Monday, June 28, 2010

Sad Discovery

Sad discovery tonight. Tried with Valium and made the...gasp...horrific discovery that the same "Ally" that showed up, snapping her pen, who was the one giving me only a third of what I was supposed to have been given for Vicodin for migraine....well, the doc wasn't bad, I had discovered, it was HER< and I blogged about my weird vibe and then, oh no, I think I made a discovery. Her last name is Moore? I said....IF so, this is ringing a bell. She may be the Allison Moore that was causing problems for me in the distant past and isn't there an Officer Moore? I don't know. Need more info. Sad though. I had to turn around and walk out when I found out she was coming out eagerly, and then Matthew Marion was there (the doc who saw how my laptop was tampered with and then belittled me in records as if I were nuts).

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