Friday, June 18, 2010

Lucky Guess Today--

I went straight to the Community Action to drop off a letter from a lawyer. Then I was walking back and wanted asmall snack and there is this little store I rarely go to. I've been there before, but not a lot. There is a little painting fresco thing of St. Marhy on the wall with roses and things laid out.

I thought to myself, "I am going to go in there just for the sake of those who feel Mary is important or whatever." It's different for me bc I have a different perspective, but I thought I would do it for those who have a thing about Mary. So I walked in and the song "Maria, Maria" was playing.

I have no idea how I must have known or picked up on something Maria but I did. And this was a ranchero style song but sung in English I think, and I only remember the chorus was "Maria, Maria" and then this woman comes out and she turned it off. So she somehow must have been playing tht song intentionally and maybe I read her mind or picked up on somethingthat was important to her. It was halfway through the song, so I had to have picked up on the energy or thoughts at about the right time.

For me, it was a lucky guess because regardless of what it signified to her, to me it confirmed that I correctly picked up on something about someone else.

I bought a bag of chips and had 84 cents left on my card so I paid with money.

There was nothing special or unusual about my going there or walking by, because I used to do this all the time and it was natural for anyone to know I would be dropping off this letter to Community Actionn and then pass this store. I have gone in before, but not usually bc I'm usually on my way to someplace else.

So there was nothing unusual about my lcation or direction at all. The only thing that was interesting to me was that I somehow picked up on something when I was just several feet away and went in and sure enough, that's what it was about. Maria. That's the song she was playing or thtat was on the radio at that time.

It wasn't the "Maria, Maria" Carlo Santana song, it was something else. It was ranchero. I would say the song was at least halfway through.
I have other things to do, and other things have happened, but I had to document that before I went on.
I dreamed last night but don't remember. I knew when I woke up but then I didn't write it down so I forgot.

This one little boy though, got out of his bed and crawled over to the couch and slept next to me for an hour and then went back to his mother's bed. I thought it was sort of weird because I knew it was natural but he was mumbling in kids's talk and making different noises and then kept saying "wow" "wow" "wow" "wow". at first it sounded like "vow" and then it sounded like "wow" but it was natural. He was saying a lot of things and chattering. I don't know why he felt so comfortable with me but he did.
There are a few really good people out on the road today and a lot of assholes. Mean and weird people.

Some people seem to think whatever is going on right in front of me, where a couple cars are parked, is just hilarious. I probably need to see what's on the other side of the truck to be sure.

There are 2 Asian guys with a fishing pole teahing tack or something in a different van and then a green car and then this truck pulled up. On my side, it's a ton of Christmas and Santa cut-outs. Then a big grey box on top of that and then, we'll have to see....It's just cut-outs on the other side and then a turquoise box. In a Silverado, WA plates A28302X and then it's a sedan 541 ZUE (just a normal green car) and I think some of the hilarity is coming from the whole fishing line thing.

I'm going to go. Today is a day someone has tried to set up I think. It's going to be one of those "look at my cool magic" or "where did she turn now?" days.

That's what causes accidents people. Not paying attention to the ROAD.

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