Friday, June 4, 2010

PacMan Problems & Then Technology In Bar (license plates)

I had problems with the pacman controls again while using wifi at this bar, before it was busy or really going out time and it's laid back and has arcade games and things.

So this small group came in and then another guy came in a little later and as he was shooting over at the arcade game, I started feeling this heart stuff and effects on my heart and I turned around to scan the room, and it was only either that guy, or this woman facing me opposite, from a corner with a cell phone, or another woman who was behind me and who bent over at one point. From what I could tell, I was first approached by a couple of guys who wanted to make sure it was me before they had someone do this.

They were the only ones to come around and verify my identity first.

There were only a few people in here. So my guess is that someone signaled off to someone else.

As soon as I turned around, it quit.

I don't believe someone would do that to another person without first checking face and identity because there would be no point.

If it was some manipulation of my laptop that doesn't make sense. I was asked, however, which wifi I was connected to and then maybe after seeing these faces, about 5 minutes later this happened.
I got plate numbers. One woman left in her SUV right away when I walked outside and she was parked on the outside of the wall, right on the other side of me but outside. She was blond and I got her plates and then the plates of the others who are here and the ones who first approached me looked worried when I was writing down this woman's plates and then they asked me why I was writing down plates.

I just went down the line and after getting this one woman's plates, I went down along and got the other plates in case it matters later.

I did this outside, and a woman who works here was told and she told me I had to leave. I said I had done nothing in this bar and what I wrote down outside was in public and had nothing to do with the bar.

How about fucking assault by one of your bar members woman?

I am at Sharks Bar in Wenatchee, Washington.

The blond woman who left was in 389 UFN. Black SUV.
Here is updated information, from what happened last night:

So someone used something against me, some kind of technology, after 2 guys came over and checked my face. I was at the end of the bar, at a table before it was busy, and back to the main door and facing a wall basically. One would have to come around to the other end to see if it was me. However, I had been sitting there and turned at one point and some woman who was playing pool later left and I sensed her there and I think she's the only one who saw me there first. Then I was just playing games on the computer, killing some time until I had to do something else.

So I was minding my own business and those 2 guys came over, and at first I thought it was picking up on me but it wasn't, it was more like asking questions and then checking my face out to see if it was me. Then, not more than 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes at most, someone literally used some kind of military thing against me or homemade thing against me. And, decided to use something that would affect my heart, as I had blogged about earlier in the day. Except this time it wasn't one sharp electrical current thing but a pulsing. And this short stocky guy went to this game across from me and was shooting this gun but it was like a coordinated thing, with a few people trying to set up distractors. He was to the side and then when I turned around, one woman faced me while working on a cell and then right behind me was this large woman who was playing pool who immediately sort of fell over the table when I turned to look. I found out later, she announced to me herself, that her cousin was a sheriff and she tried to intimidate me with this.

I don't think it was about her so much though--don't know, but she may have been watching, but it was more than one person. The other guys checked to see if it was me first and then it occured and there was a guy next to me with the gun, but that was a mask because it wasn't psychological, the pulsing occured at a different rate than his firing the arcade gun. I was inbetween him, with him to the right and then the woman outside I think, to the left, and then a small handful of people behind me--only about 6 total and not all there when I turned around. After I turned, it quit, so it could have been someone like this larger woman, behind me sort of coordinating, I don't know.

Too, someone came up and played the game again and of course nothing happened and it wasn't anything to do with the gun being fired or the video game at all, or some kind of psychological reaction from me.

When I sat down across the street after leaving, that's when they all went outside and just hung out and wanted the police to come, I think to have me leave under some excuse so I didn't document who left in what-which vehicle.

I was asked to leave by this one waitress and then this other one comes over in a huge "star" outfit, with blue and white star patterned everything, and enormous white star earrings. It was a little weird. I don't believe she's Jewish at all, but it was sort of a confrontational point bc she showed up much later, and decked out like this, and then one of the 2 guys who first checked me out was Jewish and the other maybe Catholic but I don't know. I just know about the one, and it was no big deal of course until I'm being assaulted in a bar and I'm wondering why.

Then after I left, I went outside and it was after I wrote down plate numbers, that a call was made by one of those guys and this other guy pulls up in a gold and white striped truck and then got out and when he decided to leave after I wrote down his plate numbers and nodded off at the 2 guys who were standing outside. I don't know if he was from NY but he had an East Coast accent that was noticeable, whether he put one on or not I don't know, and wore a black and white jersey that said: Chris 51. I didn't recognize him but he had WA plates B79978C. I don't know if plates will even match up with cars, things have been so strange.

The plates in front of the place, Sharx Bar, were:
909 VKX
474 WSY
780 YOS
840 YYZ
742761 (or T...can't read my writing here)

Then across the street they were:
842 ZUJ
652 VGA This car took home 3 guys who joined the first 2 who came in.
373 SFX

Then after the guy in the truck took off, in the gold stripped one, one of the 2 who first viewed me made a call on their cell phone and another hispanic guy showed up in a silver sedan and had plates that start with 745 but didn't see the rest. He pulled up when the first guy in the truck was nodding off to them as he pulled away.

Then the whole group was outside and I had just blogged about what was going on.

There were a few other cars, either passing on the street or parked a little further down--pretty much these were passing vehicles who took interest: B89300L, 381 SEP, 008 UFR and 064 UFT.

So I was outside and then the large woman who had been playing pool and did this falling over thing when I turned, she approached and asked why I was writing plate numbers down. I said it wasn't anyone's business. She said it was and I said no, that's why it's public information, and the cars are driven in public, outside. I didn't take photos of people inside the bar, or even talk to anyone there or move around. I went outside and wrote down some plate numbers after I was directly assaulted. Which is what I SHOULD have done with the guy in the SUV waiting and watching what my reaction was when the guy zapped me earlier in the day at the Safeway.

So then as I was sitting there, this eventual parade of trucks and cars went by. Grand Central. Half or more nodding a kind of "respects" thing to the 2 guys mainly, who were outside. The woman in grey shirt said it wasn't "okay" or legal for me to write down plate numbers but I knew she knew I'd done nothing wrong. That group just wanted an excuse to get rid of me so I didn't write down who went into which vehicle later. The main culprits didn't want to be traced, and actually, I got tired after awhile and just walked home but I got the basics. You could interview the 3 guys who went into the sedan to find out about the other 2. It's that easy. And the guy playing the arcade game didn't even step outside.

So this woman told me she was going to call the cops and I said that was fine and was calm and polite throughout. She added, "I'll just call the cops because MY COUSIN is a SHERIFF." I think she wanted me to leave, or intimidate me. So after awhile she did call and then I called when the guy showed up bc there was only one and he was sort of swaggering torwards me and I sensed it could go down wrong. So I felt threatened, after being intimidated and harassed about improper use of relatives who are law enforcement, and called the 911 to ask for a back-up. I would have called Rivercom but had no minutes left as I had run out that day so I called 911 which was good still because it puts it on the record and I used my name and when I did some of the cars driving by took off, like they had scanners and knew what was going on. I was asked if I felt I was in immediate danger and I said no, not danger, but felt immediately threatened because I had been intimidated by someone who was saying they were going to use a relative against me, improperly, and I was concerned (rightly so).

So then I got off and he was there and I told him what happened and he said I'd done nothing wrong and that was it. He basically said there was no need for anything further and his name, he pronounced it "Bulls" but it is spelled "Officer Bolz".
Before and after he arrived, then semi trucks went by, one was SYGMA and drove by slowly, and then one was "ALLSIZES" and I don't know if that was a nod to the large woman who was using her relative sheriff to intimidate me or what. Then the Red Lion thing kept going back and forth and a lot of other cars and trucks and SUVs. Mainly, I noticed the semi truck and sign truck bc it was an odd time of night to be going through the little downtown side.
The officer asked what I was doing sitting out there and I said there was nothing wrong with my sitting on a bench by the fountain waiting for a friend who had been planning to meet me at Sharx before I was told to leave. So, there really wasn't a reason to do anything about it and I was left alone and I told him I was the one who had been harassed when I was minding my own business.
The woman who said her cousin was a sheriff was about 5'3-5'5, maybe 300 lbs, wore a grey shirt and had shoulder length med. brown hair and glasses I believe but don't remember for sure about glasses. She was there with another woman who looked maybe lesbian and was open about it but I don't know about the other woman. It doesn't matter, but if needed later, for ID for civil suit against the Chelan-Douglas County, or if someone else wants to look into it, there it is.

The woman with the cell phone was with a guy who has been there before and really rude, who is now blond but was formerly red-haired. She had dark brown, almost black hair and these high heeled boots.

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