Monday, June 28, 2010

Dreams Last Night

I had a TON but I don't remember any of them. I kept waking up after them too and if I'd had a pen I could have written them down but I sometimes think if they don't feel so impacting, that maybe it's not such a big deal what the dream is.

I saw footage of the horse and Harry. I had wanted to see it in motion to see if it really looked like it was the horse or not but it sort of did. If not, that was a really good fake.

I guess I'll add, with the dog yesterday, when it listened to me, I didn't use any hand motions at all. I kept my hands to the side and didn't point to the door of the car. I only used words. So I was thinking, to some people that makes a difference bc animals usually respond to a signal like pointing, they know this. But I think they know language too or tone of voice or are a little bit intuitive sometimes.

I have my visit with my son today.

I've only had 2 changes of clothes on me and the same jeans for over a month. But I'm happy to visit and then have to see if my lawyer can help with the housing matter since he's back from vacation.

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