Tuesday, June 1, 2010

dream last night

i had a lot of dream sequences but can't remember everything. just some part about getting a very cool apartment and everything was great until i saw the tub and it was like a travel trailer tub, standard from the 70s or somethign, where it's about 1/3 the normal size and shallow. so i was filling it up and then it was going to leak and i left and started talking to others...a lot of professionals. a woman about 40 and then some man about 40 too, with brown hair, dark hair and sort of built and then at one point i said, guessing psychic stuff, "blair!" and he looked at me, shocked and i said, "tony blair!" and then i wondered, wait, maybe dennis blair and then the woman said, "he has a dog named blayne" or something close and i said maybe i got my wires crossed but i could tell i got something right, in this dream and then they left and i was standing there eating and having a drink outside and this guy was next to a waterfall and he was italian and when he was finished eating, he just tossed the perfectly good china on the rocks like it was the trash can, like from that movie where ingrid bergman does this, and as i've done here and there. i thought "oh! that's an italian custom?" and he did it with his cup, nonchalant, and then he spit. like it was some kind of traditional belch after having a meal.

then i woke up.

yesterday i played a little pacman and sucked but someone was screwing with me and the buttons kept getting stuck and everythign at the wi fi i was using. but i was still doing better with my lefthand, even though it was tired from the days prior. then later, i used both and was doing about the same but used the right more bc it wasn't tired. but my left hand is better, or the brain part is better when i use left hand--i just don't have the strength in it yet but sometimes even the agility isn't bad because my brain is making connections faster or my response is quicker, even though it's the weak hand, weak by not using it much.

when i think of doing other things like writing though--forget it. i wouldn't write left handed or paint that way or anything. it would feel too strange and i'm too conditioned though i might practice for fun.

computer overheating a little bit yesterday while i was at the cafe and then right now, this morning. not psychic, it's the computer and happened when i turned it on.

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