Friday, June 25, 2010

How To Solve Oil Leak--Underwater Superglue

I will throw it out there, my idea.

I have no clue if there is even such a remedy like this, and probably not, and probably not decent enough but my idea is some kind of glue.

Superglue came to mind as a joke to myself but then I was thinking, if there is an underwater glue, that would "cap" the leak without needing to be precise and having to depend upon perfection from robots. I just don't know that there is such a thing as underwater superglue which could be dumped over a site and harden within minutes at the same time, covering a large expanse. If there isn't, some scientist can now go out and make millions off of the idea. I think of good inventions, but always find out the ideas have been taken a few months earlier.

And I love BP too, and have good things to say about working for them--it was one of the better places and also the people who were hired there, in GENERAL, were good people to work with.

I realized, just tonight, that I am not special. Darn.

A lot of people have thought of superglue. I guess there is no such thing or it would have been done but I still think there must be. The problem is with the consistency of the oil, most likely. If you screw a cap on, it contains oil no problem and glue of any kind...who knows. I still think something could be done. Even dumping a huge load of some kind of glue wouldn't be any worse than all the oil.

I don't know how it would harden though. Maybe a temp. glue patch and then welding over it. I don't know.

I guess my idea of Botox for migraines was more unique than superglue. Everyone and their mother has thought of this.
Someone tell me how to get rid of babylon ads. I've had a lot of "Doomsday is Coming 2010" pop ups.

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