Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Harrassment by Officer L. White

It never ends.

I guess this was Douglas County police but I was walking out of the library after making my post, on the way to the bus stop, and this officer pulls over and yells out "Cameo!"

So I turned and it's this Officer and I am thinking "not again". She told me did I want a ride back to Wenatchee because she's on her way back and she acted friendly and nonchalant.

The horrible thing is, is she had an ulterior motive and changed her tune very quickly.

I asked if I was in trouble and she said no and so I tried to take her at face value, but no, it's not possible. I got into the car and she walked around the front, did her little 1-2 "cough-cough" and there was a Catholic medallion from the mirror. I didn't care about the Catholic medallion because I saw it hanging there before I got in the car. So I did not judge her by this or feel threatened about it but when she did her little cough and I saw the look of this guy as we went by, I knew something wasn't right.

What's horrible, is that I was right. She was deceitful.

Here I am, trying to be open-minded about even police approaching and trying to give others a fair chance, and it's the same thing.

It seemed fine until I said I thought I just wanted to take the bus. She had called in that she was giving me a ride and I think to myself, "Since when is getting a ride with an officer, in the back seat, a good thing?"

Um, I will tell you one thing. She's not Thuh Rainbouw Pounie.

So I said nicely I would just walk and she didn't want to stop at the bus stop where I asked her to stop. She wanted to drop me off at the Shell station. I said, there is no bus there and I was taking the bus.

So she takes me to the bus station and THEN I said thank you nicely and was just walking out and she says, "I got a few calls about you and we just wanted to make sure you got to the hospital." I had ASKED her if I was in trouble for something (bc I'd done nothing wrong) and she was saying no until I got out and then she said people had called her about my using a phone here or there (when I had to call to find out where the clinic was bc of panic attack from...harassment).

She started threatening me! It was like everything was fine if I took a ride and if I didn't, and got out on my own, she had to make a point of making some issue out of me and saying she was attending "calls" about me and THEN she even said to be on the next bus. So I walked back when she threatened me to get a better look at her badge. I saw that and "Master Pistol" next to it. I walked away and then she yelled at me that if I wasn't on the NEXT bus, she was taking me to jail.

To jail? for what? She'd already admitted that I hadn't done anything wrong and I hadn't.

Here's the other thing--if she was so into me getting on a bus, why was she going to drop me off at the Shell station, out of the way and a distance, where there WAS no bus stop?

So I went back to the library to document further harassment by police. She kept talking and yelling and threatening and I didn't say a word. I looked at her badge and left. Then, she threatened me with JAIL. ME.

For nothing.

So I wrote down the plate number of the car and the side number and said, "See ya"--a phrase I'm sure she's accustomed to. She was in car 70798C, side number 25. something tells me she knows someone I used to know.
Another person who was older and drove on really harassing was in 532 VYK.

I don't know what the guy in the red truck was doing at the doctor's office, B27803K. That's the one who stayed until I left and it was sort of weird, I don't know.
I met some people who were nice here but sort of tucked in here and there.
The other day I saw a lot of harassing people and I thought, "What is their problem?" and this one woman with crazy poofy gray hair drove by and this terrible look and I said, and thought to her, "You are going to LOVE me." And it lifted my mood to think these thoughts out to people who were so horrible.

It works. I forget to use it to advantage, but it really works. In the sense at least, that ones own spirits are up and it becomes sort of funny.


  1. Is the trial over? If so, how did the judge rule? Thinking positive on your behalf!

  2. She's a lesbian in case you didn't know. Maybe she was just trying to get in your pants like all the others and yet still doing nothing to help you get your son back.

    It happens time and time again in this community and nobody does anything about it.
