Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Domestic & Sexual Violence & images or impressions

Here are photos of what I got randomly, out of about 20 or more magazines from which I chose totally at random, and then without flipping around. I opened up right to this. Julianne Moore on the cover. I opened up to this. I made them take a photo copy of the page to keep for themselves while I kept the original.

I do not know what this woman's problem is with me, but I never started anything. I had no opinion of her until over, and over, and over, she has gone out of her way to try to keep me from getting services, push me out, and keep me from even a shelter that I qualify for.

I had grace for her until today, and half of those workers who are new, are there as snitches. They're not keeping things confidential. They're snitching to others like law enforcement buddies and friends of these guys, and work with CPS and the state more than the women they claim their mission is to work with. Not all, but many of them.

There is someone by the name of Jennifer who is new from Seattle and I had a bad vibe from her on Day ONE and she tried to keep me out of services (or advocacy or reporting anything or any counseling to benefit my case with my son). I will find her last name. She went to school in Boston, MS. My feeling is that she took up where Olivia left off, who was also from Seattle.

Then she kept going to Mary Ann Preece.

I want to KNOW, WHAT is UP with Mary Ann Preece. I want to know what her husband, Tim, does, and what their issues are against me and who they are connected to in this area. She moved into the area about the time I did. She wasn't even in this kind of work before, to my knowledge, but what exactly, is HER problem with ME?

I claim innocence because I don't know a fucking thing about her and her family or connections, but she is the Executive Director, and on 3 occasions now, has gone out of her way to keep me out of services I qualify and set me back anyway she can. She HATES me and is doing favors for someone but I don't know why.

1. 8 months ago I tried to look into the shelter. Mary Ann was pushing me out, knowing I qualified but working very hard to keep me out of housing and appropriate housing at that. I didn't even know she was the Director. I just know she put her foot down and said no and made excuses and then later, someone else who had been on staff awhile said "WHO told you that?" and I had relayed the same facts and this other woman thought it was very strange that Mary Ann was claiming I didn't qualify. They thought it odd. I let it go, and as a result, I was out on the streets with NO place to go, and that was when, thanks to Mary Ann, I became vulnerable to being poisoned by strangers.

I am wondering what church Mary Ann goes to, if she is religious at all.

2. Then, I tried to apply for counseling and both she and Jennifer attempted to tell me I could not use any of the services at all and was ineligible. I said to Jennifer, "Where is the intake form?" and she produced one. I said, "Thanks" and proceeded to check all of the boxes which indicated I qualified for services as much or MORE than the average person. This bitch, has been bitchy ever since. Let me guess--she goes to the same church that Mary Ann goes to. Because what is the fucking connection? I guess Mary Ann may be from sort of the Seattle area which makes me wonder why, if this is the right one, she moved over here.

I sound horrible right now, but after I write out all the crap they have put me through, and in such a dramatic constrast to what God wants to do, I think my anger is justified.

So I filled out the form and then asked for a copy. It was only after I asked about funding and got copies that she backed down and said maybe I qualified.

Yeah bitch. I fucking qualify. This woman sat there and mocked me, and just sat there trying to get info out of me and I told her I didn't know her well enough to share my life story and then she shut me down. If I didn't want "to talk" she was claiming I couldn't get counseling. I couldn't talk about what I wanted to talk about--she WANTED to direct everything. I felt like I was talking to an FBI worker. A bad one.

She talked to Mary Ann who told me I couldn't go to the only center in the whole town for women who have been victims of sexual or domestic abuse. That was Mary Ann's second deliberate attempt to keep me from services. Here I have checked boxes for unbelievable things, and it's all true and backed up, most of it, with evidence, police records, and witnesses, and she is trying to tell me I can't take advantage of their services if going to their counseling might help me in my custody case, or if filing restraining orders and making reports might buy me time and explain why I've been held back from getting anything done on this custody case.

They weren't trying to help me at all. Then I gave Mary Ann a fair chance and said, "You know, maybe you don't know all the details so I'll put something in writing and I will release you to see my records so you know how I DO qualify." I already knew she'd seen them, but I just gave her an easy out and a benefit of a grace. I tried to be kind. After she is in her great house with her family and career and SHE is trying to screw ME over and MY SON over, I was the one trying to be NICE to her. I didn't blow up. I did not even blog about her after she did this. I was cool about it, even when I had no reason to be and had a right to be upset.

So what do they fucking do to me NOW?

3. They fucking tell me, again, that I am not eligible for the woman's shelter which I am trying to get into until I get my other housing back. I qualify, again, and yet they kept cutting me off and saying no I didn't and trying to push me out. Then I said, "Do you want some of my documentation that shows how I qualify?" and they said NO. I talked to Jean Wood who just fought me the whole time and said Mary Ann and the housing woman Tami said NO when they didn't even HEAR the details of this situation. I said, "So you are telling me you do not want to SEE or possess copies of documentation that would prove I am eligible?" and then finally, to Jean's credit (credit where credit is due always), she said, "Okay, put it in writing and then present it." But that's after, once again, I'm asking about the funding for this place.

So I put my statement together and got documents and called this afternoon, exhausted, and they knew I'd had no place last night. So these women tell me to come over and they'll go over it. Intake is 24 hours. There is no deadline but they were telling ME they weren't even looking at my records for another day. Which is discriminatory and not what they do for everyone else. They knew I would have no place to go and again, Mary Ann put me, knowingly, into a dangerous position.

She wouldn't even show her face. All these other workers filed out, with horrible smug looks and mocking me. I thought it was horrible. Not all of them did this, but about 70% did. Just horrible juevenile people whose only reward in life is to keep down people they already know are superior to their asses. I'm sorry, but that's the only reason they would act that way--inferiority and a sadistic appeal to the reward center in the brain for feeling a little better about themselves when they are jealous. If God had it his way, I would be THEIR boss. And I would be kinder to them than they are with me because I don't have an ego issue stemming from some kind of defunct childhood or marriage which is why they got into this work to begin with. You know what? I've seen trials. But I do NOT let it fucking control my life and attitude.

So, it's been a long time okay? and anyone can check...I did NOT blog about anything. So I was very patient. I am not starting things.

But now, I am fucking defending myself and my rights and getting it out in the open: these bitches, some of them, are full on shrews and I DO want to know, what the HELL is WRONG with Mary Ann?

Here's the real clincher. The part where I am sitting there thinking, "This is just unreal...."

I spent an hour trying to convince a couple of woman about what was going on and then they left to consult. I sat there. I was sitting on a couch next to a stand of magazines that was to my side. There were at least 20 magazines or more, some turned backwards but I didn't look closely. I said to God, "God, will you bless me and if I just randomly pull out a magazine and flip it open to the first thing, will you show me something about my circumstance or how you feel?"

Like I said, I feel timid and cautious, but believe in great things from God. He can use ANYTHING to send a message. I said, "Okay, and without looking at what magazine I was grabbing, which was behind another one so I didn't even see the cover, I just pulled it out. I looked at the cover. "Oh!" I thought, "Julia...the redhead (actress, I'll think of her last name in a minute.). SO then I just randomly opened up the magazine to see if God was going to speak to me.

Guess what the FUCK I turned onto? I could hardly believe it.

I still think about it. I wish there had been a security camera to capture it all. I randomly pick this mag and then randomly turn it open and it lands on an article about domestic abuse. On the side were "7 warning signs" and I turned the page over and right there was a hotline, a National one, for Domestic Abuse.

God knows, but fucking Mary Ann Preece and Tami and this town like to FUCK with Jesus. Good luck with that ladies.

I tore out the page and put it in my bag and it's page 108 from Ladies' Home Journal, March 10.

I decided to randomly grab 2 magazines for the other 2 women who had been listening to me. One was Ray and one was Angelica. What I did was just think, "Okay God, one for Ray" and then grabbed one and then "One for Angelica now" and grabbed it. I opened to something about money for Ray and felt she is having an issue with finances of some kind or there is some money issue. Then, for Angelica, I got a page about redemption and salvation from demons which I took to mean from her past possibly. Redemption.

So I got that far and they came back, others came back and basically said Mary Ann said nothing could be done and I was on my own to be totally homeless and without any safety for another night.

I almost began to cry. I shared with the women present, what I had just received, for me, about domestic violence, from God, and here they were, denying me and my son any respite. It brought me to tears, the horrible contrast of good and evil, of God's will and the stubborn resistance and pride and ignorance or sin of man which gets in the way of good.

That is how my life has been.

I get these pages from God which are amazing.

Indescribable grace and blessing and goodwill. And people just fuck with it. And they fuck with God and they wonder why things eventually are not working out for their families very well and why they are getting sick and need to be healed. I take it and take it, and see this over and over and over.

Here I was, even willing and trying, to bring some good blessing or word to 2 other women, and someone else or others just fuck with everything and STAND IN the way of way of what God wants to do.

How was the bath tonight Mary Ann?

Don't you EVER take for granted simple pleasures while you are depriving others of basics. Because you don't know when someone is going to pull the rug out from under YOUR feet. And if you don't believe me, watch your husband's business. Mary
Ann seems to care more about her houseplants than other people's lives. Good job with the plants. This huge green plant in a floor pot comes to mind, medium to dark green leaves sort of heart shaped. Either in the house or some office near her. I get plants. Also, maybe for someone else, but the back of some couch that is scratched.

You are not going to make as much money. You may get some buffers from supporters short term, but you will reap what you have sown.

Your simple enjoyment of tea, and looking out the window leisurely, is not something you should be taking for granted. Your prayers are misdirected. What I got for you, when I stopped to think, is that you need to pray for forgiveness from God and so does your housing manager Tami. You are overdue. It was a bumpy road for your husband today, literally, and this is symbolic.

I am not a saint. But I did pray for forgiveness today before I made my prayers to God and I feel 100% more power from God and connection, when I do this first. I did this in a bathroom, after walking to the river and asked God then, after repenting, for sunshine and no rain until at least evening and God heard my prayer.

God will hear the prayers of even one person, regarding weather.

Weather is nothing.

It is hard hearts that is difficult.
I cried several times today because of what people in Wenatchee have done to me and my son. And I know without doubt, that God is listening and gearing up. I feel it and I prayed how to be humble when I am asking for an increase at the same time. I don't know how to do it. Because obviously, I don't sound very "sweet" anymore. Yet only God knows the heart.
This evening, without noticing her shirt or wallet, I saw a woman going through CDS. If I had noticed or looked I would have seen her wallet was like a piano keys and her shirt said music but she was turned away from me and I just didn't see or notice the wallet. The first thing I got, standing near her, was "treble". I thought that would be strange to ask about so I asked, "Do you play piano?" and she said, "Yes, I play piano, and sax, and guitar...and..and...and...and I'm studying to be a music teacher." Then I noticed her shirt bc she had turned to me. I said, "Oh wow!" and then told her, "I asked about piano but you know what I got first was 'treble' and I know it has to do with theory but what is it exactly?" and she said it was the top staff of music. I said it might be cool to look up all the different meanings for treble, and wiki on it. She said she knew it meant "G clef".

Her name was Cassidy and she is going to Central Washington and has 2 years left and I wished her well and good success with teaching music.
I keep listening to this song "Forever Young" by Jay Z: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAsqZTwp1lQ
I looked up "treble" and "G clef" and what I got out of it, which I thought was interesting, was that "treble" refers to all the instruments that this woman said she played. It is the upper range and the staff which is used most for these specific instruments. So she is almost always on treble. I got "treble" before even piano and treble applies to all the instruments she plays and also her teaching and theory.

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