Monday, June 21, 2010

Music Changed To "Coronation"

I played Horowitz on youtube and someone changed my music, midstream, from a piano concerto 20 K something (allegro) to "Coronation". It didn't do it on its own.

I am really tired of this.

Also, the overheating with my laptop pretty much quit when all the people in this rehab place (which isn't a clinic, just a walk in place where there is free wifi and some people are there, sober)....when all the people were getting ready to go to some AA meeting and went into another room.

Then it was over and they came out and it started again. I didn't even notice the timing until after they were out and it started up again and someone asked, "You're still here?" and that's when I realized, after he left and others came out, it mainly quit when all of them were in another room in some meeting.
I sometimes don't know why people want to hang out around me and try to start things unless they want me to pick up on their shit. This 1 guy and 2 women came in, about popping this and that and other things which were actually stranger and then lingered to talk about how marilyn monroe and audrey hepburn were really old or something, and I just got something about a guy named Patrick that the guy in the grey football "bud light" shirt knew, and a few other things. I didn't feel like bringing things up. With some eople, I might do it out of curiosity or because it's something important to them, but in general I let it go and keep it to myself...I think partly bc I'm gaining a little more discernment about when I might be onto something or not...the sorting of the natural thought processes and then the other.

Like today, I got something about "bresk" and when I looked it up, I got to breska and a song called "hilos invisible" which I knew I was to hear and must have come to mind for a reason.

There are other things, and I'm getting better at knowing when something is "sent" or maybe really not "sent" from another person, which I think we can all pick up on, but sent from God, or Divine or spiritual at least, in a good way.
I feel very tired today but might try to see what I get from a couple of books and lay it to rest for a night. I get inspired by what I stumble across so it's good for me.

147 XIO
I went very random, just went to religion section and then pretty much closed eyes or didn't look as I pulled out books at absolute random. The one which surprised me with coincidence was one about Enoch, since I just read about 3 angels regarding him. Then, I went to New Age or psychic section and wasn't going to get anything but went with just one and thought "This is definitely not for me" (finding your life purpose--I already know what it is, there are just people in my way) but I took it anyway in case something I excerpt means something for someone else.

I grabbed 6 books, but not intentionally for the number or anything.

1. Nobody Don't Love Nobody. I didn't look and just reached down at the bottom and pulled it out. Then I read the back and it's about a woman who taught 7 years in the School With No Name, which was a classroom in a community homeless shelter (I didn't know there was such a thing). By Stacey Bess.
2. The Book of Enoch the Prophet (tranlated by Richard Laurence). One of the "lost books" of the Bible, found in an Ethiopian Monastery.
3. Judas...A Biography by Susan Gubar.
4. A thousand Goodbyes by Jim Huber.
5. The Life You Were Born To Live: A Guide To Finding Your Life Purpose by Dan Millman.

1. Bible first. I got the same section I got last night, from a different Bible. Matthew 27 when Jesus is being mocked.

The place is about to close so going quickly...

2. Nobody Don't...
page 158. "One of the hazards of my work is the pit in my stomach that ahces at times like these."
3. Book of Enoch. page.41. "Parabel the first. When the congregation of the righteous shall be manifested; and sinners be judgesd for their crimes, and be troubled in the sight of the world;
when righteousness shall be manifested in the presence of the righteous themselves, who will be elected for thier good works duly weighted by the Lord of spirits; and when the light of the righteous and the elect, who dwell on earth, shall be manifested; where will the habitation of sinners be?"
4. 347. "St. John of the Cross described the afflicted soul, which feels "as though an enemy is within it who...will awaken and cause trouble" ...Judas resembels individuals troubled by the frightful feeling "that they truly bear within themselves every reason for being rejected and abhorred by God."
5. 1,000 64. (section about writing for newspaper and radio)
6. Finding Purpose. Pg. 167 "Keys to Fulfilling Your Destiny."

That's all. Cannot delve bc of time.

Went to Bible for final say. II Sam. 10: 13-11:2 (joab to Bathsheba)

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