and can't find it. It was with Jay Z and some other woman singer but it's impossible to find now. I'll post the link when I find it bc it's hidden now. This is a cool song and it just came up, with Jay Z and Coldplay: I love this song. "Just because I'm losing doesn't mean I"M LOST." I found it, it's kardinal and keri hilson. AND when I first saw this and heard the "hut, hut, hut, hut" I thought, Oh, that was exactly what I was doing in that visit with my son when I pushed him in his car, pretending he was in the military:
I was thinking of things to tell my son "W" stands for. I might let him have this one and then get him another one too, but if he looks down on it, he'll see an "M" for Mama.

Then, I was thinking of codes. I don't think I got anything. But what came to mind was:
push tin
mckenna or mchanna
crime stoppers
hmm. I was wondering what "push tin" meant. After I got it, I wrote it down and then the movie title "pushing tin" came to mind but I haven't seen it and don't know, or didn't know what it was about and I got "push tin" not "pushing tin" and then I looked it up and it has to do with air control stations for planes, and I think tin boxes, and maybe talking? like slang for debating? and it looks like some kind of video game term but maybe someone uses it for something specific.

corrolade was like 'KORO-laid' or pronounced sort of like 'core-oh-layd'. like correlate in english but corrolade (not sure of spelling but got sound in mind's ear--not literally out loud of course) not corolla.

not saying it would be something from a good or bad side.
about the car accident, the guy who came onto the bus was wearing these glasses and had on something like ny and then this new york song came on so I am wondering...

my "babylon" search (which won't leave) brought up "internet tv" when I had asked about the laptops at the rent-a-center and one guy said there was no internet. He said that's why they couldn't keep up with the world cup. I said, "what about your t.vs? you don't have to have internet for your t.v.s...can't you watch the world cup there?" and he said no, those t.v.s played videos.

but why am I getting "internet t.v." on ads from babylon? about an hour later? tell me I'm not under surveillance please. Oh yeah, stupid question isn't it?
oh good. thank you. My computer stopped overheating and doing the frying thing (not psychic, laptop) just now. It was doing this for at least a half hour and now it's quit.
at the rent-a-center there was a yellow towel on the washing machines. I am wondering about connections between what was happening to me on the East Coast and over here too and coordination with a couple of different groups maybe. One guy pushed over this cart that said "M" and then all these "M" and "W" cars and trucks today. Oh well.
I had an idea though...

I just had the idea now, when I was thinking and saying a short prayer to God, about the twitterers and twitcherers who have attempted to do this to others and have had it come back to them, as promised 10-fold and multiplied among those they know. It's bad enough to try driving with one eye twitching. Try TWO. 10 fold might mean, it's not just eyes, it's other body parts.

God, well, God is very jealous of those who are faithful to him so probably, maybe...I wouldn't try anything with me or my son so it doesn't come back to you and yours. When you see it happening to your own kids and relatives, it's not so funny is it?

If I know that I can get something to stop on command, with a short simple prayer to God, I know that when I pray it is sent back, I believe and know, that God is doing just that.

If you knew and believed in God, you wouldn't dare continue anything that hinders me or my son, because you would get the message. But it seems you have to get the message not just once or twice, but over and over and OVER again. Maybe, at some point, since asking for peace and trying to compromise my whole life didn't work for you, maybe you will finally give in and relent just for own sake and your families sake, because you're tired of it and maybe you will realize that by reversing your deeds from hindering to actually helping, you will see a blessing. I'm not expecting or asking for golden commemoratives of hemmoroids and mice. But it would do you good to worship God and ask for His forgiveness, and then change and start working FOR me and my son and do what you can to bring this around and have us together. Your choice.

Like I said, my son is my ark. As long as he is kept from me, there will be bad luck for you. And harming my son is not going to make things better for your own families in the long run.

God protect those who love and protect and are good to my son. Amen. And for good things which happen, which you have done or others have done, to honor you, do not allow others to try to pervert the real meaning or change the direction. Let your wishes be known loud and clear and do not allow others to succeed in misleading others to believe otherwise. In all things, let your truth and goodness be seen and may you have full credit and glory for every good thing. Bless you Lord and bless those who love and make Oliver happy and we bless you in all circumstances, good and bad.

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