Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas' Retirement & Best Wishes

I can't believe she's retiring. She's the one my friend and I met when we first visited Washington D.C. and were allowed to be photographed standing behind the White House presidential podium.

I think I'd forgotten her name but we were told she was the honorary press person and she was sitting there when we got our tour. We were lucky because it was before the 9-11 restrictions but we also were able to get a more private tour or whatever, because of some people who knew some of my family I guess. It's a small town there.

I still remember Helen. She didn't want to be photographed and wasn't in the best mood or just distracted but we saw her at least. At least, that's what I remember unless maybe it was that she was around the corner and peeked out and thought, "Oh, HER..." Just kidding. She saw us and smiled but was in the middle of something, like writing or something. I remember manually she was doing something but sort of around the corner I guess. She was the closest thing we got to presidential royalty and she was sort of treated with as much respect as any President. What's strange is that I almost think I remember what she was wearing but I don't want to guess now. I don't know that I had any enemies then. I was only 21. It was fun though. Both me and my friend Monica got these cool photos behind that podium and we kept laughing.

That would have been funny. A run with me as Prez and Monica as Vice. haaaaa.

I just remember Helen clearly because there was so much awe and respect over her. She was the only press person who had her own "chair" and whose questions were taken first, out of respect for her seniority. The article said she's 89 now.

Those are other photos that I believe are missing now, or I haven't seen in awhile. I think I still have them. I think so. I still remember our expressions because we were laughing. Mainly with both of us but I think one was just of me behind the podium, and laughing.

It was a great trip.

I didn't realize her comments would be slammed so badly. I had always thought she was Jewish besides, and was just voicing her opinion, when I read the news tonight.

My best wishes to Helen and happy, deserved, retirement.

I can't remember everything we got to see when we got our tour but for some reason, I remember Helen and I remember the kitchen and back kitchens where most were never allowed to see.

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