Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Evidence of Experimentation (see photos)

This photo above is of one of the pills on the side so it shows more of the white. The entire outside was WHITE but the inside was oragne and it was more marbled not blended like it is now after an hour. I put this one in to show how it was white on the outside. Look at how poor I am. Maan. $1. I'm thinking lawsuit of maybe, I don't know...1 million? no, what a sell out I would be for that. Maybe 1 billion? esp. after you put my son and my damages together? This one hispanic nurse came running out of the ER room when I was walking away saying I would be back later for my shot. Hell NO to any fucking shot or labled anything from this state.

The pills have blended more now. It's not so much the distinct marbling that was only seen inside. After time, it blended a little but it was more marbled and the orange was totally separate from the white part. I didn't know where to store them, after I opened my hands in the bathroom and saw this, so I wrapped them in money and rolled up the bills and put it in a prescription bottle I had for something else. Then I unrolled and the only thing they've touched is my mouth, my hands, and some greenbacks. Maybe God is trying to send a fucking MESSAGE with the greenbacks. YOU OWE ME and MY SON. PAY UP FUCKERS.

When I called Shelli, aftr the pharmacist told me there was absolutely no way this was "Vidodin" or hydrocodone, I told Shelli I needed someone to save the packaging.

She got nervous. She said it was probably in the trash and I said if it was, I needed someone to get it out and save it.

She said why don't I just go back and "talk about it". Right.

I asked her who gave her the packet, Parnell, or someone else and her claim was that it came from the dispenser. Which I do not believe, when I just talked to several pharmacists who said there is NO vidodin, regular or generic, that does this and has bright orange in the middle but not on the outside. From the outside, it looked like a regular white pill.

I don't know of ANY manufacturer that makes Vidodin which is plain white on the outside but bright orange inside or when dissolving. Since WHEN.

If it's not full on totally sanctioned rotten U.S. shit no one is controlling, then it is a smaller group that is doing things to me and my son and hoping to get away with it and keeping it within their own circles.
I did not eat anything orange. There is nothing from my mouth or tongue that would have made it orange and the water was clear water. It had a bitter taste like regular Vidodin has, but for all I know, it was only "Vidodin" on the outside.

AND, I have already KNOWN that this kind of shit has been happening to me and my son for a very long time. There have been dirty gangs and military who are in gangs, who have done HORRIBLE things to me and my son. I have had people slipping me one thing after the other, in my food and drink, for more than a couple of years, and the same torture I have been through, my son has gone through.

Most recently, I've noticed pigmentation patches that are not normal on my son's face, when in the son, and this has been happening to me as well when it's not typical for either one of us.

Since I haven't been eating and drinking some of the stuff which I had at the other place, a few things have changed. I am feeling the pain from my herniated disc again and sometimes feeling slightly more clear headed whereas for a couple years I've been on all kinds of crap and a total zombie.

WITH ZERO representation and NO HELP for my son.

Some of my normal premenstrual symptoms came back. Which I haven't had, like normal sore breasts, for awhile.

But this has not just been me. It's been my son too.
The pharmacist said the only way it would be orangish would be if it was sort of yellowed from age. But I said, "But it wouldn't be marbled with orange only on the inside would it?" and he said, "No, that is not normal."

It's not "black magic" either. I and my son have been fucked with by a lot of fucking military assholes.


Dr. Freed, how comfortable are you feeling right now? Why is it you seemed to know when I would or would not be having a period?
I just looked up "orange vicodin" and read there might be something like a capsule that's white with orange specks, but that's not what this was. There were no "specks". It was not solid white and only orange and it wasn't old.

I looked at the tablets first and they were solid white. If there wasn't a problem I don't think the nurse would be refusing to get the packaging out of the garbage either. I guess, if it's supposedly standard, we can all find out what they have been using from their dispenser, because I know for a fact, it hasn't been SUPPOSED to have ANY orange in it at all. They are supposedly giving out white hydrocodone that is supposed to be white all the way through. They don't dispense "speckled Vicodin"


  1. you are showing that you are getting more out of control and mentally ill.

  2. And all of this from one of the most whacked individuals I've ever met.

    I know who sent this and I check any medications before I take them. If they don't match up, I don't take them at all. So I checked, and there is no such thing as a Vicodine or Hydrocodone that is white on the outside and orange in the middle.

    It is also possible to get a doctor other than the attending physician and the one I got was Parnell. I know what Ettinger looks like, and he was there, but that is not who came in.

    Finally, I know that I have been medication without my consent on a number of occasions and that is not nuts. That is a fact and I've also documented symptoms from technology or military "less than lethal" shit that has been directed to me and my son.

    I have also been administered "cures" for things like my thumb which I had written about at one time, that had totally shriveled up with all the overheating on one side of my laptop, and I took a meal from some new guy and all of a sudden, the next day, the issue I'd had for almost a MONTH, which I also saw on my son's fingers, was gone, and then I saw that my son no longer had the problem either.

    Either there are sick mother fucker gangs with a lot of access to medicine and exilirs and weapons, (which is true on its own), or the military and govt. is getting away with shitloads because of their patriot act provisions and the laws which allow our govt. to perform any kind of experiment on its own citizens that they want, as long as it's during a time of war.
