Friday, June 18, 2010

Guy From "New York"--my lucky guesses

I noticed a lot of people driving by who thought it was amusing I sat underneath the window of this guy who had a hat on.

I looked up, but I didn't know who he was. I approached and said, "So you're not from Wenatchee, where are you from?" and he said, "No, I'm not from Wenatchee, I relocated from Alaska 8 years ago." I said, "But you used to live on the East Coast."

He was wearing dark sunglasses, but sitting next to the window I could see his eyes, or which way they shifted, a little.

When I was outside, I looked up at him and got "banks". Like bank robbery, or something to do with banks, who knows what side.

So when he said yeah, he was from the East Coast, I asked what state and he said "New York" and I said I had thought maybe New Jersy. He laughed and joked that it was an insult. He said he hadn't been in New York for awhile.

I said, "You have or had something to do with banks." When I said this, he almost dropped his cup and that's when I saw his eyes shift under his glasses. The woman sitting next to him, I don't know who she is, but wearing a hot pink shirt and when I said "banks" she raised her cup to take a drink.

His eyes shifted to the left as he denied having anything to do with banks. Okay, to be fair and exact, if I was looking at him, they went left, to my left. But for him, he was looking to his own right. They darted quickly under his glasses.

What was sort of strange was that the woman reacted too. I didn't say anything about illegal bank stuff. Could've worked in a bank. I just said banks and she seemed nervous and picked up her cup. Then they went to an art store and picked up some art--a painting. She drove a silver 310 ZKH.

This woman had the same size and style of leather purse that the woman in the bathroom had at my last visit with my son, which got splashed on by accident.

He seemed friendly and open when driving away. He took his glasses off and smiled. Both of them also noticed that when they went around a corner, I saw they had ducked into a store. They were staring at the window at me so they knew from someone that I was trailing.

This girl with long blond hair and a poodle, wearing some violet dress walked by at the same time that they were putting the art into the SUV. I think they recognized her.

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