Saturday, June 26, 2010

Harry Pitching is Right! (& a separate dream)

I finished blogging earlier and took a nap, and then went out to get a burger. I noticed some people driving by like maybe I'd done something right...and wondered, "huh, I wonder if I got something about Harry right." and then I ate and looked at the news at about 6:38 p.m. and I haven't read any full articles, but he PITCHED!

And for some reason, that was what I saw him doing but I thought, "He's a rightie. He'd be a better pitecher probably as a suprise leftie." and then I read it was the ceremonial first pitch but I didn't even know there is such a thing as an opening pitch like that, and that's what I SAW him doing!

And the cool thing is, for me, is that I got a confirmation that I know wasn't tampered with, because I had no way of knowing what he was doing and then at the same time, I think it happened before I wrote about it so it's not like someone set it up to just "match" what I wrote! So it was a truly fair and accurate sight on that one and no one messed with it.

This is something that is really important to me because I tend to doubt myself AND I know it's possible to be wrong about things now and then, so I WANT to know when I'm totally wrong, because it helps me to clarify how this works and the difference between sheer imagination or getting the right impression.

Maybe I should put this update in a different post but I don't know.
I got a lot of things right with this one woman last night too, but I tend to doubt that I am this accurate, because I am a beginning and don't get things super defined like some (or most) of these psychics seem to get.

It gives me more confidence to think this impression I had about the box being buried must be true too.

I feel very happy whenever I get a good confirmation on something. It's more amzzing about what I got about this woman last night, but it helps when I get a
separate objective confirmation.

I wonder who was doing the knotting and splicing or sailing or whatever. I don't know if it was altogether or what.

I was too excited just to read a headline that I didn't even open the article up. I have no idea what happened with the polo. I know he's supposed to be a very good player, but I have never watched any of the clips on that. I've really only seen a handful of clips, and ausually with their mother or family. And only a few at that.

I wonder what kind of baseball he usually plays, because I guess he may not have been on the field the whole time then (I didn't pay attention to what kind of game it was so thought he was playing) but I saw him pitching and in the field mainly.
When I napped I had a weird dream. I think it was pretty symbolic but I hope no one sent it to me because that would really suck if people were tampering with even my dreams. It was actually a longer dream but I only remember the end. It was like a dirty toilet-locker room/james bond/karate kid/hangman/old dogs can learn new tricks dream. I woke up and wondered if there was this scene in the new Karate Kid movie or something and the older man featured was like some kind of Pierce Brosnan guy. But I was the old dog who woke up realizing I am not old afterall, and I was also the hangman but not in an expected way.

I remember from the point of walking into this locker room. There was a long hall and lockers everywhere and the first bathroom I went to was disgusting. There was toilet paper all over the floor, wadded up and the toilet wasn't flushed and it looked sick. So I just closed the door on that one and moved down the hall to find a different one. As I was doing this, I saw this dark haired woman, with curly hair, sitting in the middle of the hall. She was sort of Catherine Zeta-Jones "type" but maybe younger. I don't remember what she was doing but she might have been with a baby but I can't remember. She either had a baby or was just going through her bag. So she told me to go to the right and around the corner was this separate bathroom and it had a toilet and almost looked like a large handicapped cell or something. So I went in and used the toilet and then I came out and then for some reason had to go again. So I went back in and was about to go and then it was like this bathroom opened up as if it were a large balcony and this man who was older than me came in and he started showing me how to do different movements and things, involving balance and there was some kind of pad on the ground for the head if one was standing on their head or being partially suspended while learning. SO he was instructing me on some techniques, like martial arts or yoga in balance or precious locations, and then I kept trying it and then I was right next to the edge and about to fall over and everytime it happened I kept feeling like I was too old. And I kept thinking how can I learn all of this when most people get their instruction early in life or have time to practice? and I was just starting to learn a whole new thing in my 30s instead of older teens or 20s? and then I almost fell over, over the cliff, or edge, and he grabbed one of my feet with one hand. When he caught me, I was then swinging back and forth upside down, suspended with one foot in his hand and for some reason he was older but I thought, "That old and that strong still, too" and as I was hanging upside down by one foot, my other leg bent at the knee, naturally, from the weight of gravity. So he wasn't worried at all and was in a good mood and laughing and there was nothing negative about it.

Then when I stopped going back and forth I stood upright. And he was just going all over, doing all these things and showing tricks and balancing techniques like I was a protege.

Then I can't totally remember how I came out of the dream, but he and the woman were together in some way and I wasn't sure if he was just a mentor or if I was going to be with him later or if he represented someone or something else. I didn't know. But I woke up and the first thing I thought, was why was I upside down? and the idea of the hanged man came to mind but it wasn't bad. And then I thought, why was I being instructed to learn all these new things and remembered my frustration at feeling I was too old, and then it dawned on me that HE was older, and if he was that strong, in his age, being older than me, then I could do it too and I wasn't that old afterall.

And then I wondered what exactly I was being trained to do and it reminded me of a cross between a spy movie and karate kid. He left with the impression he was going to be around but I didn't know in what way and wasn't sure if he was with the other woman or escorting her or what. I couldn't figure out the whole relationship aspect except that he had faith in my abilities.

I guess it seemed like a significant dream and I wasn't thinking or reading a thing about anything like this, so it feels important to me and it was full of hope too. One of the main themes was that I was not too old. Too old for what? I don't know. But not to feel I am too old to do anything, and maybe to think of others who are older and strong and wise as examples too.

(Hmm, I wrote more but it got deleted somehow and then disconnected so I have to write the next part again)

I had written that in the dream there was more of an attraction combined with mentor. So on one hand he reminded me of a grandfather or father or mentor to a student but he was also attractive and attracted to me and good looking. He was extremely fit and lean. But he was older and I usually go for younger, so maybe it was symbolic. His face, and I don't usually see faces, looked like Pierce Brosnans' which is why it made me think of James Bond. But again, symbolism possibly. There was the idea that I was going to learn new things but a waiting period possibly and yet it was already started--my training somehow or discovery.

And then also while the hanged man can be bad or represent a traitor, in my dream it was the opposite and it was more like I was in the gutter, maybe no fault of my own, but I would get out of it and what came to mind after this was a baby being born, how babies used to be held upside down to clear the lungs after birth and so made me think of a kind of rebirth or wakening.

OH! I forgot this part! Now I remember. The man was training me or something or showing me some things and then she started YELLING, really fiesty and mad and on and on ranting sort of, and went on a big lecture and got him to go back but then the rest was undetermined as to what was happening.
The other image I can report, or thought that came to mind which I should give credit to someone for being able to pick up on, as I think they did, was that I was awake and thinking about how I wanted to go waterskiing and be on the water and then it came to my mind maybe I could get a raft or a blow up float and a life vest and do that instead at some point. Why I thought I needed an orange life vest I don't know. So maybe it was more of an impression and I don't plan on doing this anytime soon but shortly after, I noticed all these rafts and vests so it's stayed in my mind. This happened at least a week ago, but it keeps coming to mind. For at least 1-2 weeks.

OH!!!! I remember another part!!!! I can't believe I forgot this part...his HEART. He started training me after I healed his heart. Which sounds really weird. But it was doing something a little bit erratic and I placed my hand over his heart and it did this big thump thing and then it went back to normal and was calm or healed of whatever the problem was. I think I did it twice in my dream, for some reason. In the dream I could actually feel the power from my hand to his heart.

He either started training and then I healed his heart, or he came in and I healed it and then he was training me. One way or the other.

I remembered this bc I was going to write how I had been thinking about maybe going to this one place where they pray for people and volunteering there to see if I could be useful. So this part IS something that's been in the back of my mind.
"gurlain" just came to mind so I'm looking it up. I just played a part of edith piaf and then this came to mind. I know gurlain is a perfume but I'm looking up the wiki on it bc I don't know what it means or why to mind.
Looked up only article I've read, from reuters and it's just a little blip with a photo of Harry throwing and I don't know why but he looks so ambidextrous to me.

I am not sure which one I just added here, but first I found one with just one photo of him, throwing with his right hand only and then I saw a different one with 2 photos, one of the same and the other with him holding the ball in his right and making a symbol with his left. Sort of a confirmation of the ambi I saw. I don't know why I think this from the first photo but it is like he is holding a part of himself back in order to throw with his right, like it is a choice of which side to use in a in the world I get this idea from a photo I don't know.

I read too, that he didn't play polo today which is what I thought he was doing so I hope I didn't jinx anything with falling off the horse thing. good precautions now. but what else I read, which was sort of strange, was that, I don't know if it happened or not, but he was going to a country club for something? I wonder if it was by the water and there were sailboats? that would be really strange. But maybe it was someone else.

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