Friday, June 4, 2010

Good Day For Me

Today was full of harassment. I got a lot of plate numbers and evidence.

But overall, despite, well...this song says it all: Martyrs and Theives. I also like this acappella version of Faithful To Me:
His Grace Is Sufficient:
I like this one a lot: Allelujah: I used to sing it a lot. I like the male voice paired with hers...It's Marc Powell.
It Is Well With My Soul:
and one by Mahalia Jackson, which I really like:

There was psychic shit going on which just happened until I sat down and focused on it and prayed. Then it basically held nothing.

As for computer or technology stuff, two things today. My laptop is overheating right now, and it's not "psychic" stuff. It is just military and gang shit.

The other thing, which I found more concerning, was a little game being played by at least 2 white men. It was set up too, with possibly a third, to know when I was coming out of the Safetway and when someone should go past me. Because there was a white man in a beige long SUV (not the one I referred to as seeing in an accident bc that one was more copper colored but all of a sudden, someone decided to bring out all the beige SUVs around the area. Which I noticed, but I noticed it was stupid because if it was to psych me out, it didn't work because it was the wrong fucking color.

But anyway, there was a different man, professional and well dressed white man, and he parked just by the door of the Safeway, like approaching but watching intently and I noticed him. I noticed him first and then secondly, I noticed the second man approaching me and he was also tall and white. Longer hair, but not a bum. More of the type who probably makes a decent living doing dirty shit for corporate white fuckers. So he had his hand under his jacket and he made a motion at the very same time I had a sharp pain in my heart. It was something which would only affect a large muscle, and had nothing to do with other smaller muscles. This fucker used SOMETHING ON me, or against me, and it was technology and then this other guy in the SUV sat there and as the man passed me, he studied me intently and then was laughing even though I had zero reaction.

That's when I realized even heads of state are not really safe. Not ones with weak hearts, or other problems, because with what is available these days, it could affect someone who has heart problems already. And there are things which will trigger normal or natural things to occur.

And this town, is seriously sick at heart to start with. Some of the people who I think are supposed to be "some" kind of "christian" but I have no idea what their definition is, are really sadistic. They don't have enough to do here. I had a really sad, sad, example today, seeing what this woman whom I'd formerly thought was sweet and innocuous--after seeing what she was doing and how she was getting her kicks too.

It is weird and concering and I don't know if SHE goes to the Presbyterian church or was just taking a call and talking about it a lot to make it sound like that's what she was so I would think this...I have no idea. But both she and this other man were pulling a little stunt and then laughing over it and suddenly he quit when I unexpectly came around the corner and asked if they would like a "dollar" for the coffee donation tin.

So I have to write about this but I guess I got something about her later, as I was not asking for something, but just wondering why she would do such a thing. So all of a sudden, thinking why would she do this when she seemed so nice and decent and helpful, and then I had a totally different picture of her, in yoga positions and other, and very flexible (at one time in life at least). You look at her now and think no way. But I guess looks are deceiving. Here she is, in modest long sleeved clothing and so conservative and thick glasses, and I thought she was trying to help and yet she was doing this other shitty stuff and making fun of me on the side. So all I was thinking, was "God! she seemed decent!" and then I got this "other side" of her flashing up. At least now I know why she's still married. I might wait just a little while before saying anything though, because I would like to ask her about some things. But it was disappointing to say the least. It was like jokey-satire stuff about Prince Harry and it was partially to have me sort of notice I think and then part of it was behind my back. She also did something which I didn't mind at first but then when I saw she was making fun of me, then I wondered why exactly she had done what she did and figured it was so I couldn't evidence what I need to evidence in the way it has to be done. I am NOT asking God for intimate stuff about people either, it is just what I am being given, I guess, in God's own way to avenge me in small ways or let others know HE knows what THEY are up to and is letting me know. There is much, much, worse going on, so why I would rush in to write what came to mind about her, I just don't feel it's necessary right now bc she will read this and already know if it's right or not. And, really, there is so much worse going on so I think it just came to mind bc I thought about it and prayed bc I was sort of shocked. Shocked in a disappointed way, like, "not her too..." But she's helped me or provided resources too, and also, I saw the photos of her sons and I cannot use her name here because of that. I wish this game-y stuff was not going on. That's just it. But I forgive her. And how I got the impression isn't like some kind of porn movie impression at all, it's different, like a knowledge and then sort of a "seeing" at the same time. It was more like jumping, leaping, rolling, very, very active and flexible. But details between two people, no, I didn't see that part. AND she's helped much more than others and I still like her on her own merit.

I think it's different, what I get, with different people and it's not really up to me. The other day, someone was talking and all of a sudden I saw one part, one part of that body, and it was not accompanied with any kind of desire or lust or anything like that, it was just this tiny little fragment that came to mind and it was so strange, because it was just one side and a very small angle or piece. That was the first and only time that I've ever had that happen, that I actually got an image in the middle of them talking about sort of intimate things but not explicit in any way. It is the one time I thought it was sort of like what I've read remote viewers see or get, but I don't think or feel I'm very good at that. Not like people I read about, but I've read they get just a flash or small part or something, and it's not like seeing everything all the time all at once, like a vivid movie, at least not for most. But that was interesting. It was like a partial and very quick x-ray vision in a way.

Last night I was resting and that older Navy man with the nose things and the respirator...he is GOOD. Maybe ornry too. I saw HIM, making a face at ME. Like he somehow KNEW I would get it and I have no idea how the hell he knows except that maybe he already got confirmation from me. He stuck his tongue out and made this weird lizard tongue movement. Which will sound totally nuts...just totally nuts, but I know that this man knows, because I confirmed to him that I saw him the other night and he showed up and "knew", I think, that I got this glimpse. And then he did it again but made a face at me for me to get. Maybe it was a face to someone else but this time, it wasn't like I saw him to the side or talking to another person or profile, it was like he connected immediately with me and was looking straight at me. So if he was looking straight at someone else, maybe that was what I intercepted, but it was so weird, and I KNOW that THIS older man, in his 80s maybe, he knows how to do this kind of thing. On the day that he walked by me or approached while I was at the state offices, he was wearing a blue and white baseball hat that said "Buchanon" on it. Buchannon is where my father was born, in West Virginia. The guy KNEW and KNOWS, so I am not nuts! At least he's probably getting a kick out of it. Some of these guys, I guess, were doing this all the way back in WWII. I've heard some police tend to get this or see it more too, which is why not all are opposed to using or believing in people with some slight intuition, maybe bc they're around it more somehow or drawn to that field bc of it. I can say, just natural intuition helps a lot, not psychic even, but just sensing things, and where stuff is going, is good for even lawyers and others because it helps in finding or knowing where to look, even if it's not easily "controlled". For me, I cannot control how much I get and when and where all the time. It's not like random at all and is usually when I'm praying or focusing, but then everybody, everyONE, has intuitive skills, some practice more than others, and I just know any man who cheats on me gets CAUGHT.

Which is sort of making me wonder about the Navy by the way. I am meeting a lot of them. I don't think I'd be meeting so many military--Army and Navy intel, if I didn't have something interesting or wasn't right about some stuff. I met them on the East Coast, and Pentagon people but then later, even here, it's like they're honing in on me for stuff.
So, at any rate I got necessary things done today. As much as I could get done, I did.

What was sad, was that this other violent stuff, with the Safeway incident thing, occured, and then there was one other thing which I just thought was more weird stuff. Which I encountered at most of the apartments I tried to rent when I was going to just have a look. Symbolic stuff all over the place, and then just to have me notice and promise to rent to me and then refuse. That happened about 50 times at least.
If anyone had any idea how mean and awful people were today, all over the place, probably, this, combined with other shit I've been made to go through, it is a wonder I can relate to this song "It Is Well With My Soul."
The image that I had of the man being strangled or whatever, I believe it was a past thing or a current time thing. The man was white in general, and then he was older. Like 50s or something? or older. Ethnicity may not have even been American, but he wasn't very dark in general. I think he sort of had jowls. I don't know how to describe it, just an older man. But that was everything and I could not see a thing more and I never see who is doing it, if I get anything at all.

I didn't recognize him or know of any kind of situation and I don't feel it has anything to do with my personal life or those I know personally, because I have had "impressions" of even "nicolas cage" or his name out of the blue and who knows why. I don't see him or read about HIM or anything so I would have no idea. So I do not feel like it's something that has anything to do with people surrounding me but I did get this, and maybe it was even just an image from something someone I DO know, was watching on t.v. or on a movie.
The other thing that was concerning to me today, was that when I heard my son briefly in the background, for a short time, what he was saying to me was then played out to ME when I walked out of a building, and people driving by very slowly to make it clear I "knew" they had been apprised of my son and what he said or our conversation. So no one would do this unless people in Wenatchee are violating privacy laws. I got license plates for that.

I looked into safety deposit boxes today and manual, old iron typewriters today. Because this town, so far, and elsewhere, cannot be trusted. My evidence and stuff gets stolen and all my computer stuff interceded and what I'm doing is known before I ever publish. There are some things which must be private and if it means I don't even have an "electronic" TYPEWRITER, fine. I will find an old fashioned one.


  1. Hey there. I saw one of your posts a while ago and it interested me. I commented that I would like to talk, but you never responded. I still would like to, but if you don't want to talk could you let me know somehow? I want to make sure you got the message.

  2. I don't know. If you wrote a ton of email I may not have responded after first contact if it didn't seem to have a point or be genuine.

    Let me know what posts you're interested in and I will make a point of responding. I don't know which one you wrote in about.
