Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Hearing (Insurance Company Bad Word)

This is just getting exciting. I feel like I'm in the middle of John Grisham movie. "Insurance companies" was a dirty word and it hit the floor like bricks on ice, with legal minds running like crazy to get out of the way.

I couldn't believe it. I'm just trying to get my son back. I'm trying to be nice and logical too and a couple of times, there were good things passed my way--like, she said she didn't know if I would be able to parent or not. Then someone made her clarify and she changed it to "No, I don't believe she could."

But I don't have time right now, but I didn't even expect the unexpected. I really feel like I'm suddenly in the middle of "A Civil Action"...or this other book by John Grisham that's all about insurance companies, but I can't remember what it is.

Oh my dear, dear, God, I love you GOD!

I tried to get Continuance and I can't believe I was forced to go on. I do not want to be pro se and not ready and don't even have medication. Then it was made clear I would have to go to a civil case.

I found this toy helicopter from my bag that my son was trying to scratch me with at last visit, like he was in distress and it says "Photo Shots" or something like that. I just put it on the table to think of my son.

The AG made a couple of objections (so I think I'm doing okay then) and then the Judge said, when the psychologist dropped the "insurance company" bomb, it was instantly time for lunch. Judge said, "YOU picked her." I said, "No I didn't!"

But the thing is, SHE was actually doing a couple of things which HELPED me and my son so I felt she was really getting pressured somewhere. She came off as polite and nice but that's how she was at our meeting, and then behind my back mocking me about how I wanted to get a cup of coffee (so I didn't leave like I was going to and stayed and did the MMPI).

She talked about things missing from her records and chart and denies receiving a fax.

But SHE dropped the "Insurance company" bomb.


I was asking whether she got most of her money from private clients or the state, to find out main source of income (it's relevant). She ended up confessing she had worked for the state in private practice and then with this other group...I said, "So who do you get most of your money and clients from? The state or private?" and she said, "Insurance companies."

She didn't even know.

But I knew, and the Judge knew, and the AG knew.

Not only that, her organization is based in Portland, Oregon. 5 out of 6 offices. And she works for Insurance Companies...

Is anyone else making the same connections I'm making?

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