Monday, June 28, 2010


Well, I was thinking about a couple of things. One was that maybe my comment about how I smell like a Russian woman was misconstrued. It was an insider comment, because I met this woman who was Russian and from Moscow and she had almost the same kind of B.O that I did and I have never noted such a thing. It wasn't bad at all, it was just familiar, so it was strange to me, and then I was wearing this shirt and it was hot all day and I thought, "This reminds me of..." and I thought about her.

So it wasn't like an offensive thing like if I had B.O. that was a Russian thing.

The other thing, is that it's strange to hear about this latest news. About the agents.

It made me think about invasion and rats in new terms, if someone sent something to me or it was symbolic of something one way or the other. I don't know. But anyway, I think the rat thing was very literal, because I literally saw a rat trying to push it's nose against a box or wall or something.

Then I thought, if people are good senders and receivers, they could communicate by sending cryptic things like a film clip of an invasion and then sending "invasion" and then rat, literally, for "rat". Started thinking about how mind stuff could work potentially, if it's not random. I hope the defs get a fair trial. I am still looking for peace and equity for my son.

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