Tuesday, June 29, 2010

(thank you God) Computers Down & Refused Treatment

This is sort of weird.

I prayed, in the bathroom, when I was crying, that God would cause computers to malfunction and I found out they did.

I was being harassed or badgered by the Judge and AG and just made to feel I was losing my son and would need anti-depressants and they just gloated over how I didn't have any evidence to refer to because no one has helped me this entire time.

When the Judge made a comment about anti-depressants, to me, I got an impression of HIM currently on anti-depressants.

I got an impression about rats again, a lot more of them, when the psychologist was talking in the beginning. I didn't know if it was part of her lab rat training or what.

And then after being harassed I went to the bathroom and I prayed to God, and told Him they were not changing and had hard hearts and I started to cry and I prayed that their computers would malfunction so she couldn't take dictation, because they had refused me a Continuance.

I don't know if their computers malfunctioned, but after this guy at a medical clinic in Waterville was obstructive and not good to me, I guess the Waterville 911 system they ran, their computers went down. She said, "You'll have to write that down because our computers are down."
I said, "I'm not surprised" and she said, "What do you mean you're not surprised--you have some knowledge about this?"

I tried to call about Valium here and the guy told me to call 911. I said, "Why? isn't it just a couple blocks away? I don't want to call 911 unless it's necessary" and he told me he couldn't treat me unless I called 911. I said, "Can't you treat me if I just come in?" and he said okay he would and then I got there and he was acting really strange and so was the nurse. He started saying he couldn't treat me again. Just refusal of treatment and then said he called the guy who originally prescribed and that guy, Karl Lambert, told HIM to have me go BACK to Wenatchee to the ER, when I am in a totally different town.

I left the hearing because of anxiety and again asked them to continue things and I was forced to miss some testimony against me by persons I would want and need to cross-examine. Sue Just was quickly put on the stand and she lied so much about me, I know I neededt to be there.

This doctor seemed fine and then, oh my dear God, I turned around and caught his look and what he really thought about me and it was NOT good and I saw right through him. I do not think he is a good person. His name was Eldon L. Leinweber, PA-C.

I couldn't believe the look I caught on his face. So then I left and then called 911 like HE wanted me to, just to announce THIS doctor had asked me to do this and then refused treatment for a normal walk-in. He also runs the 911 center he told me, and it's his computers that went down.

Who I really wanted to call, was someone GOOD from the FBI or a different country and have them get their asses over here for investigation of public corruption. I cannot believe what has happened with this whole case and what's been going on.

They should be ASHAMED of themselves.

I prayed about the psychologist, that her heart would be softened, like Pharoahs, and others too and then she was actually saying a lot of things in my favor. But when I heard she was "missing" things from her case file, I wondered what the hell and then I find out about Oregon and Mt.Angel Abbey and Insurance connections. She kept bringing up Mt. Angel and I was the one bringing up things about doctors and I asked her why she kept bringing up other stuff. maybe because the Mt. Angel chief was BORN and RAISED in THIS TOWN? of Waterville?

Anne, for the AG, handed me a law book for law in WA, which no one gave me before, and she had a tag in it, which I opened to and it was for "Civil Law". I said, "Why do you have a tag for Civil law" (when she doesn't practice civil law and was just handing this to me).

They gloated over ER 290 or whatever it was, about admissable evidence, which this court has prevented me from entering from Day One.

It was like an "in-your-face" move by them, when I had used these books to sue the Abbey and Archdiocese and now I was being handed one, at the last minute, by Anne McIntosh, with a tag for civil law and the Judge said I was going to have to appeal before he'd even heard this hearing and he refused to continue as I asked, and then he implied I might go on anti-depressants, and they would work in a few weeks, just hinting the whole time that I wasn't getting my son.

He and Anne just laughed and smirked back and forth at each other the whole time, objecting to every single question I made, really out of order and harassing, and then making a point to let me know I did't have any evidence in my case to refer to, because they know they've blocked me from putting anything in.

I don't know why they have their jobs.

There was some guy handing off something to the doctor at the Waterville place, which was weird, and the computer wasn't working when I was making mention.

I left, in tears, with the continued harassment and how they've obstructed everything and told them I couldn't believe they called themselves "Catholics and Christians" and that they were corrupt. They already know this.

I don't think God will soften their hearts, even if computers go down.

Nothing God does, to try to smack them around and quit the charade, works. God has done a LOT of things in my favor, and they just mock God. They don't care and they DO NOT care about my son. They are self-interested and do not even know God.

If they change, it would be a miracle.

It would be a huge miracle. But they are like the self-righteous scribes and pharisees who know that what they're doing, and what they've done, is wrong, and yet they still think they are on the moral high horse.

When this woman said the computers for 911 were down I thought, if that asshole doctor is running them, maybe that's why, because he doesn't want documentation on HIM and what HE TOLD me to do. But then I thought, "Hmm. Maybe they really ARE down! and I didn't tell anybody anything, no one except God."

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