Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Waterville Historic Hotel and The Asshole That Owns It

It looks nice on the outside, just like a great roasted turkey, but then you can't see the inside until you put your hand in and get a closer look at the stuffing.

Dave Lundgren. I think that's who I met.

I am not a fan.

This weirdo was standing outside at the same place every time I went by to wait for the bus. The man knew who I was and was a total asshole, and HE'S the reason I got out of the cop car, when I saw HIM smirking at HER.

I went to the door, because yeah, it's a hotel, and then he comes around to the side. I was wondering why there have been no buses. So I was going to find out if this "wonderful hotel resort in Waterville" had some guide materials.

This fucker was just a fucker. Fick a fack a fucker, how many fuckers can you fick a fack a fuck? He started totally insulting me for no reason and got OFF on it and said he was going to call the cops, when I was on the fucking sidewalk.

I said, "You GO AHEAD and call the COPS. I haven't done AnYTHING WRONG."

When he came around I just asked him about the buses out here, like a normal person. He said, "I don't know. I don't have a WATCH."

This asshole was an asshole without an ass. Just a dark damned hole.

He made this HUGE deal about how smirk, smirk, he didn't have a watch when I was trying to be polite to him and he called me a "loser" and a bunch of shit. Unprovoked.

I asked him if he was the one who actually owned the place, or if he was the garden boy. I already knew he was the owner and he didn't like being called garden boy.

Strapping ugly all over-6 feet of his assless asshole. That's a hole like the size of the Great Canyon and I do not want to be on muddy ground if I'm next to that kind of National Historic inventory.

For an owner of a historic hotel, he had very little business. I told him to stick to dealing in grass. Ass.

He had this blue car parked there and a white car right next to it and some stupid machine he was hovering over ALL fucking DAY named the "snorkel machine" because I guess he's one of those who wants me to be 'swimming'. What a fucking fucker. A feckless fucking fucker.

He was a serious prick. Wait. Doesn't have one. He is just an asshole and that's just like a fucking Black Hole that we do not need in the Universe.

He had some newsletter in his box that starts out: "Wow! Waterville!" by Hollis Palmer in Seattle.

I am here to give the REAL review on Mr. Feckless Fucker. Feckless Fucker stands next to machinery all day trying to harass women who are trying to be polite, and waving off at police. Who IS this Feckless Fucker really?

Is he an escapee from the East or is he born and bred West dirt?


  1. HAHAH.....I just can't imagine that this poor fellow hurt you so much with little words. The woman who is supposedly stalked by multiple government agencies, has her belongings stolen daily and who reports to be followed by random citizens of the Wenatchee Valley has suddenly "hit the wall" because of comments made by a harmless man in Waterville! Wow, Cameo. Wow

  2. There is something wrong with you for to be such an obsessive commenter.

    The comedy in the situation is that it happens to everyone. Everyone, at some point in life, has a moment where they've just had it and it becomes a comedic event.

    I didn't take it seriously, or I wouldn't have written about it. There was definitely something wrong and disturbed for a grown man to do this, but instead of thinking, "I know you LOVE me." and laughing about it, I reacted, and on such a day, where I have a corrupt group of individuals trying to take my son, and where I am refused the civil right to public representation,

    Yes, I think it's funny, and a real "wow" moment I will be able to look back on and cherish for the simple fact that it's hilarious and that at least I had an exucse for reacting, whereas, what's NOT as amusing, is that this man, Dave Lundgren, had no excuse at all and only exposed himself to be a weak and abusive man.

    So yeah, if I didn't think it was hilarious, I wouldn't have written about it.

    As for you, did mysterious scratches ever appear on your face or are you finding strange bruising on your arms instead?

    It's a shame when one is so lacking in any kind of grace or dignity, that their own alter-ego beats the hell of the other half in the middle of the night.

    Maybe have someone take a look.

    Warts grow and spread too, so take care of your feet.

  3. You are a great writer! You may have issues that cause you to be off-kilter, but I love your voice.
