Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Documentation of Experimentation by WVC

I was just given "Vicodin" at the Wenatchee Valley Medical Clinic, which, according to the Washington Poison Control pharmacist, does not sound like Vicodin or oxycodone at all. He said it has none of the characteristics.

I left after taking the Vicodin, which came to me, sealed up in a packet, like a professional product.

Usually, I will take the "Vicodin" or generic version, and then take a shot of ergotamine and they have been putting me in a room with a camera running at all times.

On the package it said oxycodone or whatever and looked professional.

However, according to the pharmacist, this is not what I was given.

Dr. Parnell was the doctor who saw me and then Shelli was the nurse who handed me the packet and left it on the table after popping the pills out in my full view. I have been asking that I see everything sealed first, before I take anything,, so they've been doing this. I remember Shelli had a Care Bear sticker on her name badge and that she had a black and orange threaded bracelet on her wrist.

When I left the clinic, telling them I had an appointment with a lawyer I'd forgotten about, and that the Vicodin was working well enough and I'd come back later for a shot...I walked over to the Hastings bookstore where a man in an Army camoflague hat was waiting. The other person waiting, who thought my entrance was absolutely hilarious, was Bill Gottlieb, one of the Clinic directors, but I'll have to check his name. He laughed broadly to some guys who were sitting there and after I called Poison control and then told Shelli to save the packaging, the guy in the Army camo hat left.

I have known I've been experimented on for over 2 years or more, and my son as well, and the U.S. is in on it.

We want a fucking lawsuit and the game is over. We want compensation for our damages and you are fucking returning my son to his mother and getting the assholes who have harmed him, away from him.

I usually chew up the Vicodin so it goes down better. The nurse will not leave until I've taken it.

This time, I tucked it inside of my cheek and while the camera was going, pretended to swallow with water, and then I put my head down against my hands where I discreetly spit out the pills.

They were not white. They were marbled on the inside with a bright orange color and I went to the bathroom to look, telling them I wanted to let the Vicodin kick in before I got the shot, to give myself time to check out what shit they were giving me.

I have saved them and I am uploading photos.

The pharmacist said there is no maker that does this with oxycodone or Vicodin and said it is definitely NOT what it was claimed to be. He wanted to know who the maker was.

But I am "crazy".


You fuckers, all of you, are getting fucking EXPOSED and NOW those in Wenatchee who didn't believe me before, that these Wenatchee and Washington doctors are experimenting on people, do know.

I was given shit on the East Coast and I've been given shit over here, and my son and I have been both medicated without consent, experimented on like guinea pigs, and tortured with military use of technology and not ONE GOD DAMN THING has been done about it except to smear me.

They have arranged for me to not have my own housing so I have been forced to be under observation by other people who work for the U.S. government and then play it off as just gang stuff.

They have also given me things in my food and drink and intimidated and threatened the Avilas to do as they say or worse would happen to the whole family.

This is going worldwide.

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