Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hearing Today

The hearing is scheduled for today. I got up the willpower to look at the first couple of pages and it's today.

I have to go in later to get medication first bc I tried last night and was intimidated by "Ally" and Dr. Marion being there. Ally even came out of the ER room when it was unncessary.

Then I find out, SHE is most likely THE Alison I was reporting to the Nurses' Board, for really going out of her way to smear me to the other nurses. If true, later, she was lying and not giving me medication properly even though Dr. Eichler did his job and wrote a practical and objective report.

I also remembered, just today, as I flipped over a page from a phonebook, one of Jeanne Wellbaums' "conflicts of interest".

Not only was she possibly romantically connected to someone I knew, the main thing was that she had just quit working for the law firm that represents the doctors I was going to sue. So she was getting discovery on my medical records for people she was still tied to, AND there is a "Joe Wellbaum" who is either a father or husband, and a Dentist at the same place that diagnosed my son with enamel dysplasia, and those records have been ALTERED and some of them are missing.

I could line up a whole list of the conflicts of interest of people who were my public defenders.

I am trying again to go in for Valium prior to the hearing bc I can't even go there without it.

I am filing for Continuance.

I read only the first page of some memorandum by the Dept., delivered to me last minute, today, when they had written it last week. I have never received documents from them in a timely manner, allowing me time to respond to any of it.

It says "...she fled to Canada to avoid Dept. intervention."

I saw that and tried not to laugh.

If I had been "fleeing CPS" or "intervention", I would not have first called CPS in OLYMPIA to ask if it was okay and legal for a mother to leave the state or country if there were a series of unfounded complaints which were so constant as to be harassment. I was told, as long as they was no protective order, a mother had the right to take her child wherever she wanted.

I "fled" after my son and I were terrorized, refused normal medical care, assaulted by gangs or corporates working for medical physicians, and after 5 complaints had been made by medical persons and then were thrown out for being absolutely baseless.

I went to the police to try to have some people held accountable for making false reports, because there is a statute which makes it against the law, and the police refused to do anything.

Maybe that's because some of the "Dept." workers were too tied in with Police, along with medical professionals. I know that I was being constantly harassed by police at that time too, and told to "move."

I was "fleeing department intervention?" Really. They had said they were coming to pay a house visit.

This is after FIVE complaints that were unfounded and we were being harassed. I was FLEEING to CANADA because I was concerned I might have to offer TEA and COOKIEs to state workers, and entertain at my home. The idea was so ghastly, of having a couple of workers come to my house, and it was SUCH a THREAT of "intervention" that I panicked and ran off to Canada where I immediately sought to get medical care for my son.

Medical care was a priority, because I was fleeing to get away from unwelcome housecalls.

There was no "threat" of intervention because there was NO LEGAL CAUSE TO INTERVENE. Nothing had risen to any kind of level of being a threat.

But how strange.

First CPS tells me to leave the state, and go to Utah, and offers me that one-way bus ticket, and all the police are harassing me and telling me to leave, and then when I DO, they put out a whole United States swat team on my ass, to make it look like I was running from something really big.

That was after I had been mercilessly harassed, without any basis, on 5 previous occasions.

You know what? When I went to Wenatchee police and they refused to hold people accountable for making false reports against me, and when people were covering up medical damages done to me and my son...When I called Olympia to be sure I wasn't doing anything wrong or illegal, it was not to flee from "intervention"--it was fleeing from fucking


But I have the right to representation today and I wonder if I even have the right to Change of Venue for a termination trial, if it's separate from Dependency.

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