Saturday, June 26, 2010

Harry & The Golden Saber & Images w/Woman Last Night

I don't know that it's golden. It just came to mind, as lyrical. Maybe it has a golden handle. I would think most sabers are silver but golden saber sounded more arthurial.

It was the first thing I thought of this morning when I woke up. I guess because I found out, after blogging about all these things last night, impressions of W. Point songs and then getting all these swords clips, I then read an article that was published AFTER I got those things, and read he'd received a sword of some kind from them.

So I thought that was coincidental.

I was too tired to try to find anything out about a metal box.
I was going back to my hotel room when I saw this woman outside and then she went to her room. "Cancer" came to my mind and I went to her door. First it was cancer and then I thought, specifically, lung cancer.

So knocked and then she opened the door and I said I had guessed that she was pretty intuitive and open to psychic things. She said yes she was. I asked if I could ask some questions.

Later she told me about psychic things that directly happened to her which her own duaghter knew about and witnessed. So she really is and I was right about that right at the start.

Then she said I could come in and we talked and I asked if anyone had had lung cancer and she said no. Then she said she'd had cancer in her stomach, a huge tumor and they'd cut it out and she'd had chemo 6 times.

And then! she later told me that she had an aunt who had died from lung cancer.

The second thing that came to my mind was a little boy who had drowned. I felt too nervous to just say this out right away so I said, and wondered if I'd been influenced by recent news, and so I asked first, "Was there an accident involving a child?" and she said not that she could think of and I said, "In the past maybe, a long time ago? involving water?" and she said "yes" and I said, "They died" or something and she said yes, there was a drowning. I said, "It was like a middle age child?" First I had said child or older baby and she said miscarriage but I knew that wasn't it because I got a source of natural water and drowning right away. But I didn't want to throw it out there and then just have her agree with me so I tested it slowly.

When I said middle aged child, I meant about middle school age and she said, "He was about 8-9 years old." She said it was her cousins, she thought, kid.

So I then said, that's what I got, and she said it was a pond and I got an outdoor body of water, and a child about that age and that it was in the past. I asked if there were 2 other children and she said yes. She said that the mother died later of a brain aneurysm and the father was unstable and so the uncle took the kids.

I said this was too bad bc if it was true, it would have been nice for the mother to hear about this, to know it came to mind and that God cared. I asked what color of hair he'd had and she said brown she thought and I sort of saw red highlights but I didn't say anything. Sometimes I'm not accurate about precise color. I thought, when I tried to think of color of hair, that it was sort of bright lighter red or a redhead boy but not brown hair. But she said she thought it was brown.

Then something about Canada came to mind and I asked her if she'd been there or knew someone from Canada and she said no, but that about 2 weeks ago, a man from Canada had come in on motorcycle and stayed one night in the room I was in and she visited with him for a little while. I said this didn't seem too significant, but for some reason Canada did come to mind.

Then I asked if she'd had a small dark dog and she said she had but it was poisoned. I asked if it was posison for rats or mice and she said she didn't know and I said I wondered because a dog came to mind and then some kind of mice or rats. So I didn't know why and wondered if it was poison set out for rats and she said the man said it had been set out for something but she didn't know what. Then I asked about any other dogs and she mentioned some and they weren't what I had in mind at all and I told her. She said something about a bulldog and I didn't get that at all. Then she said smoething about wolf type of dog and I and I said that was what came to mind, a wolf style of dog but mainly white but with the features of a wolf. She said she had one that was black with silver or had some white but I just saw almost pure white. Sort of like an alaskan husky or a wolf but more wolf size and white mainly. Longer hair not really short.

Then I asked about horses and she did NOT look like a horsewoman but she said he daughter had one and loved, loved, horses. I was suprised bc I doubted the horse thing because she didn't seem like the horse type but she said her daughter had always had one. I saw more of a palomino but she said it was more brownish.

The last thing was something about a a huge ball. Not a regular size bouncy ball like I imagined my son with, and which he had at one time, but a huge ball and I thought there was something like an umbrella somewhere next to it. She said she didn't know if they were together but her daughter carried an umbrella for rain and then I got this huge bouncy ball and I thought it was red and she said it was red first and then said it may have had a couple of other colors as well. I mainly saw a large solid one I thought but I wasn't sure. It was the size of a huge beach ball or one of those balls you can do aerobics on that has a handle on the top.

Then the last thing was I asked if she'd ever gone to a church that looked like a little house on the prairie building and she said no, and I asked if it was in the South and she said she was from Arkansas when it came to my mind before she even said Arkansas. So then she said she knew where a building was, like the one I described and she said it was in Waterville, out in the country. I said maybe I had seen it before and didn't know but I wasn't up there very much and I said I'd only been on the main road to the courthouse, downtown, and up a different road that went to the courthouse and she said no, I had probably not seen this one because it was further out in the country, like way out.

I didn't know where it was exactly and I thought it was a church but maybe it was like a schoolhouse combo and it was old white boards with a steep roof and railings and a stairs that went to a door and sort of just reminded me of an old-fashioned building from the 1900s like little house on the prairie.

The main things that came to mind, were cancer and a drowning. The rest of the stuff I guessed more at.. But I went to her door about the cancer and then I got an impression, not a flash, but impression of a smaller child that had drowned, in the past.

At first I thought maybe it was an almost drowning and not death but then I thought possibly death. And she said pond and I got the impression of a pond too, not a river or fast moving water and not a pool.

Oh, the other thing I saw was a stretcher and I said, "I know you've been on stretchers because you said you had cancer, but was there some other accident involving a stretcher?" and she said there had been a car accident and she wasn't taken away on one, but her husband was.

Then I had wondered if her husband was an alcoholic and she said no but she said her daughter's boyfriend was.
I wasn't sure if she was telling me everything right, just not positive, but the parts I thought were right somehow, for sure, were the cancer and then the drowning. Other things I did my best to guess at. She seemed honest but you never know for sure and I don't have a way of confirming some of the things.

She said her daughter thought she was psychic bc she always knew exactly where she was going without saying a word first. They just knew eachother's minds.

I told her I had known when my kitten had died before anyone told me it had died and I was about 9-11 and that was the first thing I remember guessing or knowing before I should have known. I had burst into tears and rushed into the room saying, "Did Mittens die? I know she's dead!" and was sobbing. I didn't need anyone to tell me somehow. I still remember it because I ran out of bed, after I was supposed to be in bed, and it was night and I went out of my room into the livingroom and then they said yes, she'd been hit by a car.

Other than that I heard my name called, when I was younger, even, a few times, and thought it was my mom or dad and was always yelling "What?!" and finding out supposedly no one was calling for me. Then that time passed and it's never happened again and then I didn't notice anything unusual until my first boyfriend said there was something "different" about me and he didn't know if it was ESP or what. But I didn't really know when I was doing it most of the time, and people didn't share with me and I kept it tucked away for a long time.
I think my father knew someone who had died in a drowning when he was young or there was almost an accident so later my Dad came to mind.
I sense something very sad after having written this. 9:18 a.m.
As for the cancer, I'm not sure which one I was picking up on. I knew it had something to do with her but I also had the idea of someone she knew or something with lung cancer and she later said that person had died. So it would be strange...I've picked up on a few times where it has something to do with people who have passed away but I don't see or hear "ghosts" at all. I never get anything that is literal, like a audible sound or actual sight in front of me like a vision or hallucination. It's more mind's eye.
Still feel a sadness. Maybe I'll do some music searches and let ideas come to me for a short time but I am worried about my son and want him to have a good day today.

Still feel the sadness and it's 9:40 a.m. almost.

I think I'll pray a little bit and then do what I need to do.

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