Saturday, June 26, 2010

Harry's Day Today & & HE PITCHED!

Yesterday I saw a ton of cars and SUVs go by with baseballs on the side. So I wondered what it was about and then today on the news there was a brief clip about how he will be playing baseball and then polo today. That's all it said, nothing else.

I didn't get any of that yesterday, but what did come to mind,, after seeing all of the baseball things, was Diana actually, with a mitt and bat. I thought about HER playing baseball.

I don't know that she really played much at all because I've just read she went to the games to watch. But anyway, I am wondering about that box today and yet want to do some free thinking first.

I pryed a little and felt better but can't get ahold of my aunt and uncle to see how my son is doing. But I feel better about something than I was before.
I had a lot of songs come to mind which titles I know. But I was trying to find something different and got "pravka" but can't find a song and it wanted to change to "pravda" which, in Russian, means "truth".

I also got some link to animal farm with pravka:

There were only 6 options with pravka and I thought I was picking out the one with a walk in the park. Walk in the park? Ha! It's a marriage clip!

Here's one on a wheel turning. A hubcap or wheel part. I think he spit on it too.

I can't find anything with music. Here's one, set to a video with a wheat field. I've never heard so many trumpets sound so light and airy.

Then there was one clip with a street light that had 2 red lights instead of a red and yellow and green light. It was 2 reds and then turned green? is that how the lights are there?

I also found something for plavka and pravda so will look.

Jam and Spoon ft. Plavka: kaleidescope eyes. The woman sounds like Madonna. Closest thing I've ever heard to her voice.

Pravda-"Tu Es A L'Ouste": She looks like Crissy Hynde.

I found a different video and was looking up translations and it's something about You're on the West and I'm on the East. Then I found something about "the letter". Here are the lyrics, I think, but I don't understand them:

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Este blog

PRAVDA-TU ES À L'OUEST (Letra) Pravda-TU ES À L'OUEST (Letter)
martes, mayo 01, 2007 1:07 PM Publicado por A Silent Room Tuesday, May 1, 2007 1:07 PM Posted by A Silent Room
Pop Punk / Electro / Rock Pop Punk / Electro / Rock

Paris, France Paris, France

Discografía: AQUI Discography: HERE

-Album de debut (5/3/2007) 'A l'OUEST' "Debut album (03/05/2007) 'A l'Ouest'
Je suis sage, tu es volage Je suis sage, tu es Volage
je suis sexy, et toi t'es sexe je suis sexy et toi t'es sexe
je suis latex, toi tu es cuir je suis latex, cuir toi tu es
je suis complexe toi tu es pire je suis toi tu es pire complexe

je suis mutine, tu es blue jean Mutine je suis, tu es blue jean
je suis feminine, tu es misogyne feminine je suis, tu es misogyne
je suis conventionele, tu es bissexuel conventionele je suis, tu es bissexuel
je suis nicotine, tu es cocaine nicotine je suis, tu es cocaine

je suis à l' est je suis à l 'est
tu es à l' ouest tu es à l'ouest

je suis mentale, tu es metal mentale je suis, tu es metal
je suis legale, tu es marginal legale je suis, tu es marginal
je suis fatale, tu es infernal fatale je suis, tu es infernal
je suis sentimentale, tu es dictatorial sentimentale je suis, tu es dictatorial

je suis à l' est je suis à l 'est
tu es à l' ouest tu es à l'ouest

je te harcelle tu me flagelles je te tu me flagella harcelle
je suis austere tu es libertaire je suis tu es libertaire austere
je suis belle tu es cruel je suis belle tu es cruel
je suis mortelle tu es criminel je suis tu es criminel Mortelle

tu es cruel, je suis mortelle tu es cruel, je suis Mortelle
tu es criminel tu es criminel
tu es criminel tu es criminel

Tu es à l'ouest (live) MP3 Tu es à l'ouest (live) MP3
of all the pravda songs to select, I chose this one. Amen to that. I can identify with what is going on with the woman in the second video and how this has also happened to my son. What a way to put "truth" in it's proper upright position. How ironic I was given papers to terminate my parental rights by a man wearing a t-shirt with "truth" across it.

I had the worst "es couche" in french or "c'est couche" or 'il est'couch" to mind and I found "opinion publique" by edith piaf but it's not on youtube:
Anyway, this all has nothing to do with Harry. I am not getting any impressions, or trying to right now anyway.

I looked up info on boxes andI don't think I'll know. I am not sure if I got it right at all. But what I sort of saw was yesterday when I went to the bathroom, I asked for something and then I saw trees and then went down trees or treetrunks, to the base and then saw something like dirt and got this impression (no image) of a rectangular or squarish kind of metal box being buried and I saw bare hands. I thought maybe Di buried something when she was alive or maybe when she was a child and dug it up again, and then my final thought, later, was perhaps someone she knew buried something on that island or in a place close to her for some reason. And then I wondered if the Queen did this because sometimes things I think I'm getting for Di end up having more to do with the Queen! So I do not know but there is no point in trying to figure it out more.

I saw the metal box that they thoght Burrel took but that didn't strike me as being correct for the brief idea I had. The engraving was similiar and it seemed metal to me, but maybe without feet and about the size of a jewelry box and I didn't get the idea of a rose or porcelain piece in the middle.
I did notice that if I was getting "Canada" last night, it is probably because there are two huge vans from British Columbia with several people parked where I'm staying. Two of them just went out and they've been back and forth today so mabye this is why "Canada" came to my mind last night, if it wasn't about some Canadian guy staying in my room. They're big white work vans.
okay, here's stumbling into stupidity by opening myself up to being wrong, but I closed my eyes for 1 brief second and asked for something or anything about Di and I got "peaches" but I don't know what, and I think it sounds more like a Fergie thing than a Di thing.

I am still getting mean and sort of strange ads when I do searches for things but not as many so probably I am viewed as less of a threat than before.

I got peaches in the sense of fresh peaches and cream as something to eat, but then thought maybe it was a nickname for someone or maybe her. But my first impression was that she ate peaches and cream but I sort of wondered about this bc that is something I liked a lot as a child myself. But, it did come to my mind and I might be right because then I found something about "Windsor hot-house peaches" for a recipe.
Not having to do with Di, but about 4:10 p.m. I got something to do with a man splicing a wire and maybe something to do with sharpening knives at some point. Also got something about tying a lot of knots in rope. I think spliced something with a pocketknife. Then later, something about maybe sailing somewhere.

If I were to try to guess anything about Harry today, I would have no clue. I don't know how he played and haven't read news, about polo or baseball. If I try to guess...I think I will be wrong. I don't feel connected to that. But I suppose I would guess...I had the idea that he fell of his horse or almost did but I am probably thinking of that one publicized incident. I have never watched footage so I don't know how any of them would do anything.

I also don't feel that I am quite as "psychic" when I'm on this Valium stuff. I want to say something about pitching. Or throwing but I don't know. I don't see him with a bat as much as I see him with a mitt and a ball for some reason but I could be totally wrong about that.

I'll wait until later tonight to look up something and see if I might find out I'm right about anything at all.

I guess that's all for now. Have other things to work on. Maybe I picked up on something about one of the others or my son, or who knows. Something else entirely.
I got a sort of bad-sad feeling and then maybe 5-10 minutes later, an ambulance went by.

I have been praying about what I need to share or not share with regard to my son and my own private life. I don't know and I am trying to find out what God would want me to do,not anyone else, but God, and I honestly don't know.
Oh mY GOSH! Harry pitched!

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