Sunday, June 27, 2010

Strange Dog Obeys My Commands & My Son

I saw this guy and started talking to him and this other woman came out with her little shitzu dog and the dog walked over and peed on his doorframe.

Then, she was in the car and said, "Come on!" and told the dog to get in the car and the dog just looked at me.

I looked at the dog and said, "Go on doggie! Walk over to the car!" and it did. It immediately turned and walked to her SUV door.

It stood there and she told it to hop in. It just looked. Then I said, "Hop in the car now doggie!" and it instantly hopped into her car.

Witnesses. I had witnesses.

I said, "I guess I'm like a dog whisperer, but not all the time."

He said, "You should work with animals."

I told him it was just like the time I coaxed a wild baby racoon into a cage, just by talking to it nicely. This dog did the same thing.

It doesn't always happen like that, but it did.

Then I told him how when I was little, I used to sing and it was like Cinderella or Snow White because all of these birds would fly over nearby and sing along.

He said I'd be a good vet assistant and I said, "I only want to work with my son."

I am good with animals and kids but I just want my son and do a great job with him and I feel someone should be able to step in and correct the whole thing by calling it as it is: an illegal kidnapping of my son. There were no grounds for taking him and they have obstructed any way for me to prove this and done illegal things to keep us apart.

I feel someone at the top, instead of thinking keeping us apart will free me up, should be able to correct and remedy the situation.

I went back to my room and checked my laptop and there are no more porn pop-ups, but it still won't run.

I told him I think some people might think I am some kind of impulsive person who is just going to hop on a semi or into a van and take off, but I am not that way. What I did, in leaving over a year ago, was out of desperate measures, and it made sense then, because there were no other alternatives and I had time on my side. If I could make it somewhere else and come back to get him, I could do it. But now, I don't have time and I've been screwed over and hopping into some van or truck or leaving is not a "strategy"--it would be stupidity, and what I have done, always, even if it seems incredible, is based on sound consideration and logic and the best game plan I can think of, with little to go off of.

I cannot now "leave" and have time to find a solution and then go back. I am in a situation where someone at the top should intervene and where I should be given a FAIR chance to just have my son and move forward somewhere else.

What I have done in the past, for my son, was never on erratic "impulse"--it was based on emergency and strategy and the best thing I could think of, considering all of the possibilities. What I do now is the same. I don't have the same options.

Taking my son from me is not going to do the world any good. It is not going to do my son any good either.

I have more childhood developmental education and hands-on experience than probably 80% of the people who work for the state with kids. I am an excellent mother.

I may not square well with all of the adults, but as a mother, I am very good and in fact, one of the best.

I wouldn't dare say this about any of my skills--not singing, research, art, or psychic ability, but I can say this about parenting my son. I am the best there is and he needs me because no one else understands him and gets him like I do and no one will put their entire life and attention into him in the way I have done and would do.

I feel this is an illegal kidnapping of my son and that my son has literally been held hostage and myself as well--and deliberately preventing from getting documentation and showing what the "truth" really is.

If the U.S. wants to do research, they can hire me on a contract basis and pay me. And if they choose not to take this option, their guys will not be the better for it.

There never should have even been any idea that a "hostage negotiation" had to be MADE for the return of my son to me. It was illegal to take him and the U.S. is responsible for investigating any kind of illegal kidnapping and I am the one who should have a fucking AMBER alert out until he is returned to me.

If my own country does this to me and my son, what has to happen? Another country comes in to rescue us? through a military ambush and rescue operation?

Is this fucking America? where am I fucking living?

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