Saturday, June 26, 2010

Harrassment Online NOW

I have had someone going over what I do all day. Typing over things and deleting and now the burning stuff and other overheating.

Just now I tried to type in "I'll live to..." and that's as far as I got, and I was looking up lyrics to a worship song I was listening to now and the only thing that came up on google search, which popped up right away was this:

i'll live to see you eat that contract

I looked it up and it's connected to basically then someone threatening someone in a violent way.

I know there are people that care what is happening, but seriously, my son and I are being targeted still and I cannot believe this is still happening.

It never happened with my Ex around or when I had the CIA-given laptop. So why does it happen now? It didn't even happen for 3 months after we split up. But after that, it was like, if I wasn't pregnant or something, with his child, I was fair game again. Both me and my son. My poor son is who has suffered.

Anyway, still, at least some cool things have happened recently. I know that dream I had is important in some way and I have been praying for more miracles or someone or others to realize things or be touched by things which will not only help them but also will help me and my son.

I looked up guerlain all over the place. When I typed that in, babylon quit advertising. Sometimes, I will type something and it's like my adverstising committee ends up speechless. I don't know what it's about at all though. I did some searches but I am positive it must mean something to someone.

I wanted to find out simply what the word means in french at least but it's nowhere to be found, not in baby names, or french dictionary or anything.
It's quit now. The overheating and stuff.

I am wondering what's going on though. Not more contests I hope, involving people I love.

Since when is life lived on contests? People I love should not be harmed and neither should my son or I and there isn't any excuse for any of it. There is absolutely no need for betting and contests either.

In my heart, I am SO proud of those who are good and have and are trying to help me and my son. I don't care who has "lost" or won, I know that I could not be more proud of those who are good.

I am listening to Wenatchee christian music which just said there is sunshine until Wednesday and then maybe light rain. Really. The termination trial regarding my son is on Tuesday.

What seriously gets me, is when some of the people who call themselves christians mock what God really wants or go along with crap. I do not accept any "christian" who tries to tell me any of this is or has been God's will at all. Neither does my son thank any of those who stood by as he has suffered. There are good ones and bad ones basically (christians). The whole thing should have been done with change of venue and I still hope someone or some group is going to come through to give me and my son a chance.

It will not be good, for anyone, to terminate my rights. That much I know.

I even just recently found out that this one woman who was trying to have my son taken when I was still pregnant, telling me a single woman can't be a mother, she was saying she worked for an unemployment group and I just found out on Friday that she lied about this and works for the state and for CASA, who deals with CPS cases. She was trying to get me to adopt my kid out, just because I was a single mom, before I'd even had him and then this was at the same time some lawyer in town had his wife trying to persuade me to give my child up to them in exchange for working at their firm.

I am really hoping that some of this is going to turn around bc it's been a losing battle with all of the theft, and then the conservative people haven't helped bc they don't agree with my values or believe in single mothers and their capabilities.

In the meantime, I have to tell you, I have seen some seriously neglected kids or ones who don't have very much attention paid to them, and parents who don't know much about raising children, and messes like you wouldn't believe. I have seen some seriously MESSY houses and none of these parents are losing their kids, and half of them are doing drugs too. I wasn't doing any of that. I was just raising political hell and there isn't a law against that and it didn't affect my parenting of my son either.

At the last place I was at, where they had the little triangle wiener monumnets, I was wondering why someone had put a football right in the middle of my bed, and then I read the article later, about how william or harry said they didn't know what their mother might be doing, they said from some s. africa interview, sticking her tongue out or this or that or throwing a football around with the kids.

I had not even READ that article bc all I clicked to was the headline and saw the photo of them in the brush. Or bush or whatever you call it. But I didn't read the article and then the people at this last place did this and I was wondering what the football thing was about and then a day or two later I read it was referenced by wiliam and harry. So I have people here, some of them, being told to do some really weird things. Oh, and it helps to mention, to heighten the weirdness factor, how no one there played football. There were 3 small kids, girls and one toddler, under ages of 8 and then a dad who didn't play any sports at all and just video games, and then the mother didn't play at all. Someone had BROUGHT in a football, just to make a little 'display' out of it.

So, SO, weird.

I hear about weird things like this on OPB and NPR and I am around these weirdos day and night and they do the same kind of thing in the state offices!
I just wrote a whole section about healing and prayer and gifting and it was deleted and disconnected.

Too tired to write it out again. Maybe tomorrow. I wrote about power from psychic stuff and lines and making deals with the devil (to avoid) for more power and what ways someone could be tempted to access more power but then be corrupted by it. then i wrote about prayer and healing and my motives for some things but it's gone so I might repeat tomorrow.

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