Monday, June 28, 2010

Evidence of Neglect of my Son BY STATE & FBI mockery

My son came to the visit today with a dead tooth--one of his top front teeth is grey.

It is one of the very top front teeth, and one is discolored and not from a dye or food.

I have asked the vistation monitor, several times, over the last TWO or THREE months, to document how my son said his teeth are hurting him when he eats and how I could see with my own eyes, cavities in the back of his mouth--a brown spot that is not something you brush away.

I asked that this be documented and that the state have my son go to a dentist but the State tells my aunt and uncle what to do and has told them NOT to take my son to the dentist or doctor, without their permission.

In the meantime, I've had horrible people in the community making mention of teeth problems, around me, just striking up conversation about it.

I do not believe my son has BEEN to a dentist since I made complaints and my son has been complaining.

He also showed up with very dark circles and extremely hot and not hungry and with other marks (not from aunt or uncle) and he was showing signs of brainwashing again, but not my aunt or uncle's doing.

When I told police that came out, they smirked about it and one officer, the same one who tried to keep me from finding out that a kid harassing me had been sent after me by his COP father, from East Wenatchee, that guy looked happy about it.

I also found out my son had his necklace stolen from him, that I gave him which he cared about so much. The one with the "M" for mama and it wasn't done by my aunt and uncle he said, a different grown up took it from him.

When he first saw me he clawed me like someone had told HIM to do this or done this to him. Then he quit and the rest of the visit he was very affectionate and very happy to be with me. But he was not being cared for, and I have SPECIFICALLY asked the STATE to have him go to the dentist and they REFUSED and NOW

My son not only has cavities, he has a grey tooth. Which someone just happened between our last visit, last week, and today, in the span of 4 days.

My son didn't feel like eating and he was burning up. He was also very thin and he always remembers the names of the cars from the CARS movie and today he didn't remember the name for "Sally". He knows all of these things.

Not only that, I walked into the visit and state workers had set out a calendar I made for my son, in MAY, in the middle of the room, with a rescue tower on top of it.

I sent that calendar out to my son in MAY and it left the offices with him in his bag and no one would have had access to it except the visitation monitor driving him back and forth. And it showed up in the offices and she was there as she always is, and no one does a thing about any of this.

I went to the bathroom with my son and some woman came in smirking over at Anne and saying, "He wants it CLEAN, because it's DIRTY." and said this a few times to the monitor, after asking my son, "Are you cleaning that because it's dirty?" some blond tall white woman wearing green and yellow. And then my son nodded and said yes and she left looking at Anne with a grin.

I said to the woman, "I was wondering if you're from the South?" and she said "No..." and I said, "Oh, really? how strange. I thought you had some kind of slang or something, like an accent but more of a slang." She said no, she wasn't from the South and I said, "Oh, (haha) you must have been raised in Wenatchee then."

I like the Southern accent actually but this grown woman, who looked put together and was making a weird issue about my son playing in the sink, she had a twang or slang to her voice and I thought, how funny that she feels she is even my son's equal.

Of all things, I don't make comments or innuendos with children. Never, and some of the women who do, must be married to men who have turned a blind eye or are totally blind and deaf, or as despicable, or they just have their affairs and keep a woman around like that to pop out a couple of decent looking kids and wash their underwear.

That's when I noticed his teeth because when she was around him he then grinned into the mirror and I saw one of his teeth was dead. And that's when I told Anne, AGAIN, that I wanted this documented.

When has the state ever vouched for my son EVER?

Then I called the FBI to make a report of continued collusion with state officials and obstruction of justice, which is something THEY are required to investigate, and I asked the man for his ID number and he didn't want to give it to me. Then he said, already knowing who I was, "It's CHARLIE 6". I said, "No it's not. I have never heard of any FBI member with the ID number of a name with one digit."

I called at about 1 p.m. so it was whoever the man was taking calls at that time.

Usually, it is a 4 digit number or so. He said, "Charlie is just a term for the letter 'C'".

I have never heard of an FBI personnel giving out their ID with "Charlie" and I also don't believe they have IDs that comprise one letter and one digit alone. If they do, it's new.

I said I wanted to speak with a duty officer and got a recording so I left a message for documentation that I have tried, repeately, to get someone to protect me and my son and these people are corrupt and have done nothing.

I tried to make a report of theft of my son's necklace, which means so much to him, at the courtesy phone in the state office and I took photos of the way the State left my visitation calendar for May with my son. They put all this green stuff out and were wearing green and then had a pink pen at the top of a shelf in a basket and none of that has to mean anything. I would say more that it was that they put a calendar there and thought my computer was down so I couldn't even take photos. I had the security guard see how it was and the visitation monitor was there the whole time.

So after the visit with my son, my son looked worried and sad, and didn't want to leave and had these sad eyes looking at me, and this guy "Tony" came in and said he was "serving" me with papers to show up for the Termination Trial and said "Your visit for Wednesday is terminated and all of your visits are terminated from now on, unless the Judge decides otherwise."

These fuckers left a visitation calendar from MAY in the room and then waited until the end of the visit to tell me my sons visits were all terminated. That is intentional infliction of emotional distress, and it is also harassment.

I have tried several times, to get an officer to take a report of the kind of creepy things they do in these visits with my son and how they set up the rooms and the police here refuse to do anything and Judge Hotchkiss has blocked me from photographing or audiotaping so I have evidence.

So I was on the phone to Rivercom, to the police about the theft and about harassment again, and right after I mentioned Tony's name, he must have been listening in, because he came around the corner and told me to get off the phone. He is a state worker for DSHS. I told him I was on the phone with police and couldn't and he still tried to force me off. He then said, "If you don't get off, I'm calling the police." I said, "I'm already talking to the police." (about YOU asshole, and you know it.)

So then he tells Glenda, I think, or whatever secretary was there (maybe it wasn't Glenda), "Call the police" so HE tried to illegally FORCE me off of a phone call to police and then tried to make it look like I was the problem. Any Rivercom record will show clearly what happened bc it's documented on audio.

So then they said they'd send someone out for me and I waited outside and decided to take this one FBI persons advice to double document what I'm calling about and use 911. I normally wouldn't, but when I have state people affecting my son's life, and threatening me, and when I've been falsely arrested twice, with my evidence destroyed by THEM, I think it is a good idea to be sure the information goes out to state police outside of the area because if it doesn't, for all I know, those officers would come out and try to falsely arrest me for disorderly conduct or something, when there was none.

I noticed Tony did some very fast backtracking on what he said to me, when he was repeating his account to the police. He totally changed his story and said he had only tried to tell me the visit was cancelled for Wednesday and that was it. That's not what he said. He told me our visits were terminated completely unless maybe, depending on what happened at the hearing tomorrow, for which I have for representation and been refused.

Every lawyer I've talked to has said this is illegal. All of them say it's illegal.

Why am I being forced to go to a termination trial when I have repeatedly asked for an attorney? and when my rights are in jeopardy and either this judge will try to have me admitted to a mental place to make up something about me, or will try to terminate my rights illegally. Either way, I have the right to representation for this hearing.

So 3 officers came out. The first being the one who tried for the nasty East Wenatchee cops' kids. He came out and smirked when I said my son didn't look okay and had been stolen from but mainly, he started smiling, like he was happy, when I said my son didn't look good today. The man is sick in the head. And to think that I actually gave HIM a tip about not leaving his gun out in the open where anyone could grab it.

Then came the woman Smith, and then Miller. I wonder if Miller is any relation to the other numerous Millers who have recently attempted to obstruct justice. What I know is that Smith, the woman, kept telling me "It's time to go."

I think you had to be there to get what was really going on. Yeah, she was telling me to go, like, leave the premise or whatever, but more than that, it was, in tone and implication, about trying to have me leave altogether and forcing me out of the area. These cops have come right out and told me to move and refused to take reports a number of times.

I seriously, yesterday, when I got the image of an invasion, it wasn't huge and it was smaller in scale, but I did get that invasion. And then I kept asking for an earthquake in Washington state and never get a thing when that's what I really think God would do if He were sending a message.

I really don't think it's a good idea to tell me my time is up.

I think time is getting short with God and that a lot of people need to shape up or ship out, on their own, to save others from going down on account of them. It was people at the top who brought the economy down and people at the top are not taking care of the justice system, not in Washington State.

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