Monday, June 21, 2010

Guy Nods Off To Someone Here & U.S./Colombia

This guy in a blue and white and Corona hat just nodded off to someone, as he walked by, when the only time I have problems with the computer or laptop is if it's a problem with accessibilty or proximity with others who affect things.

There are people here with military and former military connections and they use those connections to do things for gangs and corporate gangs.

Now, it is even worse. It is only done by putting something in an actual building in proximity or by accessing the laptop in other ways and I know I never ahd a problem until after I was around Chris Rozollo.

WHY is it, that I never once had this problem with the computer that was given to me by the CIA communications contracter?

This guy was sitting there facing me with his "Die Hard" baseball hat. 242 STK. Just drove away in an SUV with Garfield and some playboy bunny thing on the side. Still having problems here though. I left the building and there was no issue at all.

442 WIL, Washington Plates. Another man and woman who left. This other guy who was in the room behind me, came out but not sure why. In the past, he's asked if I've "won any games" and observed me a long time. It was a woman driving the car but a man kept approaching. Maybe to just see who I was.

It is still happening, so it might be through some other means. I took the lithium battery out of the laptop so that's not it. When I left the laptop again, to watch where this other couple went, I didn't have this happen.

I think it's a point to point thing maybe.

I moved again and it wasn't happening. I used the restroom and there was no problem.

I would like to know why the CIA and their Communications persons seem to be able to fix this but only if I'm with my Colombian boyfriend.

Obviously, if it's not a problem only when I'm with the guy from Colombia and meeting U.S. people who have big positions and a lot of Jewish people and mabye some Europeans for good measure...I would just like to know why Colombo is the "saving" force for me and my son but ONLY if and when we were together and then 3 months after?

Could someone explain this to me?

My laptop given to me by the federal communications guy was stolen. It was stolen by a man who was formerly U.S. military and also told me I wouldn't make it back from Seattle or Bainbridge.

And right now, this is not a psychic thing because a lot of things were affecting my laptop and it wasn't just the one thing.

I am concerned about how this affects my son, and the total LACK of protection by the U.S. govt. with my own son.

My Ex was not "in" with the Wiccans and psychic people. It's not like he said "Hey guys, knock it off, because I'm here now and I worship the devil too and I like her."


The one guy with the DieHard hat, I am not sure why he wanted me to see this. The other guy and woman, may have left of their own accord, and not had anything to do with things, at ALL, but I am keeping track only because this continues.
Also, I HAVE had someone giving me medications and things without my consent. I've had some WEIRD shit happen to me and seen things happen to my son too, and state people protecting anyone from discovering the truth.

This last month is the first time that, aside from the laptop stuff now and then, I had a normal period again, after this not occuring when I complained about how my period "came back" and how this was strange.

Now this other guy just walked by in a black tee that says, "3 Can Keep A Secret If 2 Are Dead." That guy walked in here, walked around me and then walked out and is around the sidewalk. I now have babylon offering "free u.s. criminal records". I have seen several women driving by who are not from here, brunettes, and I know who they work for.
I blogged about how I didn't have my period the whole time i was with my Ex and then got it back 3 months later and then all of a sudden, after a few months of normal periods, I was being given stuff again and then at the one place, with Steve May, I had all the old things basicially happening again, not just laptop stuff, which started after Rozollo was gone.

This other man just walked by sking me if I had gotten my "dose of secondhand smoke". Then this other guy is sitting against the window with a Cresent Bar shirt on--not sure but maybe that's where McKenzie was killed. The point?

Maybe intimidation again. Lots of people coming in wearing black and white.

Someone turned the T.V. off which was on the History channel, asking if it bothered me. No, why would it? it was fine.

The only thing that bothers me is how the U.S. cannot take care of me and my son and keep us safe and instead, seems to be a part of the problem.

Lots of people driving by who seem to think things are hilarious. Only a few cars with normal acting people.

I tried calling my aunt and uncle and got the busy signal when there isn't a reason for it to be busy like that.

I called my grandfather and asked him to check on things and I may ask someone to go over and do some looking around too. Another family member, to check on things.
I had a bad feeling after my son left.

And right after he left, I had the impression of someone being whipped. I didn't necessarily think it was my son bc it sort of looked more like a man but I also wondered if my son was going to get spanked when he got home, for some reason.

I know I had the impression of a man being whipped, with something. From what I was getting, it was the back. I didn't know if it was of someone sort of extreme, exacting self-flaggelation, or someone who was forced to undergo something because of dare, group, punishment, bet, or hostage situation. But I had two different things come to mind and one was of my son just being spanked and the other of something more serious. I am not sure why, but I felt it was someone, a man, who was caucasian in some way but not sure because it was fleeting.
All of a sudden, now someone has quit what they were doing. After how many phone calls were made? or someone from the U.S. decided to quit this shit. The thing is, I don't want to be BLAMING and accusing the wrong source and wrong people. What I know is that there have been crazy things happening to me and my son, in this country, which happens to very few people. I have never heard of this happening to others like this and I also know that there have been times someone or some group just quit it altogether.

Some guy just came in with a shirt with flames all over it and by the time he came in, someone had already quit this, so he doesn't know what's up. Someone just told him to put on a shirt or he did it himself.

Well thank you whomever and get me and my son OUT of here, together. I don't know why that's so impossible.
What was going on, by the way, was NOT psychic. It was something with the laptop or tapping into it because it isn't doing this anymore or humming in the same way. When I went to the restroom, the lights were flickering but I think that was something else entirely.
What I CAN say, is that last month, I had a few things happen, but in general, I was coming off of something and my period returned to normal. And it wasn't something I was taking myself, intentionally. I only ate my own stuff too, and wouldn't let anyone make me a thing. I haven't gone through a lot of the Valium either.

Aside from needing a siesta because of Valium or natural reasons, my energy level has really come back, slowly and that's with not even taking the Valium or going to the ER for shots and things.

The big thing is that I can tell by my PH balance and also by my periods, what is going on and whether I'm "on" something or not.

One thing that was recently happening, which I think could be a black magic thing as much as a technology thing or affect from coming off some kind of meds, is my eye twitching. At first it was twitching and I was able to keep it from happening when I prayed so I figured it had to be psychic but then it would never happen except when I sneezed and only if I sneezed and then once, when I saw a flickering or strobing light as I walked past a business one day.

In general, it's not happening at all anymore, I don't think, but because it started to only happen, on just one eye, only when I sneezed, I wondered if it was a med thing. But then again, on the other hand, someone told my son, a week ago or more, to draw an eye over and over, one larger than the other. My son would not do this and neither would the Avilas. They do not "do" black magic stuff or manipulate my son unless they were threatened. Also, he would only make a sad face or straight face like a pacman like someone forced him to do this repeatedly. I told him, "Oliver, do you want to make a smiley face?" and he said yes and I had to help him with his hand to do this because someone had brainwashed him to do it differently. There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that the Avilas would ever do any of that.

I feel my son needs to be in MY supervision, because even if I am threatened, I do not give in, which some may not think is smart, but the facts are--my son and I are off limits.

Lately, he has seemed happier and more affectionate. I think his speech has been a little bit better too.

He still wants to be with his mother however, and that is where he should be, and I am tired of MEN telling me I will not get my son back but that I should sleep with them, or that if I am with a man maybe I have a chance in this town.

What my son and I have needed is legal representation. Good solid legal representation. I feel like I had one group helping me as long as someone was going to make me less of a threat to other parties.

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