Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Visit With Son

I promised my son a necklace like mine, with a pendant, by Monday. I asked him if he wanted an "M" for Mama or a "C" for Cameo. He said "M" and I also told him he could have a little boy with "O" for Oliver but he wanted a girl with an "M" for Mama so he would have one of me and I'd have one of him. I didn't explain anything--it was his idea.

SO I went to the store and they are all out of girls with "M". So I considered buying one and having it engraved, that was plain, but it was orange and I thought maybe he'd want a similiar color. I called on engraving and it wasn't expensive but double the price. To ship it from another place was quadruple the price.

So I finally saw one that was of a girl that had turquoise like his does, or teal, and it was a "W" and he told me he wanted a necklace not a bracelet. So I figured, if he is looking down on the pendant when he's wearing it, it is going to look like an "M" for Mama.

So to others it looks like a "W" but he and I would know it's for "M" for Mama. I got a receipt of sorts too, so if he doesn't like this idea or wants a different one, by that time, the new shipment will be in and I can get him whatever he wants. It is his choice.

I might have more money for engraving too, if that's what he wants. So, animals are more expensive and I have to wait a little bit, but this was only $7.50 total so it was something I could do.
i'll write about our visit later. There was a small accident at one point, where I we were in the bathroom. My son had just been showing me how he goes potty, which he usually doesn't want to do, and was asking 4 year old questions about parts of boys and girls, like normal. Very natural so I explained and praised him for doing such a great job with the toilet.

Then we were washing hands and there for a long time and the monitor was just there the whole time with her bag and cell phone. We were at the sink for awhile and then this woman came in, who, I guess, knew Anne. She had on a blouse and pants and was about Anne's age, with a cross pendant on. My son and I always use the same sink on the same side, so did so. This other woman went to the other side and yanked up the handle and it sprayed everywhere. It got on my son, and he smiled sweetly and she said, "It got all over you! I pulled it too fast."

She then left her leather bag to the side on the counter and smirked at Anne and dried her hands. I said to my son, "Did you like that?" after he said, "She splashed me!" and he smiled and nodded and I took water from our facet, and filled both of my hands full with warm water and "Splashed" him. Unfortunately, it went all over this ladies leather bag! I was mortified, of course. My son grinned and I said "Oh no! that went everywhere and one thing that water will ruin is leather!" Big blotches of water all over her real leather handbag. It was terrible. I had to apologize because I really didn't think it would reach that far bc she set it on the far side of the counter.

The woman jerked away from the hand dryer and raced to rescue and look at her bag. I said again to my son, "Whoops!" He was fine with everything and happy and so sweet and innocent and cheerful.

What a beautiful boy I have. Just like a little duck with water off his back. Someone needs to fix the other sink I guess.

I know how to "pull it slow" so there are no accidents, but like this woman wanted to point out, her gold cross gleaming like mica, "She 'pulled it too fast'".

The only part I did not understand was why she thought it was so funny and why she was smirking and laughing about it to the vistiation monitor, Anne.

When I left the visit with my son, there were 2 new women in the waiting room, with huge leather bags set out in front of the table, and glaring.

I guess, sigh, that there must be no surveillance of my visits and a lot of very talented mind readers who come to rescue of leather purse insults (imagined or not) at ready. The Leather Purse Avengers.

I'm just glad my son knows you're not supposed to spit on things, like leather and people and women wearing gold chains who are total hypocrites, because some of the women out there, you know, just did not look very chrisitan or catholic or anything. Kinda bitchy and almost sick in the head, ya know?

But it was a terrible accident that at least my son that was fun and grinned about.

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