Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More Corruption From Wenatchee Police

I asked to make a report about abuse last night and 4 different Wenathcee officers to take a report, or even write down an incident number.

Let's contrast that to how the Wenatchee police took a 911 from a woman who I had gone to to check on a rental, who claimed I was sitting on the property (when I was waiting for her). The police threw it out but guess what? They made a report on THAT and wrote out an incidence number.

But I tried to make a report of abuse and they refused.

First it was one guy and then this "Bolz" guy who tries to make up for his size with cockiness and just talked right over me. As the two of them talked to me, back to the road, another 3rd cop car drove by with someone waving, not in a friendly way, but like "goodbye" because they know they've tried to run me out of town and have NEVER done their job. On the same street and got in my face. I guess she's Michelle Ericksons "protection".

They want me to screw them and their buddies and think it's really cool. They want me to live with total assholes. But they don't care about the law, justice system, or my son.

Then, Bolz slipped up by saying the shelter was right across the street, so now I know exactly why I am being discriminated against.

Michelle Erickson lives across the street. The woman who is totally corrupt and the biggest liar in court and she lives a few feet away.

So, instead of doing what they're supposed to do, this agency for "domestic violence" has been doing favors for CPS.

I had another woman, who was Jewish, stalking me last night and then wave off to the police when she drove by and she wasn't even from that area, to my knowledge, but claimed she was.
The second group to come out was Lichen and Jim West. Jim West tried to intimidate me into not making a report of criminal trespass against Steve May, where I suffered the physical problems and then theft and vandalism. He also tried to say it was civil when I called Tacoma they said, no, it was criminal trespass and a misdemeanor.

So Jim West sat there telling me he never said this and I said yes he did and he had another guy with him and West said, "He will back me up." This guy is totally crooked. He also said to me it wouldn't matter if I reported him because, he said, "You've lost your credibility."

Really? Did I ever have "credibility" with him or any of them? West was supposed to take care of things, and I remember problems with Lichen before my son was ever taken from me. I was trying to make reports against their departments for harassment.

Lichen mouthed off to me and as he got into his car I said, "Take good care of your fucking dog." I saw him all gooey over some ugly big fucking dog. If it wasn't a dog, maybe it was his wife. I've made that mistake before.

With Jim West, I see sexual issues. I see some dysfunction, a lot of jerking off, and some abberations or a mistress. I also see him, symbolic or not, driving around on a go-cart or bumper cars, feeling like a hot shot. He also knows someone named Derrik that means something to him. He also has a penis that is average or slightly smaller than average. I am sure the guys in the locker room or others can testify. There is also some little girl he cares about and if he continues to fuck with me and my son, God is going to fuck with that little girl in the same manner that my son has suffered. That is not a threat and has nothing to do with me. I am just the messenger and telling you how it will be, and it has nothing to do with me. I don't even think he has a girl himself, so maybe it's a niece or something, but it's a little girl.

Sorry to do it to you Jimmy, but your fucking "credibility" with God, is shot. Take it up with the Big Man. Get your priorities and attitude straightened out for your own sake. It's going to be something natural with that girl. No one will be able to say it was because of anyone doing anything. You have a photo of her standing there smiling in a cute knee length pink dress. I think her hands are behind her back.

You assholes like to dish it out but you can never take it can you?

These assholes tried to threaten to charge me with "disorderly conduct" because after they told me I had no credit and how they were going to continue to be corrupt without repercusion, and telling ME "the game is over" (MY game?) I said "No, you're the ones who are fucked for refusing to take reports." So I said this and they tried to threaten to arrest ME.

As for Bolz, I was right to call 911 when he was "sicked" out on me by this woman who said "my COUSIN is the SHERIFF and I'LL call the police and he will send someone out." So here comes Bolz swaggering and I saw it coming and panicked and called 911. He reverted to being polite. Last night, I saw exactly what he would have been like if I had not first notified people about what was going on. Bolz? Dirt bike or dirt motorbike fanatic as a kid. Has a friend that flies planes. Tired of his woman. Flat or slashed tires somewhere recently, either report or on his own vehicles. Possibly rides horses or did when younger, not a lot but some. I don't know that he smokes at all but put a cigar in his mouth for something but I don't know when. Likes dark haired women with enormous breasts. Some relative in the medical field. And he tried to tell me that relation meant nothing in this town, whether a cop is related to someone or not. I think he goes to church. Someone gave him an uppercut from under the chin which he remembers.

If the house Bolz pointed to was the shelter (which I don't know that it is) I went over and looked and there was a large plant with heart shaped leaves (but different from what I saw) and a large floor pot on the table outside. I saw house plants. I didn't see the specific pot that I had an impression of.

Interesting. I saw an older baby/toddler with Bolz. I thought either he has one or wants another one. I looked it up. He has a 2 year old. There are also Bolz's connected to medical persons in town and a Dennis Bolz who is a Chelan county PUD commissioner and I don't know if they're related or not.

I also got something about one of these guys being really into baseball and in looking up West's kids to see if they're boys or girls, I see he is into baseball along with some guy by the last name Miller.

Based on the accuracy I'm getting about these other things, it is safe to say I am right when I say Jim West has a small penis and God knows and you should not have humiliated and fucked with Cameo Garrett.

If you want to call me crazy and say I've been "discredited", lets hear about your physical exam. I'm sure your wife could be called in to testify.

If you want to continue to collude with and fuck my situation with my son, which you've already done, things will only get worse for all of you because I will call on God to give me things you will wish had stayed in the closet forever. That means my enemies and it also means those who are interferring in any way.

I may be a bitch, but I am a bitch blessed with grace and insight and God knows who has integrity with HIM and will call you out by fucking NAME if this situation with my son is not resolved and you do NOT fucking CLEAN UP YOUR ACT.


  1. Ms. Cameo Garrett:

    You are currently under investigation for numerous acts of prostitution theft and harassment.

    You claim to be an authority on Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus; before talking you need to walk the walk Ms Garrett.

    There are several witness accounts of you selling yourself behind glass in Seattle and on the streets and accounts of your experiences in our community with partners who take you and laugh about it with their friends.

    Your criminal activity has been documented on video including the shoplifting.

    If you have any questions or concerns please contact me:

  2. This is a comment from someone named Theo who has serious issues.

    I am not under any kind of investigation and if I were, it would be to cover for acts committed by some who are guilty in law enforcement or in the community, of things I've either written about or haven't yet exposed.

    I haven't claimed to be an authority but I have freely shared what I know, which anyone may do if they read the Bible a few times and pay attention.

    There are zero accounts of my engaging in any kind of illegal activity, at all. I have never taken money for any kind of favor in my life even though there are some lawyers, judges, and police who might wish I would. I have not even been with many people and my past is far more pristine than the norm.

    I have not stolen anything and yet I've been stolen from and had police do nothing about it and threaten me instead. I have never harassed anyone by any legal definition of the law but I have been stalked and defamed.

    My calling people on things, is free speech. Harassment is when someone crosses the line, which I have not ever done.

    I have never done anything which has been criminal and documented on video. I wouldn't put it past someone to have illegally taped me while showering or without my knowledge, but no, there is nothing on me.

    Sheriff's of nottingham, who claim to be favorites of Queen Elizabeth and sought after eagerly on facebook by royalty, who abuse others and then claim to possess powers and connections to keep them out of trouble with and in cahoots with some who are corrupt, are not interesting to me.

    If anyone has spread rumors about me, it might be why some have thought lately they could find an easy way into intimacy with me but that is not how I operate. I think, in fact, someone even approached me, telling me he would give me money because a man named "Chris" said it was "okay". If anyone is saying something is "okay" and misleading people, it is because they are lying to slander me because some people don't like the fact that I accurate perceive what they are up to half the time.

    I leave innocents alone, but those whoo go after me, and those I love, or who do NOTHING to protect us after being involved, or knowing of the situation or putting us in harms way...they may find that they are on the receiving end of my insights. It's not defamation unless you can prove it's not true, and in my case, I've been right.

    I believe the police and some assholes here even told my ex from Colombia that I was hooking up with people just because I used a hotel lobby's wifi.

    And then the police come looking for favors.

    The game is over fellows.
