Friday, June 18, 2010

Trump on Miranda At Kentucky Fried Chicken & Her "Caroline" Obsession

I went to KFC for something to eat and had a group harassment thing. This young woman, Miranda, I have seen before, driving and stalking and know for a fact she doesn't like me. I don't know who her parents are and who she's connected to.

I had my own "trump" against her of sorts.

The workers there kept pulling a bunch of "Caroline" stuff. Like, every other name they called out was "Caroline" when I was there. But no one there was named Caroline.

There were different people ordering and I used the restroom or walked away for awhile, not suspecting anything other than recognizing this "Miranda". A man with the name tag "George" was holding out a folded bag calling out for "Caroline" but pronouncing it "Caroleen". I walked up to him and said it was mine. He said, "You're Caroline?" and I said no but I thought it was mine. So he looks at the tag and then said to Miranda, "Who is this for?" and Miranda took the tag off that she had affixed which said "Charliene" and grabbed the other one and affixed it and it said "Cam". I said, "I knew this one was mine! even with the wrong name being called out.

I know my property.

So then, I sat down and I'm just eating and this other guy, who was "Cody", calls out for a "Caroline" and there was no Caroline. A different woman from a side window told him it was wrong. Their manager Dawn, thought it was amusing. I guess they all did.

THEN, this man comes over to me and starts asking if I got a tear in my jeans, which was obviously a tear, from "battery acid". I said, "What?" and he said, "Be careful with battery acid, you know. You have to be careful." He was NOT mentally ill--he was a bona fide ASSHOLE.

He had absolutely no cause for coming over to talk about battery acid. The tear in my jeans is obviously not a "hole" either, but a tear and not many people would have this occur by battery acid.

After he came all the way over to say this, and I see he's wearing this orange t-shirt that says "Gorillas 00" I walked over to him and said, in front of his two friends, "I have a question for you! I was wondering if you'd been around any SHEEP." He said no, and I said, "I mean, before your first girlfriend or something?" He said no and then I went back to my table. He yelled at me, across the way, "I did use to drive by sheep" and I said, "I was picturing something where you had closer proximity." He said no and then I said, "Oh. Well I was just asking because I care about animals."

So then he comes over and takes out this bag of money--a whole bunch of change and then something out of his pocket and shows me an article about chicken and says he runs a chicken farm which gave me the creeps the way he was interacting. So then he goes over to Miranda, and she didn't know I was onto her yet, and he says to her, "Tell JORDAN not to ditch me next time!"

They were connected. The chicken sheep fucker and Miranda and some asshole (they all like to stick together, asses) "Jordan".

So then some other couple comes in, the guy is wearing a "Classy Chasis" shirt which made me think of Mykal Holt and her "classy" adjectives. The woman next to him went up to ask for something and as I was passing, she accidentally dropped her fork. So she asked Miranda for a new one.

I stayed there and stayed there and this guy kept ordering food because he KNEW I was waiting to take down his plates.
I just got an ad from babylon for "the razor's edge". what?
He was saying he had a chicken farm and then that we were eating chicken. Then he wanted a garbage sack, he said, for the birds.
There was a woman who came in and I said "tu tienes bueno energia" and then the next thing I know, I am coming back from the restroom and one latina from another table is showing a folded up $20 to the "bueno energia" woman who didn't look so great anymore, and they were smirking and I thought, "What in the world?" and it was this $20 folded up into quarters. I have NO idea what it was supposed to mean.

I would not have thought anything was wrong with this one guy if it hadn't been that he was looking at me very crossly when I was looking over at Miranda and that gave me the impression he wasn't on my side. Or my son's side. It was sort of combination.

I try to figure out who is for me and my son.


  1. I remember many years ago my sister-in-law replaced her car battery and got acid on her jeans and sweatshirt. She didn't realize it until several hours later when she stood up and her jeans were full of holes in the front where she had held the battery. She never felt it or got burned at all which I thought was weird.

    We were able to save her sweatshirt by putting baking soda on it and using a wet toothbrush to work it into the material. I don't remember..but I hope it wasn't my toothbrush. :-)

  2. Thank you,

    ...but it's a tear and is clearly a tear.

    I suppose I thought it was strange mainly because I had just read an article about how a little boy had swallowed a lithium battery. I read this online and I have people monitoring what I read online. So this concerned me because someone has been telling my son to ask for batteries at his visits.

    Of course, the normal logical thing is that he just wants batteries for his toys, but with some of the weird stuff going on, and then having read about how a little boy burned a HOLE in his STOMACHE with a battery, by swallowing it, THAT is why I thought it was strange this man came up and asked if the HOLE in my JEANS was from a battery and to "be careful".

    I mean, why add the "be careful"? Like I'm around them all the time? or what?

    So I didn't take it wrong at first but if someone knew the whole context then I don't sound so crazy for reacting the way I did. I thought about my 4 year old son and I was protective and lashed out a little in return.

    I think chicken are cute and I don't think chicken farms are weird either, but when someone talks about chicken farms and then how we're eating chicken...? mixed message.

  3. To reiterate:

    the main issue for me was having someone bring up a "hole in your jeans from battery acid? be careful" right after I read about a hole in a boy's stomache from this happening, I think, in Wenatchee, Washington too. I read it happened in Wenatchee, and I have seen acid burns on my son's finger and the scarring is still there.

    So that mutherfucker picked the wrong way to word things if he was trying to be friendly.

  4. What idiots.

    This totally strange woman from Arizona drove by staring at me. I don't know who she is and she made a POINT of doing something really weird.

    I wrote down the plate number of a DIFFERENT vehicle from AZ which did the same thing today.

    Someone is calling these people up out of the woodwork and what I'd like to know, is how they're connected.
