Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Overheating and Technology & Michaochan

I turned my laptop over and it was extremely hot and this was after I had been dealing with the overheating thing. Then I pulled out the battery and left it and then within 30 minutes, later, I started to have that current running through affecting my muscles and my housemate knew about it because he kept trying to see.

I would caution anyone who continues this, against either me or my son.

I got some decent plates today. I also ascertained it is not just coming from some white people but I kept seeing signs and stuff about Michoachan, which made me wonder what that has to do with anything unless one group from there, protects another group here.

I've known tons of people from Michoachan because that's where most of the Mexicans are from that are here. I am starting to wonder if things from one area are moving over to another area though, even though a lot of those I see actually using the technology are white. I just wondered today only because so many people came by with this on their shirts or bumper stickers or whatever and yet I've never thought a location would be a factor because I always imagine most I've been friendly with. But I noticed this thing happen at a clinic I tried to go to today--something that was happening before problems against my son. I noticed that when I used to go to this one clinic, after bringing up problems with Dr. Malcolm Butler, all of a sudden, I was followed whenever I went to this clinic. It wasn't just him I guess but I wondered if someone felt territorial about this clinic or someone there, whether it was Butler or not. I also know there have been people around my son of different races and religions and backgrounds, but I question why there is such a stronghold in this area and who it is, exactly, that attempts to control things and would condone or encourage harm against mothers and children. I have also seen some military involvement in the middle of all of it, like military mixes with other stuff here and then people who have more money or are higher up are getting protection from these groups. It may have been there was someone who was really on my side and fighting for me and my son and then something happened to that person. I don't mean my Ex, although when we separated, some people seemed to think I and my son were fair game once again.

I did get some odd veiled mockery today, over my Uncle, who is hispanic. His name is Tom and I got something from a librarian who talked to me in a calm sweet way but when I asked for the book "Thomas the Train" he said, "Do you mean Thomas the TANK?"

There are other things I could continue to write if this does not stop.

I just told my housemate I want this to stop now. I do not want to hear about it happening with my son or with me.

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