Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coincidence--Botjobs & NPR & BBC--& image of dove

I turned on the radio for the first time all day today, and it happened to be on OPB or NPR or whatever and right after writing about my computer problems, some guy was talking about this "configure" program that connects all these "black hole" computers together.

So, right after I was writing my last post, I suppose anyone could check the time, but this other program came on and this guy was not only talking about hackers and stuff and what can be done by configuring a bunch of computers together, which other computers can't see, THEN he talked about something that came to my mind several times in the last few days when I was having problems with my buttons on my laptop while playing PacMan.

I figured, I was thinking, but told no one, but I kept thinking, "Oh my gosh...if someone can do this with laptops (!) then it is also possible to do this with airplanes."

And this is exactly what this guy said too, that there is concern people can even affect airport control stations and I was thinking along these lines exactly bc I thought, "what if you're in a plane and you're trying to use your controls and they freeze up?" and I thought, it is possible I'm sure and I thought, how dangerous. I thought about JFK jr. briefly but I can see how it's more likely to be a danger with airport control stations bc they're using computers to direct planes and if there is interference...but I thought this exact thing and it had crossed my mind at least a few times in the last couple of days. Just by seeing what someone can do with my PacMan controls on a laptop.

So, very interesting and enlightening to hear this program. Echoing! and then there was a program about Louise Borgeiose who made spider sculpture and I laughed at one point at least. So did this other woman giving the program, she laughed at the same time I did, bc it was sort of funny how this other woman was describing how she twisted things into art with an immense emotional intensity and violence.

Then, my clock has been on and off and wanted to know the time and thankfully I got the time through the BBC at least 4 or 5 times in a few minutes (just kidding, not that much, but it was nice to know what time it was!). sort of marked the opening of news, each article, with the exact time. I feel like everyone has a bug in my bag.

just kidding.

Oh, by the way, right after I wrote about this Judge having something...

I just got the UK time again. I am noticing the English or UKers must be very timely people. Oh, I can't remember what it is there...something like 5 something GMC but I don't know what GMC is.

Oh, but the other day, I wrote something about the Judge and tarantula or something and then for the first time ever in this spot, I saw 2 spiders that same day or next day. Like, presenting themselves too, with exact timing.

I am a bug and animal magnet. Birds too. I would like to think Francis of Assisi is an influence but I'm not so sure...hmmmmm.....

This BBC guy mentioned the time again, as something like "a fraction of a quarter (before or after) 6 o clock GMT." that is very precise!

I guess it's GMT not GMC. I always just see "UK time" and "US time" on google. I don't know what GMT stands for.

I feel bad about the BP thing. I haven't been watching news or hearing much or keeping up a lot but my son like robots and mechanics and at our last visit we made a robot, putting together parts from a kit. He did very well, it was for 7+ and assemble yourself but HE was the one helping me. The main problem was the parts were very hard to press together. I even had to use force so I tried to explain to him he was doing a great job and it was a big kids' toy but since he was younger he wasn't as strong quite yet.

Now, BBC announced "It's 7 minutes to 6." Anyway. Laurence Pod and Max Something.

I guess the sponsors for the programs I heard earlier were some techtronics group and then a woman with the last name klein, for women's health. I didn't hear anything about women's health though, just the program about the artist, female sculptor who was a little strange.

I am wondering about this whole Israeli-Turkish thing. It may be that something was threatening, possibly, until all facts are known, postpone judgment, but I do think it seemed almost like an attack on turks in particular. That's how it comes across.
it brought some people I met, to mind. Nice young men, with good eyes--brothers.
the other image I had, after I got something about Diana, was that of a dove. I didn't write about it because I didn't think it was important but then, I thought, it is interesting, because I heard there was a celebration or holiday in Afghanistan, which features a dove. But I wondered why I saw it right after Di, even though I didn't feel there was a connection but I saw it straight above, and with wings out. As if it was directly above me. It was white. The celebration the news mentions is called "Jurga" and I don't know that this is why I saw the dove, but thought I'd mention it, after hearing about this. The way I saw it, was the underbelly of it, like it was right above (and in the mind's eye, not a "vision"), and, for example, when I was lying down, it's head would have been facing my feet with tail end beyond my head. but directly above head I think or chest or mid section. Not moving at all. Probably, since mind's eye, right above me I guess. I don't know how to describe it but it was a very simple image. I'm not good with N, S, E, W stuff so that's the direction it faced. There was no motion to it at all. It was sort of like a flash of this, in the mind's eye, and that was it.

I guess it's called a jirga, not jurga. I just looked it up online and it's under "peace jirga in afghanistan 2010".

I don't know though what it was to mean. I do think it's very interesting about the peace jirga so glad I looked it up and see the tents are white and I heard the symbol is a dove which is what had me looking.

I think I dismissed it because I had the image right after feeling like Diana doesn't seem to be dead even, to me, sometimes, even though of course I never knew her and was interested late. Questioning and then I asked this of God and got something about "powder". Then, I was lying there and saw the white dove, without trying to get anything but I didn't know that it had anything to do with Diana because I sometimes get a series of different things. But I got that and I also didn't write about it until reading about jirga, because I had also seen (i am very honest about these things so as not to mislead) a plastic bag with some beads and a silver bird in it, like, for making a necklace. So I wondered if that was why it came to mind, but when it did come to mind, it was a piece of jewelry at all or silver. It looked exactly like a bird, with the feathers and everything and sort of like it was close, but it was just a flash and it was immobile (not moving or flying forward or back, just a stationary flash of seeing this). I only saw it long enough to know direction and that it was white.

I wasn't dreaming bc I didn't take a nap but I was resting for awhile and asking a few things. That's about it.

When I heard about the dove and jirga I thought well maybe it was for current day stuff. I don't know for sure if it was for the peace jirga, my life, or Di. It was just there.
Heard a program about marriage and priests just now and it's late at night. It's almost 1 but not quite. through BBC. I am just happening upon it. I really almost avoid the topic anymore bc I was so deeply involved at one point. I don't hear or watch current news on it other than the small bit about ireland which I didn't think was a shame but rather encouraging for all of ireland in general.

to bed i must.

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