Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bridge Issues?

There was a lot of commotion about the Bridge today and some were telling me to take the walking bridge and that it was now open and a lot, actually. I felt there was something going on about whether I crossed the walking bridge or the other one.

I walked torward the walking bridge but I was afraid to go across it because there were so many trees and woods and shady and what if I was the only one crossing and it blew up like in IOWO JIMA? In general, in public places, I feel safe, you know, even walking at night, with a lot of people around.

But camping? no. Hiking in the wilderness? no. And right now, for me to take a bridge I feel nervous, if no one else is on it and everything. That's all it had to do with. I was trying to make good and sensible choices considering how I've been in danger in the past and I want to be here for my son.

So that was all. But there was a LOT of hassle and everything.

So I took the one which was more public, just to be safe for myself, but if other people are crossing the other one, I'd use it. I don't know, I'm just trying to be halfway self-protective.

I always hope my choices are just based on sensibility when it comes to my son. nd that's really it and there is nothing else to it. I had a ton of harassment when I crossed, but I wondered, well, maybe someone thinks if I cross it, it's bad luck or something. Or maybe, I don't know.

I would prefer the walking bridge, definitely. But I've had a few strange things happen so trying to be careful.

I did think it was weird that there was silver or grey carpet pieces all along the bridge I crossed and I really just want to have things be normal.

I was very happy to talk to the lawyer today. Very happy and have to talk to some other people tommorrow.

I think my personality is sort of coming back, slightly, a tiny bit, to normal again. I am somehow getting off of whatever weird things I've been on. I don't know that I'm totally me yet, but even my sense of humor is slightly coming back. Just a little bit. I am still almost falling asleep everywhere though. My iron or something isn't normal. I feel really aneamic sometimes.

And it was really sweet, because this little boy last night, came downstairs, age 2 or 3 and just laid across me and snuggled and his parents said it was unusual and that he must really like or trust me to do that. It was very sweet. I thought he seemed to be pretty happy. Oh! and she had Welsh! it was so strange because she's a DAVIS too. We joked how everyone is a Davis, but that was it.

So I decided to play PacMan somewhere for a little while and th

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