Monday, June 28, 2010

My Medication Thrown Out & Confusion Over Dates

I think I maybe got set up again. By state workers, but I don't know for sure.

I left the room and went back to get my pills and they weren't there. I only had a couple left but they were out on the counter and even though I had a "do not disturb" sign on the door, the manager said they thought I was leaving today but I wasn't and left my things to stay at least another night.

So I went back and everything was in my room but in a black bag and my advil was there but not my Valium pills, and I had a couple outside of the bottle on the counter.

So this happened today and then I was also upset about the theft of my son's necklace, which he reported to me, and his dead tooth, which is new and how terrible he looked, and how sad when he left, like someone told him he's not going to see me and he looked worried.

So I called police and about the harassment in the offices, and then what is strange is that the visitation monitor saw me writing my name and date on books I gave my son and I wrote it down June 27, 2010.

I thought today was the 27th and wasn't thinking because of distress from hearing about his necklace and seeing his tooth. I wrote "To Oliver, Love Mama" and the date on some, not all of the books, which the monitor saw.

So then, after they were in the offices, then this guy Tony comes out and says this is discovery for the hearing "Tomorrow" and that my visit for Wednesday was terminated. So he was sitting there saying the hearing was tomorrow, and I thought, "Oh yeah, because that's the 28th" and then I find out later, today is not the 27th, TODAY is the 28th.

So I just realized it was the 28th today, right now as I was asking the manager of the hotel for a paper he would sign to confirm housekeeping was done (to explain what happened to my Valium). And I was writing the date, and thought, to be sure, I would ask because in my room I was thinking, "I don't remember this 'trial' starting on a Tuesday."

So I don't know, because I haven't loooked at papers because of my trauma issues over this whole thing, but I don't know if maybe the hearing was TODAY?

I don't know. If it started after my visit, today, I didn't know. And yet then it would be bad because if it DID start on the 28th, then Tony would have seen that I thought it was the 27th and tried to mislead me by saying it was tomorrow, the 28th.

So I'm not sure. If he DID this, he did it with the cooperation of the visitation monitor Anne because he wouldn't think I was behind a day unless he looked at the date I wrote in the books. I entered it into "The Little Engine That Could" book.

If I'm mistaken, and it all starts on the 29th, then I just remember wrong, but I thought it started the 28th and that would have been today. I don't know.

I am mixed up on dates because my computer was mixed up and I had that disaster happen, and that's how I get my dates and times. In addition to this, I had to see what my son was going through, and then also had my Valium cleaned out. Oh, and I was reporting a crime when this Tony tried to call the police on ME, which was obviously upsetting. And all of that is documented. I also left a message with the FBI and called them today, because of my son's tooth and knowing he is not okay and that they need to investigate public corruption and collusion because I'm being refused every basic right and my son suffers because of it.

So I realized this and guess I have grounds to explain things if this is the case.

However, now I have no Valium and I am nervous about even going to any of the hospitals because I have to go to ER and the doctors lately have been very mean, rude, and flat out abusive.

I gave my laptop to the computer man and I usually have that with me to document things if anything goes wrong. And I don't have it right now so I'm nervous about going to ER but I have to have something for today (tonight) and tomorrow and then I'll have to refill the prescription. I made them stretch out and last a long time, but I wasn't out. I had been using them sparingly. So I only had like 2 left or a little less because a small piece was chewed off on one, because I take them in 1/4 or 1/2 or whatever.

But I don't even know which hospital to go to for this. They're mean wherever I go.

I called Wenatchee Valley first and talked to the nurse Chelsea and told her what had happened and she said I could go down there but she didn't know what the doctor would say. And I wanted to know what doctors were on bc I might have an idea of the level of severity or abuse I might encounter, but she said she couldn't say.

I guess I am writing this down NOW, before I try to go anywhere, because I won't be able to back myself up and document once I'm there. I need like 2 Valium, one for today and some tomorrow and I could parce it out, but I do need this. The thing is, it shouldn't be difficult, but I am worried about it, so I am writing this out first, for my own protection and to demonstrate what happened and what kind of access I'm trying to get for assistance with this.

Anyway, I think my distress today was well documented. I called Rivercom, 911, and then the FBI.

I need to just get a decent doctor tonight or someone to have a head's up to have them be decent to me.


  1. We just saw your son and he had the necklace on so it doesn't look like it was stolen. He also looked very happy and seemed to have a good time.

  2. Thank you for letting me know. He was upset not to have it today and said someone took it from him and I believe my son. So I called police and whoever gave it back to him, to wear and treasure, did the right thing.
