Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Computer Interference Still & description of hacking

the overheating isn't happening as much but someone is screwing around with my laptop still and affecting the buttons so I can't play or I can play and then the buttons just stall and don't work at all.

There is nothing wrong with this laptop and it's not old and I don't have this problem when I'm typing. I only have had this problem with pacman and it's PISSING me off.

Everytime it shuts down or does something, I have to try to restart and it always says my network administator isn't giving permissions when I am the owner and administrator. I've made a report already to a cybercrime unit about hacking and other improper use of my laptop which cose me actual money bc some of it happened while I was trying to file my weekly unemployment claims and then it's a federal crime when someone is changing your FAFSA password constantly.

So I found this free pacman site and what pops up on the first day when I'm trying to play? Something about a game about UNICORNS. Like I want to stop pacman to try the grand unicorn adventure. Yesterday, a pop up came up about "elfin lands".

Not only that, I have some new browser that I didn't choose which is called "freezed" or something and has a blue cube icon and then I have some weather thing which popped up and it's all set for Portland, Oregon stuff.

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